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What was the first game you beat?

Discussion in 'Gaming Lounge' started by n0thealthy, Aug 11, 2008.

  1. Dynodevil

    Dynodevil Well-Known Member

    I'm coming to 17 now but i think my first game completion was one of the earlier Final Fantasy's and i remember lots of Mario games from those days that i managed to beat :)
    Edit- Totally forgot to say that the one of the stand out moments of young gaming was watching my father complete FFVII, it rocked and got me into RPG's :)
  2. Renji217

    Renji217 Well-Known Member

    First game that I beat on my own was Pokemon Red
    First game that I beat with help (from my bro) was FF7
    (I beat FF7 before Pokemon but since I got help I dont know if thay counts)
  3. CJneeds6characters

    CJneeds6characters Well-Known Member

    first game i beat myself- I think it was a mega man on nes or something

    first game i beat with cheats/help- pokemon silver
  4. Prophet

    Prophet Active Member

    Since the detail console didn't mentioned here, the first game that i beat was Suikoden II (Ps1)
  5. sasquatch

    sasquatch Well-Known Member

    first game I ever remember beating was super mario bros on the original nes, it was the first game me and my brother ever got on the nes and took us ages to beat.
  6. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    I loved the cloning cheat ;D 6 lvl.100 Typhlosions= Awesome! :D
  7. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    I remember when people would do the clone trick incorrectly and end up with two Pidgeys.
  8. n0thealthy

    n0thealthy Well-Known Member

    LOL. That used to happen to me.
  9. lester2020

    lester2020 Well-Known Member

    The first 2D game I beat for the PS1: Megaman X4. It was long ago.

    The first 3D game for the PC: Megaman X8

    The first GBC Game: Pokemon Yellow
  10. manjithxxx

    manjithxxx Well-Known Member

    Wolfenstien!! ;D
  11. drew44

    drew44 Well-Known Member

    super mario 64 for nintendo 64
  12. monter

    monter Guest

    Crash Bandicoot 3: warped for PSX.
  13. Darkslabe

    Darkslabe Active Member

    Mine was rachet and clank 1 on ps2 but on gba/nds was super mario advance 2
    That WAS a really good game
  14. Draco0465

    Draco0465 Member

    My first game I've ever beaten, was The Legend of Zelda: A Link to The past on the SNES.
  15. jexamine

    jexamine Member

    PS = ff8
    PS2 = kingdom hearts 1
    DS = ff3
    pc = hhhmmmmm... none T__T
  16. Solus

    Solus Well-Known Member

    Resident evil 3. And the first time i thought nemesis was scary
  17. ROMonkey

    ROMonkey Member

    Here is the first games i beat for each console. Order is decending from FIRST EVER to recently,

    SMS=The Ninja
    GENESIS=Sonic 2
    SNES=Final Fight
    32X=Star Wars Arcade
    Saturn=Virtua Cop
    DC=Jedi Power battles
    PSX=Legend of legaia
    GBA=Castlevania- Circle of the moon
    XBOX=Soldier of fortune 2
    PS2=casltlevania-curse of darkness
    XBOX360=Perfect Dark Zero
    DS=Castlevania-dawn of sorrow
    Wii=Legend of zelda-Twilight princess
  18. blacksun23

    blacksun23 Guest

    pokemon red or blue
  19. I think the first game I ever beat was Pokemon Yellow.
  20. BloodVayne

    BloodVayne Well-Known Member

    Super Mario Bros. (NES). I was around 6, I think. Ah, the memories :)