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what is the worst fast food chain of all.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by ian13456, Mar 18, 2009.

  1. o8643

    o8643 New Member

    Panda Express is terrible. Or, more specially, their sushi branch. One package of substandard California rolls is around $7 and has 75% of the DV of sodium. That doesn't even include the soy sauce. I ate there once and I'm never going back.
  2. deamon1311

    deamon1311 Member

    umm you forgot one of wendy's worst offenders.

    i speak of one that isnt often officially on the menu.

    it has 4 1/3lb patties and 8 strips of bacon and either swiss or american cheese.

    i dont know the calories but im sure its not good for me.
  3. Rayder

    Rayder Well-Known Member

    To me, the absolute worst fast-food chain is Rally's. The food is VERY inconsistent. One day it may taste ok, the next it tastes like they haven't cleaned the grill in weeks.

    The last time I went there the burgers smelled like farts. In fact the whole place had essence-of-farts smell as I went through the drive-through. That was over a year ago. Haven't been back since.
  4. Internetowl

    Internetowl Member

    KFC are shocking in Sheffield. A good way to test any fastfood place is to check the toilets before ordering.....its a good idea of the levels of hygiene.
  5. airsoft1117

    airsoft1117 Well-Known Member

    I actually <3 McDonalds, 2 McChicken Sandwiches and a sweet tea for 3 Bucks? You know it doesn't get any better than that!
    Oh and as the tastiness, i would say Chick-fl-a is the best (Its too expensive for me though)

    But i would say out of all of the fast food we have state side, KFC Would have to be the worst.
  6. crazytuna

    crazytuna Well-Known Member

    damn why do you people have so many fast-foods?
  7. tenchan4

    tenchan4 Well-Known Member

    That's a really good tip. :eek: I'll be sure to keep that in mind from now on. Thanks! ;)
  8. TirithRR

    TirithRR Well-Known Member

    What do you mean it isn't on the menu? That's the Baconator... that's their biggest advertised burger. You can get it when anywhere from 1 to 4 patties by request. (Defaults to two patties, I believe).
  9. raikufa

    raikufa Active Member

    i dislike mcdonalds

    but the best in my opijnion is chic-fil-a
  10. TirithRR

    TirithRR Well-Known Member

    I worked in Myrtle Beach for a year, and the hotel I stayed at (Ya, I got to stay in a hotel for a year! FUN! Not...) the manager kept telling me and my coworkers that Chic-fil-a was wonderful. We saw them all the time driving from the hotel to work and back.

    She took us there one day and all I can say is... I wasn't impressed. The portions were small for their price, and the chicken was rather bland.
  11. I love McDonalds. I'd have to say Wendy's is the worst on my list- I can't eat anything on their menu but their fries and their Frostys. But then again- most fast food chains suck ;p
  12. TheBlueMeanie

    TheBlueMeanie Member

    First off, it's not a fast food place. It's a coffee shop. I've never been able to get a cheeseburger and fries at Starbucks.

    Secondly, you can get a simple cup of black coffee there if you so desire... but here's the kicker.... you have to ask for it. What do you do, ask for a mocha and expect a cup of black coffee or do you ask for a cup of black coffee and get a mocha instead? I highly doubt either is the case. Mochas, lattes, frappucinos, etc. are made with those things that "people don't want": cream, vanilla, chocolate sauce, caramel, etc. You might want to educate yourself. They don't just put them in there to annoy you. In fact, they will always ask if you want whip or not. If you unknowingly got that stuff in your coffee, chances are you don't know what you're ordering.


    think KFC is one of the worst. I have yet to go to any KFC in the country and find it organized and prompt with service. The workers are always acting like their just flying by the seat of their pants with no organization whatsoever. It always takes a while to get my order.

    Needless to say, I don't go there much, if at all.

    There are two gems I know of... in Seattle, there's a place called BurgerMaster. Some of the best burgers and fries you'll ever get in your life. I haven't lived there since 2003 and still get cravings.

    The second is mainly in the west: Good Times. They have really good burgers too.

    I highly recommend either of them.

    C.R.V. EDIT: Use the "modify post" button next time.
  13. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    Yes, I do know that coffee shops are not fast food joints, but since they technically fall under the food services category & we're talking about quality over price, then that means any food establishment that offers poor or outlandish services fits in this discussion.

    Starbucks is just for the Bourgeois: snobby, uptight yuppies, &/or semi-rich preppy kids who wanna look kewl :p

    Those are the types of people who goes to Starbucks here in my country because they wanna brag about hanging out at Starbucks sipping a cup of coffee costing an arm & leg, (about Php80+ Philippine peso or nearly $3 Dollars a cup) when you can buy one at cheap places for less. The place is just somewhere to "be seen in" it seems, not somewhere you go to for enjoyment, I'd rather go to those cheap eateries serving a cup of coffee for Php10 or less, for Php80 I could have eaten a heavy meal on one of those cheap places than spend my hard earned money on a cup of exhuberant coffee, thank you very much.
  14. rush n kaos

    rush n kaos Well-Known Member

    that's one reason i never did like fast food places. over here in Toronto there are a lot of Chinese take-out places that are cheap and good. i think the only thing appealing to many people i know is the fact that fast food places have their stuff deep-fried in oil. granted, i like my stuff with oil, but i can't take much more than pan-fried without having to sit for half an hour in the toilet

    i find the stuff at Starbucks pretty decent tasting, but for THAT kind of money? one cup of coffee costs as much as a big barbecue combo at this place right across from my high school. or even better, buy a bag of coffee beans and make my own. that is, if i ever decide to drink coffee ;D
  15. hazynighthawk

    hazynighthawk Well-Known Member

    im gonna have to say mighty taco.

    ive gotten super sick last time i ate there and havent since.

    i hate mcdinalds as well but never gotten sick from eatingthere.
  16. nex26

    nex26 Well-Known Member

    I think they're all pretty evil. I bought a McDonalds last month for the first the time in about 2 years, I was bitterly dissapointed. Potatoe-less fries and beef-less burgers.. magic!! =[
  17. ian13456

    ian13456 Well-Known Member

    what if all the fast food chains mentioned in this thread were combined. What will happen to the world?
  18. Krysta

    Krysta Member

    None of them are perfect.

    I really, really dislike McDonald's. The burgers are simply awful, and I'm sure scientists around the world are still trying to figure out what McNuggets are really made of. However, they have the best fries and fish sandwiches, go figure.

    Now, BK has awesome burgers... But what's up with their fries? They're horrific! And they have some great salads but most everything else they have is somewhere between bleh and barf.

    Then there's Wendy's. The burgers are strange. But they have chili. You gotta love chili.

    KFC, pretty much awful straight across the whole menu.

    Checkers, good burgers, good hot dogs (which like no one else even has). But, don't buy their chicken!

    I could continue like this for a dozen more, point is you just can't win. I've been known to personally go to three different places in a row and piece together a decent meal lol. Like grab a burger at BK, get some fries at McD's, then head to Checkers for a banana shake.

    I guess what I'm saying is that they all suck in their own special way.
  19. Deathbreak911

    Deathbreak911 Well-Known Member

    Salads? You can't count that as a pro. Going to BK for salad is like going to a crackhouse for vitamins!
  20. waylonn

    waylonn Well-Known Member

    Burger King is just plain SHIT