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What is the most frustrating thing to happen to you in a game?

Discussion in 'Gaming Lounge' started by thebass324, Jun 30, 2008.

  1. kamage

    kamage Well-Known Member

    Starcraft:I was completely owning a guy, then all of a sudden, he managed to kill all my units with high templars...microing me ( :S ) I hate micro so much.. I had so many ultras, guardians, and hydras, all owned by 10 or something high templars (Of course I lost...)


    When I'm close to finihsing N+ and I suicide.....

    Digimon World Championships: Every freaking time my digimon revert :mad:
  2. When I turn off my game after playing for like 2 hours on a game like Pokemon and when I turn it back on, I realize I forgot to save.
  3. kaineru

    kaineru Well-Known Member

    Playing Izuna for a while until the next time I tried to load the game said "Save data corrupted". It also happened to me on Digimon World 3, Digimon Card Battle and even Saga Frontier 2.... I have bad luck I guess...
  4. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    Microing? Are you talking about Psionic Storm? A decent pack of augmented Zerglings that are well spread out can take care of High Templars. Ultralisks and Guardians are more than enough. You had both. What the hell happened?
    What I find more frustrating is the Hallucination ability, especially when I target the wrong Carrier and realize that wow, that one wasn't doing any damage.
  5. 1Blacks1

    1Blacks1 Well-Known Member

    HAHA !! I had that Problem before but it was easly solved. i stole someone elses 4th disk and till this day i still got it :D
  6. rush n kaos

    rush n kaos Well-Known Member

    i downloaded a godly ghost data for Rainbow Road on Mario Kard DS from my friend, he challenged me to beat it, and i happened to have red batteries when i was retrying yesterday. for the first time i managed to do a decent first and second lap on one of my worst cars (almost zero handling), and then at the end curve after the second loop on the final lap, my batts died :( i slammed the table i was playing on, and i was at school in the middle of the cafe lol
  7. redslayer

    redslayer Member

    Soul Calibur 3.
    corrupt data.
    350+ hours of gaming.
    all the characters endings.
    numerous beloved made characters.
    near all the weapons unlocked.
    soul mode beat.
    all the scores with the initials: RED.


    .......all gone.....

  8. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    ^I think that's the worst one here.
  9. redslayer

    redslayer Member

    I know. Its like a horror story, right?
  10. aquaboy123

    aquaboy123 Active Member

    grr.. I had so many lvl 100 pokemons when suddenly my micro SD card broke down. all my games gone and all my sav's
  11. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    That's why I backup my .sav on my computer.
  12. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    There's a homebrew that can do that via wifi. Forgot the name though. Sometimes on the DS, my hands usually cover the switch, and sometimes I move or fidget a lot, so it turns off. It is a bit loose. This is danger for all DS games.
  13. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    I haven't had that happen yet, but now that you said something about it, it's gonna happen a lot.
  14. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    All three of my Mega level Digimon reverted to Digieggs on THE DAY of the Championships!!

    aaaaarrrrrrgggghhhhhh!!! :'(
  15. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    That's supposed to stop after a while, if you do a lot of battles and unlock the modes. That happened to one of my Megas, the Pharoah guy.
  16. elk1007

    elk1007 Well-Known Member

    I borrowed my friends PS2 to play Final Fantasy X, but she didn't have a memory card for some reason, so I just never saved.

    After the second battle with Semore (or w/e his name is) I died, and discovered that when you die you have to start at your last save.
    I quickly gave the fuck up.
  17. razikain

    razikain New Member

    In my opinion there are 2 kinds of frustrating moments: specific (regarding a single game) and general (a specific situation instead of a game)
    Specific -> While I was playing Diablo II with my werewolf druid, I was really killing Diablo for the first time (the other 2 barbarians and one assassin I created were all messed up so they turned to be weaklings) and I was really excited because my character was well built and I had a lot of rejuvenation potions to use, so I was killing him with little effort, and then, when his life bar reached below the "D" of Diablo, the electricity went out, and when it came back I realized I had spent all those rejuvenation potions, they weren't refunded ç_ç, but after all I managed to beat the crap out of Diablo again XD

    General -> I hate, REALLY hate when I'm playing a game and I'm excited about it, then I find out at a certain part that the rom/disc I'm playing is corrupted. And I hate even more when it's a difficult game to find. That has happened with me with two games: FFVIII (At the ending movie ¬¬") and Chrono Cross (when I was about to enter the Dead Sea for the first time). If the game is corrupted, I'd rather have it entirely corrupted than putting a lot of effort in it and then my hours of playings just go away like it has never happened =/
  18. elk1007

    elk1007 Well-Known Member

    You know you can just download the rom again.
  19. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    It also might not be the rom, it might be your settings.
    FF8 is a troublesome game to emulate (from my experience).
  20. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    FFIX is worse. It's Seymour :) Yeah, I was past the dead sea and on Disc 3 in that robot place in Chrono Cross, but my brother bit the CD.