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what is the worst game you ever played

Discussion in 'Gaming Lounge' started by sokka101, Mar 28, 2010.

  1. athemoe

    athemoe Well-Known Member

    So blond back to the island :/
  2. rudegal

    rudegal Well-Known Member

    elite beat agents any of the stupid bratz games i had to beat them for my sister, time crisis on xbox 360 magnetica haven call of the king on ps2 high school musical the sims 2 on ds could name more but would take me all day
  3. agxthesorrow

    agxthesorrow Well-Known Member

    Dude Halo 3 sucked. FIFA Games are ok. but damn Modern Warfare 2 was incredible! how can you it sucks?
  4. dills2

    dills2 Well-Known Member

    mw2 dont suck u suck at playing it
  5. Kiekoes

    Kiekoes Guest

    The worst game ever:
    [NDS] AstroBoy - The Video Game

    Second worst game:
    [NDS] Where The Wild Things Are
  6. asuke-sama101

    asuke-sama101 Member

    the remake of FFIII was CRAP! All the bosses did the same thing; attack, attack, magic, signature move...attack, attack, magic, signature move etc. Same old routine A-Z. Epic lack of innovation.
  7. duckie112

    duckie112 Member

    Tibia tried it logged in and thought... EW, Runescape (even tho i played it 8 years)
  8. omgwtfitzben

    omgwtfitzben Well-Known Member

    Anyone played Superman 64? Enough said.
  9. alexong96

    alexong96 Well-Known Member

    The more challenging, the more fun. That's how I see it anyway.

    Worst game ever?
    FF X-2. :p
  10. omgwtfitzben

    omgwtfitzben Well-Known Member

    FFX-2 wasn't that bad, they put work into it, graphics were still amazing, the story just sucked, so bad.

    A really bad game, in my opinion, is when EVERY thing sucks. But hey others have their opinions, I just don't see how FFX-2 is the worst.
  11. canidia

    canidia Member

    I actually liked that game, it was annoying but fun(maybe cause I'm a girl I dunno). I'd say the worst I played was every game based on a Disney show. Only one I finished was Wizards of Waverly place and it took like an hour literally.
  12. Phantom Brave. I like the way Disgaea tactics, but not this one. Really sucks
  13. SushiKing

    SushiKing Well-Known Member

    Iv played alot of really Cr@py Lame games but the one that stands out the most and that i have NO idea why it was released with all the glitches and cr@p would have to be

    The lord of the rings the fellow ship of the ring, For GBA.
  14. sylar1000

    sylar1000 Well-Known Member

    hmm crap

    that's weird, you seemed to have misplaced your a with an @ in a few of your words.
  15. saddamsdevil

    saddamsdevil Well-Known Member


    Seriously, who made that game up? All you do is work and waste time until you die. And the game over screen sucks too.
  16. impulse513

    impulse513 Active Member

    farmville just play harvest moon for god's sake
  17. iluvgtavcs

    iluvgtavcs Guest

    I'd say for me, a huge racing fan...
  18. Cheesewizard

    Cheesewizard Well-Known Member

    and your a noob who boasts about how many times hes prestiged.

    btw the game is full of hackers ^^
  19. dills2

    dills2 Well-Known Member

    i dont play that much im not a noob and i havent prestiged besides youd be screwed if someone saw you i bet
  20. Cheesewizard

    Cheesewizard Well-Known Member

    i play battlefield the more fun version of the shootem ups. you know the game that actually relies on skill and teamwork if your to win. But lets not turn this into an opinion war. your entitled to your own opinion as i am to mine :)