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What's the best Graphics on a Nintendo DS Game?

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by shocksuspect, Mar 2, 2010.

  1. hi1116

    hi1116 Well-Known Member

    cop the recruit; although ds graphics are crap.
  2. allkratos

    allkratos Well-Known Member

    I think CRYSIS 2 will have the best graphics
  3. super_pastafari32

    super_pastafari32 Well-Known Member

    crisis isn't for DS
  4. timmy1991

    timmy1991 Well-Known Member

    Either Kingdom Hearts (a given...), or New Super Mario Bros. (the graphics almost similar to the Wii game imo)
  5. slingshot182

    slingshot182 Well-Known Member

    Yeah... I was kinda surprised at that.
  6. sylar1000

    sylar1000 Well-Known Member

    I think the imagine series has the best graphics for the DS
  7. E5c65u9a

    E5c65u9a New Member

    The Pokemon main series and Ranger series have good graphics (Sprites > 3D). The World Ends With You is good graphically, though I dont like the game personally.
    The 3D games on DS are usually awful graphics. KH 358/2 Days and the FF games for example, they're ugly as sin. They should've been released for PSP instead. :/
  8. kingvxx

    kingvxx Well-Known Member

    I can agree with you on some FF games but have you seen kh's graphic?I'm even surprise that they're capable on creating such a good graphic on a NINTENDO DS. I think you must be confuse by comparing the graphic with other console such as psp. Ds got a weak graphic so you must consider how hard it is to achieve such feat.

    as for the topic.Rune factory anyone?
  9. ggrroohh

    ggrroohh Well-Known Member

    This isn't exactly related,but I find it a bit funny considering the gameplay of my favourite series is made of cutscenes ::)
  10. slingshot182

    slingshot182 Well-Known Member

    The Phantom Hourglass also had some good graphics, not the best though.