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what is the only game you can't play because of some reason?

Discussion in 'Gaming Lounge' started by crimson089, Oct 30, 2009.

  1. snebbers

    snebbers Well-Known Member

    Any PC based game, 224mb of RAM on an eMachines laptop with an intel graphics Card.. Although it does have a 2.49Ghz Intel Celeron, which isn't bad at all for its age. Which is 7 years. That and the maximum HD space is 32.7gb. I own a fail computer.
  2. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    The only thing in Resident Evil 4 that scared the shit out of me was the death scenes. Like Leon's head getting cut off, or Leon's face being melted by acid. These deaths made me turn off the gamecube with no second thought. Resi 5 really, really pussied out. I was very upset, the death scenes made me never want to die.

    I would say Demon's Souls because it's so damn hard, but I can't stop playing it. IT'S ALWAYS MY FAULT.

    Snebbers, me and my hubby started off with a worse PC. It had 190 MB of RAM, 12GB of hard drive space, some old Geforce 4 card and the processor is about on par.
  3. 2unde

    2unde New Member

    Devil Survivor for the DS, soo many endings.
  4. snebbers

    snebbers Well-Known Member

    For some reason I like watching characters die after having a streak where I haven' died for a long time, So because of that I've started Playing Metal Gear Solid on Normal, Hard and eventually Extreme with very few saves. I've even started getting all of the dog tags which I couldn't do before because every time I tried to do a "hold-up" they turned around because of my poor timing and the "You've been Spotted" noise Would ALWAYS MAKE ME JUMP. But at the same time I love it :p

    Lmao Win Computers :3
  5. crimson089

    crimson089 Well-Known Member

    haven't played any metal gear series, i heard it was capcom's bomb
  6. snebbers

    snebbers Well-Known Member

    You haven't played Metal Gear?

    They are epic, I recommend them. The cutscenes are FAR TOO LONG. but the story line is epic and so is the gameplay
  7. teserut

    teserut Guest

    Re: chain of memories, one because i can't god damn find it, and second because i don't even think it would work in my ps2 (its hacked).
  8. Ms_Bunny

    Ms_Bunny Member

    I'm in the "can't play RE" camp. I'm far too empathetic with my character and it triggers my anxiety. :( I *love* me some Umbrella Chronicles, though. Shooting things is more cathartic (and fun!) than getting eaten by them. ;D
  9. smashbrosmk

    smashbrosmk Well-Known Member

    ........silent hill because the first time i saw it, i was young and apparently i peed my pants.
    Ahhhhhh...good times.
  10. crimson089

    crimson089 Well-Known Member

    the silent hill series was really the scariest survival horror game i've ever played, but i can manage to finish the game
  11. smashbrosmk

    smashbrosmk Well-Known Member

    Hmmm... you finished the game while I peed my pants as a lad?
  12. Mcoupe69

    Mcoupe69 Guest

    Dungeon Explorer (for Sega CD) :( i was stupid and threw my sega/segacd attatchment combo in the trash because there was some random stupid wiring problem i didn't look into .. i think i still have the game and i know i would be able to play on a pc emulator but I can't find it and even if I do it is probably scratched as hell) :(
  13. omegavitaminc

    omegavitaminc Well-Known Member

    i have never ever been scared by a videogame or movie. not even dead space.
  14. Silent_Grave

    Silent_Grave Active Member

    wow all this I'm too scared stuff is not what i thought I'd see
    personally I cant play FF because it requires too much time and I don't really like the combat system even if the story is usually amazing
  15. crimson089

    crimson089 Well-Known Member

  16. indianCHAN

    indianCHAN Well-Known Member

    Does it count if you can't play it because you refuse to play it?
  17. crimson089

    crimson089 Well-Known Member

    yes. maybe that's a reason.
  18. Trancechaotic

    Trancechaotic Active Member

    I can't play Ratchet and Clank. The used copy I bought had just few enough scratches to get to the main menu, but enough to make the actual game never load.
  19. Fire_Ice

    Fire_Ice Guest

    I can't play Dragon Ball Z Attack of the Sayans on my
    DS The games crashes when Raditz meets Piccolo

    darn it (I like the game and I can't play it)

    I've got no probelms with PC games mine can play then all

    AMD Athlon 64 X2 5200+ (2.6GHZ x2)
    N-Vidia G-Force 9400 GT 512 MB
    2GB RAM (needs to be 4GB and It will be next year)
    160GB HDD
    DVD burner

    a simple system that I build on my own for only €150