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Whats the meaning of life?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by stirgo1212, Dec 1, 2009.

  1. Kevinmoto

    Kevinmoto Active Member

    I think the meaning of life is pie ! Yummie yummie for my tummie !
  2. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    i don't hope anything, and i don't worry if there will be hell or not, there are many religions and many older then yours with many different explanations of afterlife there is no more evidence that i'd go to hell then be reincarnated as a dog.
    my idea of hell would be to live for eternity, when i die i want nothing. i want my brain functions to stop and just die, i don't want to haunt the earth or go shoot hoops with the G-man.

    so if god wanted to punish me he can stick me in heaven, if he wants to be nice he can let my body do what it is supposed to do.
  3. Jiminy Crickets

    Jiminy Crickets Well-Known Member

    To each his own. :D
  4. redoperator

    redoperator Well-Known Member

    I see flaws in your argument so kindly shut up.

    #1) evolution takes millions to billions of years
    #2) evolution takes millions to billions of years
    #3) evolution takes millions to billions of years
    #4) the universe started by the CHAOS THEORY (no matter how you look at it this IS the start... If you're logically minded)
    #5) we are like this because we yearn for the future and the advancement of HUMAN CIVILIZATION
    #6) families are made to spread our genetic code (survival of the fittest), marriage is just a part of it (nutrure the young)
    #7) YOU might lose it, but other won't (the greater good)
    #8) the point is it's for the advancement of ALL living things (again... the greater good)
    #9) I am not ignorant, I have a different understanding, I believe in what is logical... it doesn't make me ignorant for I still yearn to find the meaning of everything, you answer it by faith, I answer it by equations and probability quotients.

    good for you, as I said everybody has their theory and they are only ignorant if they constantly say that other theories are wrong... God existing is only a theory so that puts you at the same level as we are...

    ... until a true theory can be proven, we are at the same base as the rest of them... I have nothing against you, whatever floats your boat until this blows over..

    salt is salt and sugar is sugar... some dishes call for salt, other call for sugar, some for both... its all about personal preference and what goes best with what. they are all a context... nothing more.
  5. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    can you not throw the word theory around so much like that, there is a difference to some one just having an idea and scientific theory.

    never compare scientific theory to that of your own or religion they are not the same and have a very different meaning.

    for instance when scientists say "the theory of" it means it's a paper that is backed up by huge amounts of evidence and been through rigorous peer review and is the undeniable current understanding of man until a better one comes along. when you, me or religion says they have a theory it is nothing more then an unsubstantiated claim.

    also as i have said i am always fair and argue any foolish statements, humans no longer breed on the idea of survival of the fittest.
    children are born now from disabled, mentally ill, deformed, ugly, fat, stupid, weak people. that is not survival of the fittest.

    also chaos theory has nothing to do with how the universe started, possibly some explanation for the formation but nothing to do with the start it's self.

    also evolution can happen in a much smaller time frame.

    you could be deemed to be quite ignorant you just made a few statements said as fact that are either flat wrong or need major revision and try not to say things like shut up, lets try to keep this a calm debate or you just end up looking like an angry atheist devil to them.
  6. nex26

    nex26 Well-Known Member

    LIAR... the Earth is Flat.
  7. Loiny

    Loiny New Member

    best. ily.
  8. someirishkid

    someirishkid Well-Known Member

    I hope it's not like my art :p
    My art is kinda.... bad.
  9. GoldenTalesGeek

    GoldenTalesGeek Well-Known Member

    The meaning of life is 42. 'Nuff said. ;D
  10. iwantndsroms

    iwantndsroms Well-Known Member

    Thats exactly what i would say too your right,its a predominant factor of every living organism tries to reproduce as much as it can and survive,they say that if humans didnt rule the world ants would.all animals and plants will try and supersede the other type or race and its only natural selection that determines whether or not they do.so we are all fighting to rule the world as a being its just unfortunate that the human race has done as well as it has and subsequently made it a worse place to live. nature alone will determine the future for the human race and nothing else no god will play a part in it ,but rest assured providing we dont destroy the planet totally a new animal or plant will take our place one day.
  11. jonkswa

    jonkswa Well-Known Member

    i got this :O

    :O igod knows all.. http://www.titane.ca/concordia/dfar251/igod/main.html
    (meant to have humor so don't take it seriously!)
  12. MindFever

    MindFever Well-Known Member

    What is the meaning of life? Not dying... temporarly
  13. Anne789

    Anne789 Well-Known Member

    No idea, nothing? Keep the species from extinction I think

    According to Monty Python's the meaning of life: "Try and be nice to people, avoid eating fat, read a good book every now and then, get some walking in and try and live together in peace and harmony with people of all creeds and nations. "
  14. MindFever

    MindFever Well-Known Member

    Well that doesnt sound like the answer to the meaning of life ...but more like a rule how to live your life with meaning ;) Cool,huh?
  15. Anne789

    Anne789 Well-Known Member


    I think it just comes down to that there is no meaning of life. Or that it's just hugely overrated
  16. phscarface

    phscarface Well-Known Member

    The meanin' of life is to live, y'know? Easy days, hard days, the difficulties, and all the friends and enemies.
    To be clear: Everythin', even death.
  17. sinharvest24

    sinharvest24 Guest

    have any of you actually put thought as to what happens when you die?
    do you really think that your existence is worth anything?
    i actually was soo deep in these thoughts that i actually had no fear of death and didn't even want to live...well i still am...the only thing that keeps me going is GAMES!!!!!
  18. quickcaster

    quickcaster Well-Known Member

    Its POKEMON!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. phscarface

    phscarface Well-Known Member

    It's more than that kid, believe me...
  20. someirishkid

    someirishkid Well-Known Member

    I would convert to that religion.