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What would you say to the user above if you woke up next to him/her ?

Discussion in 'Forum Games, Jokes & Random' started by rock91, Mar 7, 2010.

  1. im so fly

    im so fly New Member

    Thanks ^^
    *chases doggy*
  2. light_x_dark

    light_x_dark Well-Known Member

    Just a glass of cold milk for me, please.
  3. Stanley Richards

    Stanley Richards Well-Known Member

    Cold Milk for me too.
  4. doggy-dj

    doggy-dj Guest

    *barks at fly* *pant pant pant* SHOES!*bites flys shoe*
  5. mr snow

    mr snow Well-Known Member

    I'm not making any more. *sips coffee*

    After my coffee, then I'll kill you.
  6. im so fly

    im so fly New Member

    ...Got Orange Juice..?
  7. doggy-dj

    doggy-dj Guest

    GGRRRRR *rips off flys shoes* mine mine MINE!!! *runs off* ARF!!
  8. Xx_Sayuri_xX

    Xx_Sayuri_xX Well-Known Member

    [me=Sayuri]comes out of the kitchen with a tray bearing two glasses of milk, one glass of orange juice and a plate of cookies[/me]

    Help yourself :)
  9. Stanley Richards

    Stanley Richards Well-Known Member


    [me=Stanley Richards]takes the tray and runs away[/me]
  10. im so fly

    im so fly New Member

    *Drinks Orange Juice*
  11. light_x_dark

    light_x_dark Well-Known Member

    Mmmmm.....COLD MILK.

    Thanks, Sayur--


    [me=light]chases after Stanley.[/me]
  12. doggy-dj

    doggy-dj Guest

    *steals the cookies* MINE!!! GGGRRRRRR ARF WOOF!!
  13. mr snow

    mr snow Well-Known Member

    *watches the chase*

    I would help but I'm too tired...
  14. doggy-dj

    doggy-dj Guest

    shoes and cookies..mmmmm PERFECT *chews on shoes*
  15. light_x_dark

    light_x_dark Well-Known Member


    Give me one.

    That's all I need.
  16. Stanley Richards

    Stanley Richards Well-Known Member


    [me=Stanley Richards]steals all the cookies and teleports away to an unknown location[/me]
  17. im so fly

    im so fly New Member

    *lifts blanket and finds the goat *
  18. mr snow

    mr snow Well-Known Member

    *Finishes coffee*

  19. doggy-dj

    doggy-dj Guest

    *sniff sniff* MY COOKIES!!! *runs into the forest* BARK!! I NO YOUR HERE!!!
  20. mr snow

    mr snow Well-Known Member

    brb guys.