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What is the best pokemon of rock?

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by ADGS231, Jul 1, 2009.

  1. ADGS231

    ADGS231 Well-Known Member

    RegiRock & Rhyperior , okay i have seen some stat of this pokemons, Rhyperior is much better than Regirock, can someone tell me where i can find Rhyperior or somenthing, if you like to change it to me its okay two =D...
  2. Alex_t15

    Alex_t15 Member

    Is a Dugtrio a rock and mud or something? I cant remember, choos that pokemon if it's rock because it's cute:p and it looks like a sausage with a mouse face on it AND there's three of them!!!/or are they connected underground? Who cares!!!:p
  3. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    Dugtrio is ground type and it's too frail to do anything useful besides attempt to trap someone. If it were beefier, then I'd actually use him.

    Tyranitar and Rhyperior are the best ones to use, even if Close Combat (or Grass Knot for Rhyperior) pwns them both.
  4. thekashmiriking

    thekashmiriking Well-Known Member

    That is true but if Rhyperior has the ability 'solid rock' it can withstand those kind of hits... ;D
  5. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    Nasty Plot Infernape, 104 base SpA, +2 SpA boost, Life Orb 1.3x, 120 BP on Rhyperior, 4x weakness (or 2.66x with Solid Rock) and with only a 55 base SpD, you're in for a rough ride.
    He would be better off against a Close Combat since it's 1.33x, 120 BP, STAB, but on the physical side where he is meant to take those.

    As for Tyranitar, a Close Combat means you're totally screwed.

    The choice between Infernape and Vaporeon for my MVP is a tough choice.

    (I'm looking at Smogon and Serebii's Rhyperior sections and Smogon says the damage is reduced by 1/4 and Serebii says Solid Rock reduces it by 1/3...hmm)

    EDIT: I now have 3 different Tyranitars and Rhyperiors to use. That's how good they are.
  6. timmy1991

    timmy1991 Well-Known Member

    Actually, dugtrio is how I beat Pokemon red... good times...
  7. kukuru

    kukuru Well-Known Member

    Of course Rhyperius
  8. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    Yup. And I can beat the end-game with a Pikachu.

    Dugtrio was good back in the RBY days, but that's only because there was nothing better. I'd sit in Diglett Cave until my starter was level 36, and I'd catch a Dugtrio while I was there. I'd even kill them with my Charmeleon because I'd just switch if they used Dig. lol

    But now, we have Rhyperior which easily replaces any ground/rock pokemon in the 1st gen.

    I used to think Fighting types were worthless when I played G/S/C, but now we have so many steel/rock types, it's really the only answer to kill those.