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What Is and ISNT an rpg

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by tevak, Aug 9, 2009.

  1. SoulSin

    SoulSin Well-Known Member

    Well I also disagree that Zelda is an RPG.

    I wont deny that Zelda has some RPG characterists. But its way more one adventure game.
    The definition, Adventure/Rpg would fit. But Zelda is way more one Adventure game than RPG itself.

    About the story and plot part. That used to be true, but nowadays we have Adventure/Tatics kicking a** of a lot of new RPGs story wise.
  2. tevak

    tevak Well-Known Member

    I still think that there is no place for the rpg hybrid in the title. It's action adventure. I mean, I still cant think of a single rpg element. I mean really, someone has yet to name the rpg elements in zelda. But you are very right about the adventure WAAAAAAAAAAY over taking ant rpg elements that may exist.
  3. I have to disagree slightly with those who say there are NO RPG elements whatsoever in Zelda games (excepting Zelda 2), if only because at this point in the topic, we have still only managed to narrow down features RPGs seem to have in common, even if they aren't RPG exclusive. Story is a big problem. Any game where you play as a character is technically role-playing, yes, but I think SoulSin and Natewlie have found another feature that most RPGs have in common. Not necessarily a silent protagonist in the manner of Golden Sun's Felix, but at least a character that you can control the actions and expressions of somewhat. For example, just because I've been playing this recently, in Suikoden Tierkreis, many game points have two types of responses, positive, or slightly antagonistic (i.e. "Sure you can come with!" or "I guess you can tag along..."). As subtle as these may seem, these small expressions of emotion gradually build up your character's personality in these types of games. Or how about Luminous Arc's Intermissions? You can build up trust and good feelings with party members based on how you answer them.

    As soon as we get some features approved by the vast majority of posters, I think we should keep a running list. Just an idea though
  4. tevak

    tevak Well-Known Member

    Okay, but you don't do that in Zelda. (And btw, in suikoden tierkreis sometimes it will change things drastically. be careful of that. o.o)
    And that trend is fast leaving in rpgs today. If you don't name your character, most likely those things don't come up. Like in Lost Odyssey, the main character is controled by the player, but is not the player. In fact, he has to be the worlds most complex jrpg character so far. And in Suikoden Tierkries you don't really shape his personality, because really, he is always still the same fast-talking plain character designed person who believes that "you won't know until you try!" But enough about suikoden. and Zelda. I bring a new topic to the table. Can Radiata Stories really be considered an rpg?
  5. cuccio123

    cuccio123 Well-Known Member

    MegaMan Battle Network and Starforce are RPG's.
    Seeing as how you appear to be going on what is a traditional RPG.
    Any game that has customization and different ways to increase or change your skills/style is an RPG.

    So by your logic, only games with complete open ended worlds that allow you to make your own decision is an RPG.
  6. tevak

    tevak Well-Known Member

    Customization does NOT make it an rpg. Um... NO. that is not my logic. that is your twisted interpretation. so lets get things straight. The game has no rpg combat. it has one stat. one piece of equipment, and that is only in starforce. the game is less of an rpg than god of war. and I'm not going o nand o nabout a traditional rpg. Have you ANY idea how many games that are NOT rpgs have customization? DO YOU? Oh my god.............. OH MY GOD!
  7. MadmanNero

    MadmanNero Well-Known Member

    That logic would make some FPS rpgs...even Fallout 3 is called an RPG but I still see it as an action game.
  8. tevak

    tevak Well-Known Member

    Vats & special make fallout 3 plenty rpg.
  9. Hmm. The new Megaman games get tricky though. I know you [tevak] said that many non-RPGs have customization, and I'm not sure whether you were referring to the battle chip system or the base stats, but I feel kinda in-between. It's like they took a card-based action battling game, and tacked on some RPG features (i.e. NaviCust, styles/souls depending on the game, etc.). It at times has an RPG feel (ordinary kid, go save the world, whee), but the feel of the game or the story alone doesn't really pull it through. I think for it to be more RPG-like the features have to...tie together better or something. It's missing that je ne sais quoi
  10. MadmanNero

    MadmanNero Well-Known Member

    I never thought this thread would get this popular its entertaining at least. :p
  11. tevak

    tevak Well-Known Member

    Hey. Hey. Hey. Link. This isnt an rpg.
    Why am I reviving this thread?
    Look in 2009 rpgs. someone posted news about Spirit tracks.
    Anyone read Gameinformer? Look in the october Issue for the jimmy fallon interview. Thinks its an rpg.
    Look everywhere. "Zelda Is the best rpg game ever!(Durr....)"
    No. Its not. Its not even an rpg. Or action rpg.
  12. I was wondering when this topic would be revived from its stasis. But I wonder, can we do anything to raise public awareness that just because you are put in the role of a character doesn't mean the game is an RPG? Of course, most of the time you could simply do a bit of poking around, possibly even check the box for the genre, but consider how often the American public as a whole is well-informed on ANYTHING (not meaning to exclude residents of other nations in this comparison, but simply using the example which I know best)
  13. darky000

    darky000 Well-Known Member

    Unfortunately Tevak, Legend of Zelda is somewhat more or less an RPG.

    This is where I got my source.

    And for a quick reply on the link here's a snippet:

    The Action RPG usually consists of talking to people and battling enemies. Enemy battling is different however. Like an action game you hit the attack button and hit the enemy in real time; no complex battle systems involved (usually). These games also tend to not include a point system for the most part, but at the very least, it's there for Health Points, though they may not be called Health Points and Magic Points. Examples include the Secret of Mana series, the Mystical Ninja series, Brave Fencer Musashi, and the .hack series. The Legend of Zelda could also be called an Action RPG, although many people argue that it's not an RPG at all. Most PC, online RPG's, and MMORPG's are Action RPG's.
  14. tevak

    tevak Well-Known Member

    Im sorry, when exactly did this 'Urban Dictionary' Become a credible source?
  15. darky000

    darky000 Well-Known Member

    It would be "When did Urban Dictionary made a major error?"

    Give your source why Zelda doesn't have an RPG element and I might consider a debate. :)
  16. tevak

    tevak Well-Known Member

    Okay, how about the box. also,
    How about nintendo itself?
  17. rootwo62

    rootwo62 Member

    A game that you roll and play and game in
  18. darky000

    darky000 Well-Known Member

    I don't find your source solid.

    Deep Labyrinth isn't just an RPG but also an Action. Likewise to Orc and Elves.

    Even Dragon Ball Origin isn't an RPG (though I haven't played it) according to gamespot.

    Furthermore, on your link posted it seems to backfire on your assumption that Megaman Star Force isn't an RPG.

    Find Megaman Starforce in the box art - http://www.nintendo.com/games/guide#qhardware=DS&qesrbRating=&qplay=&qgenre=rpg&qrelease=&panel=qgenre

    We can safely say Box Genre doesn't qualify as evidence/proof.
  19. tevak

    tevak Well-Known Member

    Dragon ball origons is an rpg.....