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what's the best classic game you've played?

Discussion in 'Gaming Lounge' started by makenic101, Aug 3, 2009.

  1. timbizcut

    timbizcut Well-Known Member

    Up'n'Down -arcade. Wonder Boy 3: The Dragons Trap - sega master system. Wizball -commodore 64. Speedball 2 - amiga 500.
  2. fisgetecra

    fisgetecra Member

    sonic the hedgehog
  3. mastersworddude

    mastersworddude Active Member

    Super Mario World.
  4. sealwish

    sealwish Member

    all the mario games!!!..well the old ones anyway. i also like kirby and the pokemon games.
    but my fav would be kirby!!! he's soo cute and fluffy!!
  5. quangvu1511

    quangvu1511 New Member

    Chrono Trigger and Mega Man

    I played Chrono Trigger since I were about 5 and Mega Man when I were about 6