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What would you say to the user above if you woke up next to him/her ?

Discussion in 'Forum Games, Jokes & Random' started by rock91, Mar 7, 2010.

  1. Nitemare_ Plague

    Nitemare_ Plague Well-Known Member

    suck this banana or i kill u

    *holds up a banana fruit*
  2. finalmario

    finalmario Well-Known Member


    Not gonna do it?Fine.Kitchen.Now.
  3. Nitemare_ Plague

    Nitemare_ Plague Well-Known Member

    go get me a sammich >:U
  4. ShinChanfan

    ShinChanfan Well-Known Member

    [me=ShinChanfan]crashes a plane into the house[/me]
  5. doggy-dj

    doggy-dj Guest

    ...ow.....my head.
  6. finalmario

    finalmario Well-Known Member

    Sure thing.Make one,hand it to me,and I'll give it back to ya.
  7. ADMSeraphes

    ADMSeraphes Well-Known Member

    "I liek cereal!"
  8. Zamrullah

    Zamrullah Artist in Training

    hey! what are you doing here?
  9. muddymaster

    muddymaster Well-Known Member

    What are you doing here?
    Please don't hurt me...D:
  10. ShinChanfan

    ShinChanfan Well-Known Member

    [me=ShinChanfan]hurts Muddy[/me]
  11. finalmario

    finalmario Well-Known Member

    I have a gun on me at all times.Get out now.
  12. ShinChanfan

    ShinChanfan Well-Known Member

    I have a spear shooty thingy that CAN dismember you in seconds, the very second after you draw a pistol. So get the hell out.
  13. darkrequiem

    darkrequiem Well-Known Member

    I'm preparing for zombies to take over humanity. This is top secret SRS BUSINESS, now leave.
  14. ShinChanfan

    ShinChanfan Well-Known Member

    [me=ShinChanfan]releases the information on the internets[/me]

    Nah. Its my house, so get out.
  15. darkrequiem

    darkrequiem Well-Known Member

    You've seen too much. And you realize, you're already a zombie now?
  16. ShinChanfan

    ShinChanfan Well-Known Member

    [me=ShinChanfan]eats paranoia[/me]

  17. Zamrullah

    Zamrullah Artist in Training

    do you like candy?
  18. finalmario

    finalmario Well-Known Member

    Oh hey.You can stay.
  19. evannick

    evannick Well-Known Member

    [me=~Fuyuhotaru~]calls police[/me]
  20. muddymaster

    muddymaster Well-Known Member

    OHAI there Fuyu~
    How'd you find my place?
    Oh well, while you're here, my stuff is your stuff~