Ok.... Cosmic Breake is on mantinance untill OB2 so I need a new game.... It has to: 1) Be an mmorpg 2) Be F2P 3) Let me choose where to put my stat points after leveling up 4) Either have high exp gain or not alot of grinding 5) Have some sort of theif/rouge class
OK guys. I know a lot of you like MMO but i presume you guys mostly like soloing. Why play MMO if all you want to do is soloing? I cannot find a reasonable explanation on this. MMO is so boring and bland for solo experience. Repetitive quest, almost non-existence plot, et cetera. No wonder why you guys claimed MMO gets boring in a week or two because you guys prefer to solo which is something i will be better off with single-player RPG like Dragon Age: Origins(even it is influenced by MMO a bit) as i get good amount of gameplay, story and very directed plot. So far only WoW is enjoyable to solo even though it's not as good as what you get from single-player RPG like heavy story. That said, WoW has a huge and deep lore to back up the almost null plot and the Phasing system is looking good that will play a large role in Cataclysm. Solo play is not the main development objective for MMO developers in general. You can solo in MMO but questing,dungeon-running and raiding with friends and your guild are where the fun comes from. This is where I found MMO attractive: Social aspect. WoW is really the first MMO to get it right. That is why it is immensely popular even though people must pay to play it. The popularity of WoW eluded other developers into making the same type of game for the most parts. There might be bit differences here and there but most MMOs are just WoW's derivative. This result in uninspiring genre and overused gameplay. WoW is not a bad game by any stretch of imagination. In fact, it is so good if you play it right. The problem is the genre is over-saturated with "WoW".
If you want a good solo game, Diablo II. I agree, MMOs aren't for soloing. But sometimes it's hard to communicate with people who go "You suck newfag, get the fuck out of this game and uninstall"
WoW is currently the best available MMORPG out in the market, bar none. (Even with the subscription fee) BRING IT ON HATERS.
It won the most awards and it is currently the highest-rated. Hell, the top 3 rated MMO are WoW and its two expansion. Those three are the only MMOs that have garnered 90% and above on Metacritic. MMO is very hard to develop. To make a good one, you have to polish in a lot of areas so there is no mystery why no other MMOs have reached 90. Even 80% average scores is rare among MMOs. So, 80% meta-score is good enough for an MMO although that is just decent if the game is from other genres. However highly-rated WoW is, it is not the best in some areas like PvP. Warhammer is perhaps the best in that regard so far. But then again, Warhammer is not that good in other areas like crafting and PvE. WoW on the other hand might not run in an advance engine but the world design like the creatures, lore and the variety in colours and curves make it the supreme MMO in art direction. Art and world design are does not depend solely on engine but more on artists. This gives WoW a hand-crafted feels to it for those who do not shun the cartoon, lively graphics. Unfortunately, new players who have never experience the high-level content are probably missing some of the most well designed zones. There is where Cataclysm comes from. Blizzard is really going all out to revamp the whole world including early zones and cities. This will affect new players as well. Depending on your taste, WoW might be a bad or a very very good one for you. I for one do not find any MMO that lasts for a very long time unless there is a new expansion coming out in the case of WoW.
World of Warcraft is an excellent game by all means, and I know that you'd have to be pretty high leveled to get Cabal-like skill animations. But as I said, it's not for me. Speaking of Cabal, That game has excellent skill animations, and some good ones early on.
Oblivion, though excellent, isn't really an MMO. I would recommend Oblivion to anyone, but with mods. The core game itself isn't that satisfying.
I is good but mods is the real deal here. There is one that allows you to launch a nuke!!! In a fantasy setting!!!
all you need to know about mmorpg... http://eatthattoast.com/breakfast-soup-2/hot-ham-water/hot-ham-water-14-mmorpg/ back in the day this site was my life, and diverge.ws and newgrounds
XD, it was funny, although the South Park WoW episode is pretty much even funnier. An Older south park episode also has the Beard Neckwarmer joke too.
oh yeah forgot about that one, very funny....southpark is the sh** other video(s) to check out: hot ham water - uncle cowboy newgrounds - (smash bros taunts there's 2) http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/438529