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What NDS flashcard are you currently using?

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by AtomicBlue, Nov 21, 2008.

  1. afrokid13

    afrokid13 Well-Known Member

    is that a gameboy micro. I havent seen those in ages. i dont even think they were ever popular. sure looked cool though.

    that reminds me of the good old days when i got my first gameboy color and some corny pokemon game. i think i still have it. The gameboy camera was always fun to use. but i think it only took black and white pictures, same with the printer....

  2. khaislash

    khaislash Well-Known Member

    R4DS 1GB Kingston and DSTT 4GB SanDisk.
  3. smiler

    smiler Member

    i use m3 real and rumble pack with 4 gb card also use r4 sdhc card with 2 gb card
  4. BryantYang

    BryantYang Member

    Seems no one heard of "Edge"? The Edge card DS is a cheaper version of the Cyclo Ds but it works the same and it's great. I use an 8gb SDHC with it and I never have any problems with gaming. I saved money on that and I get great gaming. =)
  5. Josh241294

    Josh241294 Well-Known Member

    I use the DSTT (TTDS, whatev.) It's easy to use, nice choice of skins (easy to D.I.Y) and doesn't play up on me! My MicroSD is a 2GB Sandisk
  6. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    Bryant, just not a long of people have it. But most people have heard of it.
  7. veemon147

    veemon147 Member

    Figures, I never enabled cheats through the Patch menu on the Acekard. I was doing everything else, and even with a custom version of Narin's cheat file the only cheats I could get to work were the Chrono Trigger anti-piracy ones (apparently due to the <allowedon> tag?)

    Anyway, thanks! Now I can finish FFXII: Revenant Wings.
  8. th3echelon89

    th3echelon89 Well-Known Member

    DSTT 4gig.

    1gig for music and 3gig for games. :) I have all sorts of homebrews. :)
  9. richard_brooksid

    richard_brooksid Well-Known Member

    2 CycloDS Evolution carts with 1.51 of firmware (1 for me, 1 for my son). 4g SanDisk SDHC microSD.

    Never had a problem with it (ROMs, HomeBrew, DPGs, MP3s, etc). Is the best cart out there in my opinion. I have seen so many problems posted from people with the R4 about games that won't work it surprises me more are being sold (maybe thats why they are so cheap).
  10. PrimalPrimus

    PrimalPrimus Member

    Ninja Pass X9 Evolution

    Because I'm different. I'm running a 2GB DanElec MicroSD card.
  11. Squigs_Ghost

    Squigs_Ghost Member

    I've just got a bog standard R4 with a 2G Sandisk MSD, 1G Kingston and a 2G Kingston on the way. Why so many MSD? Why buy 3 R4's for one DS when we can change the MSD, one for me, one for the missus and the 1G for Little Man who has his own taste in games (that and we try and push him towards the junor brain train, maths progs etc as well as a sprinkling of games suitable for a 7 year old).

    I'm still trying to figure out what the difference between the different cards is. I'm pretty sure most of it will have to do with what you want to do with them, but for the time being at £15 a piece, the R4 seems to be the best buy to me.

  12. weaton23

    weaton23 New Member

    I have 2 edge DS cards with a 4GB Sandisk micro SDHC in each and have encountered no problems at all. 8)
  13. th3echelon89

    th3echelon89 Well-Known Member

    DSTT 4gig.

    1gig for music and 3gig for games. :) I have all sorts of homebrews. :)
  14. Thalinor

    Thalinor Active Member

    DSTT w/ an 8 GB SanDisk Card
  15. NavadeHo

    NavadeHo New Member

    I'm currently using the CycloDS Evolution the most of the time.
  16. carbonyle

    carbonyle New Member

    M3 DS real + 8GO microSD and GBA expansion
  17. uberslaughter

    uberslaughter Member

    Just ordered this DSTT package from dealwoot.com. It looked good and I was looking for a flashcard. What do you all think?

  18. Jadawin

    Jadawin Member

    I use an m3 adapter (aka m3 perfect) and I am really satisfied.
  19. uberslaughter

    uberslaughter Member

    After receiving my DSTT with 4gb microSD card about a week ago, I'm up to about 40 games on it and all of them run great. Can't thank this place enough.
  20. sereneangel3

    sereneangel3 New Member

    :(i have the R4 and had to buy 3 new micro SD cards coz of errors