If you don't want to play WoW because of monthly bullshit, then take up a good private server. I personally hate Wrath of the Lich King, so I've joined a Classic WoW server running patch 1.12.1. You can download all of the necessary files from TPB via torrent so you don't have to do any of the stupid patching, just download and go. The server I'm playing on is Molten Core WoW. It's alright, 200 average server population. I actually like lower server population so I can get my pick at the popular names as well as not having a shitload of lag and frickin idiots running about. A lot of guilds are just starting to grow so now would be the time to join, before these guilds get too big and then nobody knows who anybody is anymore and then it's just a bunch of people with the same guild tag... The link to Molten Core WoW is here: http://mc-wow.eu/ All of the necessary instructions to edit your realmlist is there.
BUt WoW is making 1billion USD+ a year since 6 years ago. But WoW won the most awards among MMO. But WoW was made by top tier developer. But I still think no MMO game can satisfy me, including WoW... About Tibiahttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tibia_(computer_game) 1997 equals 20 years. Is it not 13 years. (from 2010)
Man you must be a bundle of fun at parties. "I like marble cake" "But chocolate cake is selling 1 billion USD a year since 90 years ago" "But Chocolate won the most wards among Cake" "But Chocolate was made by a better company" "But i still think no cake can satisfy me, not even Chocolate"
I will start again "Dofus" the next week. I really love the Community (which, in fact, can make the difference between a good and an awful Game) - but I even like the Turnbased Combats. Where you can even find the Time to chat and comment the Battle with your Comrades. That`s so cool.
The best MMORPG ever is EverQuest II! ;v) I've been having a really good time there for 5 years! ;v) And if you want to come looking for me there I'm on the Butcherblock server with the same name as I've got here! ;v)
like create a charater and class? or is it one where you dont pick character or class?(like most of the FF Series) Post Merge: [time]1294952905[/time] for a sec i thought you said Ultimo Online not Ultima Online(Ultimo is a manga.a really good one too) and whats Ultima Online?
I feel like Ive got an idea what your taste is. try grand fantasia, you wont be disappointed my beloved kirby dude
F2P MMOs don't have the style and polish of P2P MMOs, but since most P2P MMOs are mostly subscription-based, which I hate, anyone know any F2P MMO with at least some form of polish that's comparible to modern day F2P MMOs?