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Whats the meaning of life?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by stirgo1212, Dec 1, 2009.

  1. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    I love you.
  2. Apollooo

    Apollooo Well-Known Member

    what is heyzus thing?
  3. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    Jesus is a very common name in Spanish countries and that is the way you pronounce it.
  4. justlois

    justlois Well-Known Member

    isnt that a monty python film???
  5. sgtsakana

    sgtsakana New Member

    Simple, To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of their women.
  6. Sidmarill

    Sidmarill Well-Known Member

    The meaning of life...Is a number?

    ...Only a guess, but because of the sun coming towards earth, maybe 42 Decades or Centuries (From a certain year, I still have to figure out)
    Until the world ends?
    ...Just guessing...
  7. ready4failure

    ready4failure Member

    well if we're playing that game, the sun is supposed to go red giant in about 4.5 billion years give or take. Then there are all the random possible occurrances like gamma ray bursts and such (I watch the universe WAAAAAYYY too much XD)

    Life= you're born, you contribute to society..... or not, then you die.... and maybe play a few video games or something.

    or you could ask my friend who would say the meaning of life is exploding penguins...

    ...... lets stick with something more logical...
  8. Paddette

    Paddette Well-Known Member

    Life, is without meaning, but not without meaning. That is to say, there is no general purpose, but the purpose itself is a representation of you alone, and those that influence you to be who and what you eventually become.

    For instance, the sole meaning of life, to a world class athlete, is to be the best in the world, and everything up to that point, was the ambition to get as far as they can.

    Now if you take that very same idea, and spin it to -- for instance -- myself. I would say the meaning of my life, is to be able to see the world, then secure a job and live a relatively normal life. I personally don't believe everyone shares a single sole purpose for existing, we each strive to make life mean something for ourselves, and if we accomplish our own life goals, we then find and accomplish the meaning of our own existence.

    I also see a debate on faith, or perhaps lack thereof, like me, being anti-theist, but faith, in my eyes, isn't solely in a god/deity, but in people around you, and those people (or animals, I suppose?) that directly affect how and what you do, as you ride in the roller coaster of life. I personally have faith in my friends, and in my family, and sometimes in myself, but I don't wish to put all my eggs into one basket, on something that is still as much as a theory as any concept of reason or meaning.

    Anyway, I babble, so I digress. TL;DR: We're here to find out own meaning, and that in itself is, perhaps, the meaning of life, to find the meaning of our own life.

    That's my thoughts on it, anyway.
  9. zekezan88

    zekezan88 Active Member

    Life means to mate make babies then die.
  10. MrMe128

    MrMe128 Member

    Life is an uncureable disease which will kill you in the end. The meaning is to love, and be loved in return.
  11. sickgenocide

    sickgenocide Active Member

    my belief: we came from god. we were his spirit children. in order for us to grow, he sent us to earth. now we are here on earth learning everyday. god gave us the agency to chose. so we are free to chose his side, the way of life, or not his side (death and sorrow). if we try our best to keep gods commandments, he blesses us, spiritually, and sometimes temporally. if we stray from him or do something bad, we have a chance to come clean again by repenting. one day we will live as a big happy family! :D
  12. Jiminy Crickets

    Jiminy Crickets Well-Known Member

    Ahh yes, thank you. I agree with you brother. God speed. :D
  13. sickgenocide

    sickgenocide Active Member

    you to bro!
  14. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    ok you just said it and you didn't even notice it. if you really believe that if he did create us he gave you choice your a mug.
    how is it free choice if your punished if you don't do exactly what he says.


    sounds like free will to me !YAY!

    gods nothing more then a wife beater and your his punk ass wife!

    your a victim bro!

    oh and bad shit has happened to me when i've been good and good when i've been bad, bad has come form good and good from bad, bad shit happens to good people and bad shit happens to innocent believers. it's not god it's probability.

    and bedside the point and to detract from your preaching and back on to the topic the meaning of life is most definitely not following the 10 commandments.
  15. Jiminy Crickets

    Jiminy Crickets Well-Known Member

    Dude, he wasn't preaching, he was just stating what he thought the meaning of life was.

    Why is it when people mention the word God, people fly off the handle?

    Why can't you just let him state his opinion without tripping out on him?

    What's your problem?

    If you have something against Christians, keep it to yourself.

    And if we Christians have something against atheists like you, we will keep it to our selves.

    We should all respect what others think the meaning of life is and not flame people for there belief on what ever that may be.
  16. Reider

    Reider Modereider

    equitypetey, they were just stating what they believed the meaning to life was.

    Some people like to believe that sort of thing and while I don't like that train of thought myself, I see no reason to condemn them for their own thoughts. Respecting the views of others is just as important as standing firm with your views. :)
  17. Jiminy Crickets

    Jiminy Crickets Well-Known Member

    Thank you Reider. :D
  18. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    Lolwut. What a hippie.
    K. Here we go, religon + humanity = disease.
    It's clearly obvious these current religions are full of error, stories and 'hope'.
    It's clearly not legit. What you need to see, is that the idea of a god is a good idea of trying to find a scapegoat explanation for everything. Or people 'need' to feel love. But religions such as christianity is just full of fallacy. There are ways, if people had funding to basically rip apart any 'credability' Christianity might have.

  19. sickgenocide

    sickgenocide Active Member

    Its funny how much ranting goes on about what others believe in. I believe what I do, and your preaching against it wont change a thing. The truth is... Im happy, and you're miserable, and complainy. The more I hear rants like these, the more I want to stay the way I am, cuz I dont want to be sad, angry, miserable, and without hope like you are.
  20. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    hey you guys like to take stuff the wrong way i was merely stating how its not free will if your told what to do and who to love or be punished. and even if i wanted to believe i don't like how that sounds and still can't get over how people don't see the barbaric horror in this train of thought.
    and that i'm not punished for not loving god so how does it work?

    and not to upset this dude's idea of an "atheist devil" (which i have said many times that i'm not) but i don't believe in your god and i'm happy and i am most certainly not sad, angry or miserable nor am i without hope, i hope for many things like the welfare of the common man, i hope we can share an understanding of love and charity, to be able to give ourselves to one another.
    you can take your commandments but if you actually figure out the teaching of your savior you might learn to be a more understanding man.

    it must pain you to be nice, but i being a bigger more enlightened man. i will hold out my hand and say why not we stop fighting about the meaning to life and live it, love it and embrace it. how ever you want to live it, whether you live it in fear of the end or concern of the now just live it.