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What made / ruined your day ?

Discussion in 'Forum Games, Jokes & Random' started by rock91, Dec 29, 2009.

  1. NekoHennuli

    NekoHennuli Well-Known Member

    Made: Everything! *happy happy joy joy*
    Ruine: Blackout
  2. sinharvest24

    sinharvest24 Guest

    made: TWEWY seems to be going well...

    ruin: feeling nauseous from playing too much TWEWY
  3. Jonez001

    Jonez001 Well-Known Member

    made: A episode of "Zonde van de zendtijd" is on tv <3 GREAT SHOW
    Ruined: It is the season finale!
  4. hados9

    hados9 Member

    made- i got a school laptop
    ruined-i dont know how to make a website
  5. nhi_po

    nhi_po Well-Known Member

    made: NOT AT HOME!!:DDDDD
    ruined: ran the mile in PE >.>
  6. hezi

    hezi New Member

    made:i got a girls number

    ruined: it was fake
  7. Jonez001

    Jonez001 Well-Known Member

    made: I have weekend
    made again: MONDAY IS A DAY OFF!!!
  8. HeartofSword

    HeartofSword Well-Known Member

    Made:nothing.Just another boring day
    Ruined:I have a chemistry test tomorrow
  9. nhi_po

    nhi_po Well-Known Member

    1. I made a chibi sig that looks quite cute
    2. It's Saturday
    3. My forum is going well

    1. I had to wake up too early >.<
    2. Woke up at 2:30pm and i'd lost my morning
    3. just to even things out
  10. MessoMesso

    MessoMesso Well-Known Member

    This was last night, but:

    Cute kid sitting at the table to my upper-right. Very sweet, absolutely adorable, knee-high socks made me go "squee~!" inside. For those of you wondering, he seemed six or seven years old.

    Boy's mother isn't a very motherly mother. LOVE YOUR GOD DAMN KIDS DAMMIT.
  11. Buppazugan

    Buppazugan Well-Known Member

  12. MysticMaja

    MysticMaja Well-Known Member

    made: <3
    ruined: i have school tomorrow ;/
  13. iluvgtavcs

    iluvgtavcs Guest

    Made: FUN!
  14. stirgo1212

    stirgo1212 Well-Known Member

    ruined: Blue screen on BRAND NEW pc that came in the mail. Now i have to drive to a neighboring country to get it fixed!!!
  15. NekoHennuli

    NekoHennuli Well-Known Member

    Made: No more doctor visits!
    Ruined: These fucking NDS emulators aren't working! >.<
  16. Fumiko

    Fumiko New Member

    Made: It's weekend, and the snow is melting!

    Ruined: Both my best friend, my other best friend and my mom are ill. D8
  17. MysticMaja

    MysticMaja Well-Known Member

    wow, that really sucks. hope you get it fixed soon!

    made: <3 this boy : ) and i watched the movie adaptation of rent today.
    ruined: my internet connection's being a bitch.
  18. rock91

    rock91 Well-Known Member

    made: My anime site is on a roll and it's fucking awesome and active
    ruined: damn sleep, who needs it -_-
  19. shadowzero21

    shadowzero21 Guest

    made: got a almost complete translation patch for soma bringers

    ruin: my job application got rejected
  20. MohsinMVP

    MohsinMVP Well-Known Member

    made: Played final fantasy 6 and it was epic
    ruined: I downloaded Legend of zelda TP iso and winrar said the file was an unknown format or damaged so i had to delete it and it took me 10 hours to download