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which browser is best?

Discussion in 'Computers & Modding' started by msg2009, Mar 6, 2010.


which browser do you think is best?

  1. internet explorer

    0 vote(s)
  2. opera

    0 vote(s)
  3. mozilla firefox

    1 vote(s)
  4. other

    0 vote(s)
  5. google chrome

    0 vote(s)
  1. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    ive been using firefox since yesterday, went with it because it has more votes than chrome and its similar to what im used to.
    the foxtab add on is pretty good, well, it looks good anyway.
  2. yoshi2889

    yoshi2889 Well-Known Member

    I use a free host, so what?

    I use WebsEdit, with that you can edit your HTML pages in HTML code.
  3. nex26

    nex26 Well-Known Member

    I use Chrome because it's the most accessible, Firefox runs like a fat man chasing a bus whilst trying not to spill any cola, IE is just meh...
  4. Paddette

    Paddette Well-Known Member

    I agree. It's too bulky.. I'm very minimalist in terms of personality, so chrome suits my needs perfectly. Plus pressing CTR+B increases how minimal chrome is.
  5. sevin0seven

    sevin0seven New Member

    i vote for firefox
  6. deanalexander

    deanalexander Well-Known Member

    You should voice your own opinion.
    If you want HTML kid, go back to MySpace
  7. yoshi2889

    yoshi2889 Well-Known Member

  8. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    i did, right at the beginning
  9. yoshi2889

    yoshi2889 Well-Known Member

    Oh, and I didn't choose an template. It can be that it is listed, but I didn't choose one.
  10. slingshot182

    slingshot182 Well-Known Member

    I like Opera because its look and the fact that it has all your Bookmarks,History,Downloads and other things organized in a nice, hide able sidebar.
  11. matty999555

    matty999555 Well-Known Member

    If you have cPanel or Vista Panel and not Webs you can use parked domains.

    For example: instead of http://yoursite.host.com/ you can have http://www.yoursite.com

    Just search: free cpanel, no ads into to google and choose one. I use profusehost although I registered earlier and managed to get 10x the bandwidth and space.

    Then if you can't pay for a domain go to http://freedns.afraid.org/ and you can get one for free.
  12. fatmike1993

    fatmike1993 New Member

    firefox has all of these things
  13. hmfan

    hmfan Well-Known Member

    Quite frankly browser wars are unnecessary. everyone has their opinions. I never liked closed source browsers. though Firefox isn't exactly 100% free software. Iceweasel is the code for code copy that is Gnu. Basically the underbelly is perfectly clean it's the branding that makes it not free(dom) software

    but back on topic... the browser choices for me require it to block any advertisement I deem annoying. the key word there being I, as I tend to make my own block list. so Firefox/iceweasel is the only way I will go... IE doesn't matter since I don't use windows. Opera I like organization and not to have to pay to get blocked ads. (not sure if that still applies) and Chrome... it's just using the rendering engine that Konqueror/safari uses (that's right Safari is half Open source/free software) and since I have Midori (a gtk browser that uses that Render engine) I can set up the same kind of adblocking stuff. SO for me Firefox and Midori.
  14. BloodVayne

    BloodVayne Well-Known Member

    Firefox mainly, with Google Chrome as the alternative.
    AdBlock Plus + Flashblock + DownThemAll + Lastpass are "killer extensions" for me, so I will stick with Firefox in the near future.
    Google Chrome = Fast + Incognito Mode. Nuff said.
  15. snebbers

    snebbers Well-Known Member

    I'm quite fond of Firefox even though I bad mouthed it before.
  16. johnx

    johnx Well-Known Member

    Firefox is the best.
  17. yoshi2889

    yoshi2889 Well-Known Member

    Maybe others are better ::)
    You haven't tried them all ::)
  18. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    i have.
    i prefer firefox now, been using it a while
  19. yoshi2889

    yoshi2889 Well-Known Member

    You NEVER tried ALL browsers on earth.

    Avant Browser,
  20. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    You don't need to try them all, there's only about 6-7 rendering engines and all browsers use one of them. Therefore you only need to try the different rendering engines:

    Trident: IE
    Geko: Mozilla/Netscape
    webkit: Safari

    are the main ones, virtually all browsers use one of these rendering engines.