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What would you say to the user above if you woke up next to him/her ?

Discussion in 'Forum Games, Jokes & Random' started by rock91, Mar 7, 2010.

  1. bellsarc

    bellsarc Well-Known Member

    Sayuri is a chick, I am on the floor, Stardan is in bed with Sayuri, SO SHUT UP AND DON'T MAKE ANYMORE POSTS UNTIL YOU KNOW WHAT YOUR TALKING ABOUT!!!
  2. darkdramon

    darkdramon New Member

    cant you check the gender of all the people your talking to right now
  3. bellsarc

    bellsarc Well-Known Member

    You can if they have said what gender they are in there profile
  4. freehand01

    freehand01 Well-Known Member

    well its getting hot in here, (verbally that is)
  5. MindFever

    MindFever Well-Known Member

    you are an exception...your avatar shows you adore dragqueens...you know, trasvestites and such ... nice thing you are open with your sexuality
    Post Merge: [time]1270445273[/time]
    hushhh hushh...dont tell anyone but we are only fooling arround (bellarsc and me )
  6. bellsarc

    bellsarc Well-Known Member

    Yeah well I wish the insulting would stop its annoying and I'm getting tired.
  7. freehand01

    freehand01 Well-Known Member

    maybe bellsarc taking it too seriously...^_^
  8. bellsarc

    bellsarc Well-Known Member

    You might be right there actually, but you know it could all be serious
  9. MindFever

    MindFever Well-Known Member

    ...well i didnt insult anyone,you fucktards! :D (lol) i agree,this is getting boring...im outtahere
  10. bellsarc

    bellsarc Well-Known Member

    No you'd never insult anyone would you? (sarcasm)
  11. MindFever

    MindFever Well-Known Member

    Pffttchhh...ofcourse not,you moron!

    p.s.: cya arround dude... btw,if you wanna play a game PM me.I would love to try Pokemon Soul Silver :)
  12. bellsarc

    bellsarc Well-Known Member

    Sorry man, don't have wifi
  13. MindFever

    MindFever Well-Known Member

    still dont have it ? how can u live without it? :) oh well,cya arround here then...
  14. bellsarc

    bellsarc Well-Known Member

  15. gamblore101

    gamblore101 Well-Known Member

    ummm... is that my........ in your............ uh-oh.
  16. bellsarc

    bellsarc Well-Known Member

    Gamblore, if you don't stop saying that you will have my fist in your face!
  17. gamblore101

    gamblore101 Well-Known Member

    ummm... is that your........ in in my............ PENETRATION!
  18. bellsarc

    bellsarc Well-Known Member

    *Glares at Gamblore*... Goodbye!
  19. gamblore101

    gamblore101 Well-Known Member

    im done.......... ;D
  20. Jarradwelsh

    Jarradwelsh New Member

    *room full of people when you wake up* wtf.....