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What will nintendo call the next console??

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by Girate, Jul 21, 2009.

  1. timmy1991

    timmy1991 Well-Known Member

    Well, what I have noticed is, that when Nintendo releases a console system, they release a partner handheld system, that is 2 steps behind it in it's graphical capabilities...
    ie: The 64 was released about the same time as the gameboy color... the 64 had 64-bit graphics (of course) while the GBC could only produce graphics slightly better than an NES console, same with the Wii and DS... the DS can support the same, if not better, graphics than a 64.

    So if this pattern was to continue... would a new console by Nintendo be partnered with a handheld with the capabilities of a Gamecube?
    I for one like 3D games on handhelds... that's just me...

    Would it be weird if nintendo decided to go back to cartridges? not like the SNES or 64 carts, but more like a modified version of an SD or something?
    That would be kinda cool, being that an SD has a longer "shelf life" than a CD/DVD... plus a disc can be rendered worthless with a scratch in the wrong place... so going back to cartridges (or internal hard drives) could be the way to go for nintendo
  2. musiclegend14

    musiclegend14 Well-Known Member

    going to an SD type of game system would then bring up the problem of people losing the actual game card easier than they would lose a disc
  3. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    No, the problem is space. The reason why Disc >>>>> Cartridge is because of space. SD Cards fall in the same line as cartridges, once you get into like 16 Gig Memory cards, they get really slow.
  4. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    It would be nice if they just jacked up the disc read speed, so that we never have to see a loading screen ever again. And have it read a section before you get there, kinda like those new nifty transmissions that have the next gear already spinning before you shift.

    I hate how the Wii has such limited internal memory, having only ~2000 "blocks" (I hate that too...) where my 1 GB SD card (with my apps, ocarina, .wad files and more crap on it), has over 4000 blocks free.
  5. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    There's really no point to jack up the disc read speed, it's fine as it is. It's not like these DVD discs can hold a lot anyway, a dual layer DVD can hold up to 8.5GB, that's what the Xbox and Wii use. At a certain point they're going to look at alternatives like Digital copies (which is what Xbox is probably going to do) or Blu Ray.

    If you also jack up disc read speed, won't a tiny scratch almost ruin an entire game?

    Yeah I don't know why Nintendo got only a 512MB memory capacity on there, it's probably because they thought that the only thing on that would be save files. That's probably why, they were so hesitant to use SD Card and Flash Drives.
  6. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    I've heard people already ruining their discs by having their Xbox or whatever in the car. Also, should it be a gaming company's concern if you scratch your discs?

    My friend has destroyed his discs just by bumping his 360. Since it already does that, might as well go all out since lowering the disc read speed isn't going to save any discs.

    The Wii uses mostly 4.7s, very few games are DL. I've seen a few that can fit onto a mini DVD-R as well. There's one that I have on my computer that's 800 MB. Such a waste of a DVD...

    Also, Blu Ray has some sort of scratch-resistant layer, so bump up the read speed.
    I like the fact that you can install the game partially to your HDD and play it that way.

    I shouldn't be able to see the background load while I'm playing a racing game or have the game pause because it didn't entirely load everything yet. By the time I get to that point, the game should have already been loaded, and the next section should be loaded before I get there.

    Digital copies are cool and everything until we get into the large sizes like WoW that is 13+GB now. Anything 10 GB and over for just one game seems a little much and even for a 250 GB HDD, you're limited to 23 games. (because you never actually get the full 250 GB on a HDD...) I would see partial installs being the better route.

    I think they said Madden 09 on the PS3 was 20 GB or something crazy.
  7. rohan15

    rohan15 Member

    It will be called the Wii Ni, since Ni is Japanese for 2.
  8. eastercat

    eastercat Member

    I kinda hope that they'll build a way better version of the DS, which has more memory and better graphics.
  9. AllTimeGamer

    AllTimeGamer New Member

    Um.. I believe he said what will the new nintendo console be "called".. -.-
  10. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    If you bump up reading speed, a tiny scratch will not get unnoticed by a console. I mean, so small that you can barely notice it.

    Yes, yes it is.

    No, BluRay discs still scratch up. It's just the BluRay laser is so powerful that the scratches don't refract the laser (test it, scratch a BluRay disc with a key, then try it, it still works). The technology to read discs quickly with BluRay just isn't there yet, and if it is, it'd be hella expensive.

    The Xbox's highest Hard Drive capacity (that they sell officially) is 120GB, what's to say that the next console is going to have a bigger hard drive? After HD DVDs failed Microsoft said they still won (in a way) because of Digital Downloads, that and their new Dashboard update promises to have full 360 games on the marketplace. Microsoft is definitely leaning towards digital downloads. And IMO partial installs are a load of crap, there's some games for the PS3 that have the option to have either partial install or just run it by the disc, there's virtually no difference between load times. Why have a BluRay disc that can hold 50GB when you have to have a partial install of 20GB?

    Also the thing with BluRay and games is that the games can be compressed into a DVD, all this crap about needing 50GB on a BluRay disc compared to 8.5GB on a DVD for games is a load of crap. All the room on a BluRay disc is taken up by uncompressed audio and uncompressed textures, which take up a shit load of space and virtually no difference between compressed. Example, Gears Of War 2 is only 7 GB and Halo 3 is 6.17 GB.

    Down the line of console generations, we're going to see a need for more space, but that's not going to be until two generations from now.

    And as for the name for the next Nintendo console's name, well that's easy. We won't know the name until it comes out. Nintendo's consoles always had a different name each iteration.
  11. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    You can tell that there's a glossy layer on the disc, just by looking at it.
    I don't have a single minor scratch on my discs. I left HP 5 in my PS3 for a few months...lol

    DVDs have them all over just from spinning in the console. Even my newly burned ones for the Wii already have scratches.

    I wish that they would use that extra space for useful shit, like extra content instead of uncompressed audio and other BS like that.
    Can you imagine a fully-immersive RPG with 50 GB of data to work with? Can you imagine a classic 4 disc game, but with Blu Ray?
    I have a few partial installs, the one that I can remember is Soul Calibur IV. Never played it strictly with a disc, so I wouldn't know the difference. The partial is only 1-2 GB last I checked.
    Sony has digital copies as well, GT5 has a digital copy, but I bought the disc instead.

    This is all something that little Nintendo will never be able to do with 512 MB to work with. hehe.
  12. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    My bad. The BluRay laser is still slow to read discs though, wait a few years down the line for it to pick up speed. It's not like Sony's other formats where they give it up.

    I know, right? The thing is is that since console gaming has been getting more and more like movie productions (meaning each movie/game to make costs like millions of dollars) the chances of getting a HUGE HUGE game is not very likely, well it could happen but if it's a new IP by random developer, eh, good luck on sales. The video game industry is evolving but it isn't evolving fast enough to get big sales, for every crappy game that sells good, there's a sleeper hit (Dead Space ='( ).

    I don't like RPGs that much but the space can be utilized to add more levels, more content to said game, new environments to games, new, different characters, several engines working together (see Star Wars Force Unleashed).

    The games that seem to me are getting there is Borderlands and RAGE. Rage is supposed to be a terrabyte big. :p

    Sony is doing digital copies for PSP games, I know that with the PSPGo. GT5 Prologue is different because it's a large large demo. Microsoft is doing digital copies on a much bigger level then Sony, not just right now, but later too.

    No, but the next Ninty console probably will. Nintendo has an advantage to the next console war, if Sony/Microsoft come out with something new within the next couple or more years, Nintendo can quickly dish out a console because the Wii's specs are a generation behind.
  13. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    The fastest practical write speed is 12x, which is 54 MB/s, or 8 minutes to burn a single layer disc. They said that's about 10,000 rpm. I didn't know that they had DL BDs. 100 GB discs. Holy crap!
    Like I said, have the stuff load before you get there, so that it cuts down on the loading times. Like for example, in Star Wars TFU, before a boss battle, the scene before it where you have to kill so many people, have the disc start loading stuff for the boss battle.

    I noticed with the Wii that this is truly a generation behind. They finally utilized standard 4.7 GB DVDs (what the previous gen has already done), just now starting to use DL DVDs for the few select games that require it, which can be scrubbed down to a single layer. I got Brawl on a single layer, but the Subspace Emissary is ripped out, which has me believe that the game does not fully take up an entire DL disc.

    Nintendo still hasn't found a stable control scheme. The other two have basically the same controls, minus joystick placement, and the way the triggers are. The only thing Nintendo has is the motion control, which 9 times out of 10, the controls suck. Hopefully, with the Wii MotionPlus, you'll never ever have to hear me say that again.

    The Wii has slightly better graphics than the gamecube and the PS2. Most games do feel like gamecube games, not Wii games. I wish there was an expansion pak like they had for the N64.

    Nintendo can dish out a console that is close to the current-gen specs as their next-gen.
    Sony and Microsoft will have to go beyond what they already have into the unknown.
  14. musiclegend14

    musiclegend14 Well-Known Member

    speaking of disc sizes, did you hear about those newly invented 5D discs.

    right now in development they are rumored to be able to hold 1.6 tb, right now but when they are released in about 10 years they expect them to hold 10 tb. Right now they are working on the write speed.

    here's the link to the article (i don't know if i can post it so delete my post if somebody doesn't approve):


    imagine how the gaming world could benefit from this, the possibilities to expand upon.
  15. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    Yes, except, gosh, they can't even fill 50 GB let alone 1.6 TB.
    I'd love to actually find enough crap to fill a 1.6 TB disc.
    When we expand into the TB era, where TB is the new GB, then we need to up disc read speeds, HDD transfer speeds and whatnot.
    Burning 1.6 TB discs would take hours to burn right now.
  16. musiclegend14

    musiclegend14 Well-Known Member

    yeah i know, in that article they said it takes a while to fill...but the idea of a disc being able to hold that much alone broadens the possibilities by a lot.

    I don't know if it was in that article or another one i read, but the technology being used to make these and the lasers used to read it is very very similar to a standard DVD, so the prices on these things are estimated to be the same as DVDs. Blu Rays apparently are a lot different in every way and considered new technology (duh). The coolest part about these 5D discs is that they are actually going to be partially made of gold, they use microscopic gold rods in it...i forget exactly why or any of the details really, but there's real gold in it.
  17. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    I just thought of the best name.
    Nintendo Frustration.
    Because that's all it's been doing since launch.
  18. musiclegend14

    musiclegend14 Well-Known Member

    I'm just going to laugh if it's called Wii Ni in Japan
  19. timmy1991

    timmy1991 Well-Known Member

    Seems a bit overkill to me really... But i can't even imagine how detailed and unbelievably huge a game or movie would be to fill up one of those discs
  20. musiclegend14

    musiclegend14 Well-Known Member

    imagine if it became possible to have a virtual reality movie. You could actually be int he movie type of thing. Instead of sitting in your living room watching a TV, you can get the sensation of being in the movie...that would be cool and it's probably possible and these discs may allow something like that to happen