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Whats the meaning of life?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by stirgo1212, Dec 1, 2009.

  1. Jiminy Crickets

    Jiminy Crickets Well-Known Member

    I feel sorry for you.
  2. 1prinnydood

    1prinnydood Guest

    I doubt you could be more sanctimonious and arrogant if you tried with those words. Can we get back to the discussion?
  3. Jiminy Crickets

    Jiminy Crickets Well-Known Member

    I feel sorry for him because he has no hope in life and just believes that he is an organism no different than any other. That to me is sad because with that beliefe there is no hope and that to me is sad therefore I feel sorrow for him. In no way did I mean that I was holier than though because of my spiritual beliefs.
    Post Merge: [time]1260302548[/time]
    He asked a theological question so why can we not give theological answers?

    Furthermore, why can you go preaching your truth which is atheism like a mad dog but I can't preach mine. Praying is a nice thing and a nice gesture so why do you hate the idea of me doing that?
    They can close this thread for all I care because the only one flaming around here is you and 1prinnydoode.
  4. Littlekill

    Littlekill Well-Known Member

    The meaning of life is the eternal quest for the unreachable dollar to create your imaginary happiness with your drone life and perfect material life to fulfill the needs of a materialistic perfect family. 2012 bitches the end is near REPENT! I am your God! Bow before me and ye shall be saved.
  5. Jiminy Crickets

    Jiminy Crickets Well-Known Member

    You better watch out, that is a religious belief. lol :D
  6. 1prinnydood

    1prinnydood Guest

    No. he asked a philosophical question

    I will let the mods be my judge as always, and this ain't your thread to close.
  7. Jiminy Crickets

    Jiminy Crickets Well-Known Member

    What ever dude, if the thought of my God makes you so angry then that is something you need to deal with. You can go on believing in your bronze age death cult stuff and that don't make me angry one bit.
  8. sinharvest24

    sinharvest24 Guest

    no one is getting angry at your god, we're angry at you for telling us that your sorry for us and you'll pray for us and shit. Don't tell us we're wrong and don't tell people that your way is the right way, just keep it to yourself no one cares about what you believe.
  9. Jiminy Crickets

    Jiminy Crickets Well-Known Member

    OK, I shake the dust off of my feet then. Wasn't trying to cram it down anyone's thought. I guess I may have been a little too extreme. Sorry for that.
  10. 1prinnydood

    1prinnydood Guest

    Firstly that's not "your" God. Secondly I am not angry at God but at the inability of some people with faith to understand the difference between sharing a belief and preaching that said belief to others. As far as the bronze-age death cult goes, your belief system began in the middle eastern Bronze-age, your religion teaches that spiritual completion can only occour after death and that the death of your man-God lead the way to humanities salvation. Death is central to Christianity unlike any other religion. Christianity was of course a cult in the eyes of the established religions of the time, and displays many cult-like behaviours to this day. In no way do I wish to take your belief from you, but please do not think you are beyond critique when you choose to preach.

    Back on topic. I think the process of searching for the meaning of life may well form the basis for the meaning of life in itself. Perhaps the meaning of life is to search out meaning, that the process of looking and thinking gives great meaning to life. Perhaps "meaning" is not about finding an eventual answer to the question but to experience and enjoy the journey of the quest for "meaning".
  11. Jiminy Crickets

    Jiminy Crickets Well-Known Member

    I respect your opinion and sorry for being over the top. Some day we will all know, I am sure. Sorry everybody for preaching, guess I didn't realize. I don't want to offend anyone and I respect you all. Peace.
  12. zekezan88

    zekezan88 Active Member

    The meaning of life is to download video games from romulation.net and waste our insignificant lives on them.
  13. 1prinnydood

    1prinnydood Guest

    Peace to you too.

    zerkezan, you could be onto something there :p
  14. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    The meaning of life for me at the moment is my kids and my health. Kids because once you have them they immediately take control and priority in your life after you find out that you've conceived. Good health is so I can live to mother my children, bitches. Along with that, having H1N1 sucks.

    It'll change later, probably. It changes through the course of life, our meanings of lives change over time and are depending on our situations at that time. There's of course no definitive answer but there is answers. Even though our lives are insignificant on a large scale, we're able to impact immediate family/friends/people. Depending on what you do it can impact the world (like say, the inventor of the automobile). Although chances of that are low, it can happen.

    [me=Natewlie]inserts cheese.[/me]
  15. 1prinnydood

    1prinnydood Guest

    As always I have to agree with you Natewlie, you speak of meaning as a path that one follows through life, the path itself is that of change and the challenge is to adapt to the changes life throws at you. Kids are a wonderful spanner in a great plan, a chance to learn and adapt to a reality where your needs are second to the needs of another.
    Having kids may cause a sense of loss for some, and this is understandable as personal liberty is compromised but the underlying realization of learning how to cope and enjoy such a dramatic change in life is liberating in itself. Freedom and adaptibility go hand in hand, and both lead to that wonderful sense of meaning in life.
    A good mother or a good father gives meaning to the world; to follow one's path, chaotic it may be, is a life well lived, and to hell with the neigh-sayers.

    [me=1prinnydood]eats the cheese.[/me]
  16. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    by the way i'm not atheist.

    also saying that the meaning to our life on a biological level is no different from other organisms (procreating) is not an atheist view it's an observable fact, it's not opinion anyone can see for them selves.
    if we didn't procreate there would simply be no life, thus by having to procreate for life to continue it has to be the largest factor to the meaning of life personal or not, after life or not.

    but that has no bearing on my personal meaning but that's my meaning and thus not said it as it has no relevance to this thread nor anyone else.

    you can feel sorry for me all you like i have a loving family a beautiful girlfriend, an intelligent son, a good job, i make massive contributions to my community, i help lots of people and never expect or take back anything and i have a good future ahead of me.
    and it's what i have worked hard for with no help from Jesus. not only that but i do so many good things of my own accord, just because i want to, not because i want to get in to heaven but simply because i'm a super nice person but you know maybe there is no hope for me? ;D
  17. 1prinnydood

    1prinnydood Guest

    If i was not married, and if you did not have a beautiful girlfriend and I did not have a beautiful wife, I could be tempted to go for you, you big hunk of super nice ectoplasm.

    Of course you would reject me, and thereby give me new "meaning" to my life.
    "by the way i'm not atheist." who? what? you? explain please? (perhaps not on this thread PM me I am seriously curious)

    The path of ones life is not forged or laid out, it is a combination of birth-right, genes and environment. This is the territory where you can try a chaotic path towards meaning.
  18. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    you can go for me if you like but if it worked out we would not be able to fulfil the meaning of life (to procreate) :p
  19. Reider

    Reider Modereider

    It's all about what you give meaning to ultimately. If you want to put your faith in Heyzeus, then go for it. Some find meaning in other things, like in their families or friends. I can only really look at the meaning of life as what makes you happy with this existence.

    My 0.02
  20. calvat

    calvat New Member

    To marry a hypello.