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What would you say to the user above if you woke up next to him/her ?

Discussion in 'Forum Games, Jokes & Random' started by rock91, Mar 7, 2010.

  1. im so fly

    im so fly New Member

  2. darkrequiem

    darkrequiem Well-Known Member

  3. im so fly

    im so fly New Member

    *Throws smokebomb*
  4. Nitemare_ Plague

    Nitemare_ Plague Well-Known Member

    *hides in the covers*
  5. Corriger

    Corriger Well-Known Member

    ... Why are you grinning like that....



    ... WHAT DID YOU DO?!
  6. Nitemare_ Plague

    Nitemare_ Plague Well-Known Member

    its not what i did its what u did while intoxicated
  7. Corriger

    Corriger Well-Known Member

    ... Oh.

    Well then... Why are you grinning?!
  8. finalmario

    finalmario Well-Known Member

    WTF Perv.Out.
  9. Nitemare_ Plague

    Nitemare_ Plague Well-Known Member

    wanna go again?
  10. usernameladiesman217

    usernameladiesman217 Well-Known Member

    Use the force before intercouse young padawan.
  11. T-Dub

    T-Dub Well-Known Member

    LOL on what you just said!

    I can't think of anything!
  12. Xx_Sayuri_xX

    Xx_Sayuri_xX Well-Known Member

    You have five seconds to leave before I chop your balls off.

    Five... Four... Three...
  13. T-Dub

    T-Dub Well-Known Member


    My balls! Look what you did to the gym's basketballs?!

    Girl, you crazy! I had suppose to return them to the gym after school!

    I ain't paying for dis!
  14. Xx_Sayuri_xX

    Xx_Sayuri_xX Well-Known Member

    You know what, on second thoughts, I think I'll be leaving.

    You're crazy.

    *Dives out of the window*
  15. light_x_dark

    light_x_dark Well-Known Member

    Waking up next to you like this...

    It reminds me of the good ol' days.
  16. T-Dub

    T-Dub Well-Known Member

    Me? You're call me...crazy? You're the one who just jumped outta a 3 story building! o_O What's up with that?!

    ...Yeaaah, I know whatcha...Wait, how in the hell did you get here?!
  17. Xx_Sayuri_xX

    Xx_Sayuri_xX Well-Known Member

    Ngghh... My head...

    Wait, what?!

    I thought I jumped out, how am I not dead?!
    Why am I back in here?!
  18. T-Dub

    T-Dub Well-Known Member

    Ahhh, I see that just couldn't stay away. It's the charm, babe!

    wait...how did you survive that fall? You're some sorta freak, aren't-chu?!

  19. Xx_Sayuri_xX

    Xx_Sayuri_xX Well-Known Member


    Don't take advantage of an injured woman! :<
  20. T-Dub

    T-Dub Well-Known Member

    *Lighting in the background*
