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what is the worst game you ever played

Discussion in 'Gaming Lounge' started by sokka101, Mar 28, 2010.

  1. SushiKing

    SushiKing Well-Known Member

    No no n o on on on on on on on ono n OM NOM NOM...

    We all know MW2 is the Shit maaaannn :) But it is full of Hackers :'( thats why you play Pub with friends or skrims with clans most of the time.
  2. assasinseye1

    assasinseye1 Well-Known Member

    XD...im going to get flamed for this halo the hole series!
  3. SushiKing

    SushiKing Well-Known Member

    NO MAN I Back you Up 100% Baby!!!!!!!!!!

    Halo is crap ay.
  4. assasinseye1

    assasinseye1 Well-Known Member

    Nice 2 know that some people have a good taste in gameing!!!
  5. 123098

    123098 Member

    Oh god, maybe Sonic the Hedgehog for the 360.

    Sonic saves a princess, meets time traveller "hedgehog" thing, ect.
    Story line sucks, game play sucks, characters suck!
  6. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    I completely remember that pile of garbage. It was so....awful....

    Superman Returns wasn't exactly a reboot to Superman games though, it was just a crappy repetitive game that tried to fool you into thinking it was fun by all the little Superman gimmicks in it.

    Also, MW2 is pretty awful. The campaign barely makes any sense (how the hell is Price alive; the medic might as well have put the time of death tag on his toe at the end of the first MW), the special ops was really just a spot filler to make you think you were getting more than you got, and the multiplayer is filled with hackers. I mean, you look at the world wide leader boards for kills, and people have 2.147 billion kills with about 100k deaths with ratios of over 100. I HIGHLY doubt those were achieved legitimately. Overall, it is just a very big disappointment after what was expected. The head of Activision said a little while ago pretty plainly though; he doesn't care how good the game is, just how much money it makes.

    I guess we should all be pretty happy IW is a part of EA now.

    But pretty much every Superman game gets the absolute worst title. Ever.
  7. Chdonga

    Chdonga Well-Known Member


    The PSP version of LittleBigPlanet. Full of bugs and stuff and the level editor was nothing less than a chore. If you've never played the PS3 version, don't expect the PSP one to be a port.

    Okay, it wasn't the worst game I ever played, it was the biggest disappointment I've had in a game.

    Drawn to Life 2 was the worst game I ever played. You only get to draw a few things and it had such a horrible ending you'd wonder if they were rushed and they threw some random crap in at the end.
    They all die in an earthquake and then they show some cutscene of a family getting in a car crash and a boy waking up in the hospital. What?
  8. blue_mist

    blue_mist Member

    Nintendogs! There is NO storyline, barely anything to do and the dogs don't even grow up!
  9. alexong96

    alexong96 Well-Known Member

    You take care of dogs. What did you expect? Save dog-town or something like that? :p

    Extreme PaintBrawl.

    The game was bashed up pretty bad by IGN. XD
  10. nu885

    nu885 Well-Known Member

    haha second worst next to: Shenmue on the OG xbox worst game in history
  11. Stanley Richards

    Stanley Richards Well-Known Member

  12. nu885

    nu885 Well-Known Member

    IGN bashes just about every game unless its halo or another halo
  13. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    I'm not counting the few games I got a couple minutes into before going "FUCK THIS SHIT", instead going for the games I invested a bit of time into before deciding.

    And honestly I have hated every CoD, the whole Halo franchise, and each incarnation of WoW.
  14. alexong96

    alexong96 Well-Known Member

  15. footy

    footy Active Member

    Army Men Advance series. I almost puked when I saw the 1st level. A bite-sized army soldier toy in a garden? They put some crazy stuff on that series I'm telling you! I'm also dissapointed in Tony Hawks Underground 2 on PS2. It looks horrible, plays horrible, need I say more?
  16. triemie

    triemie Well-Known Member

    Pokemon Platinum and FF-X2
  17. Skarigon

    Skarigon Member

    Hmm, lately the worst one I've played, in my opinion, is Draglade on the NDS, it just was not fun for something that seems like a Tales of Phantasia clone.

    Also bad:

    Muppet Race Mania (PSX)
    Sonic the Hedgehog - Genesis (GBA)
    Breath of Fire III (PSX) (Don't be hating on me for this, I did not like it)
    Tibia (PC)
    Megaman Battle Network series (GBA) (It just doesn't feel like Megaman.)
    Advance Guardian Heroes (GBA)
  18. Wow, that's a brain-buster, give me an hour or so to post my decision.
  19. Natakiro

    Natakiro New Member

    So many...I'll try some ones no one said yet.

    Sonic DX is horrible, animation is lame, voices are terrible, and sonic's facial expressions are so bad they're funny. The sounds effects and music are bad...

    I'm not in a rant mood right now, or I could list many.
  20. Fathus

    Fathus Member

    Sports games, in general. I don't understand why anyone would want to play a video game about playing sports. It just doesn't make sense to me.