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What Is and ISNT an rpg

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by tevak, Aug 9, 2009.

  1. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    Anything that has an obscene amount of stats/numbers. Even better if it requires a damn tutorial on what those stats mean.

    Here's a little observation:
    Zelda has meters basically that tell you how much health and how much magic you have, no numbers.

    WoW has the same type of meter-age, but can also show the numbers as well. In fact, I can't play without the numbers showing. You can have WoW show you not only numbers, but also other things, like Combo points, Auras, random abilities that activate, like Riposte. These usually scroll up, while you battle.

    Zelda would be more RPG-ish if it had a ton of different stats, and numbers to the bars.
  2. True, although if Zelda games did in fact have such things, I think this would only begin the slide towards even "Action/RPG".
    Zelda has pretty much no character customization other than the pick-up-more-dungeon-items and continuously-gain-shinier-swords story-driven methods. Once you can change Link's Dex or STR, I'll be more willing to shift towards Action/RPG (but not quite there yet)

    Another thing you [insanecrazy07] brought up about RPGs that I hadn't thought of before now was combos, abilities, etc. True, characters like Link and Samus can (sometimes) gain new abilities through story-based play or extra fooling around, and some even have names attached (i.e. LttP/4S's Hurricane Blade). But I feel that this is another big part of RPG gaming: turn-based combat was already mentioned, yes, but with specific names for attacks that do different types of things to the enemy, not just [Attack] [Defend] [Item] [Run] mentality
  3. xelados

    xelados Well-Known Member

    Krystallus: What of games like Devil May Cry or God of War? I haven't played either, but from what I gather neither possess any real stat management or even a level-up system, yet they have names for their battle techniques.
  4. olliebot

    olliebot Well-Known Member

    I don't know about devil may cry but god of war I think has a bit of a level up system. Also, would ninja gaiden be considered an rpg because you can level up your sword and whatnot?
  5. tevak

    tevak Well-Known Member

    No, it wouldnt. the two base requirements of an rpg are stats and leveling up. those are the only things required. however, ninja gaiden not only has no stats but is marketed as an ACTION game. If the developer/publisher states the genre, it is the genre. does nintendo ever call zelda an rpg? no.
  6. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    Actually, we can rule out leveling up. Mana Khemia doesn't use levels, only AP like FFX did with the sphere grid.

    We can modify it to stats and possibly some sort of experience for every battle. This includes EXP, AP or SP, (even FF8 that uses two types of experience) any points gained by fighting. Chrono Cross had that unique system of randomly gaining stats by battling, without dependently leveling.

    This experience either levels up the character or is stored to be used to increase stats.
  7. Sarah Kreuz

    Sarah Kreuz Well-Known Member

    Zelda is an Action-RPG. For known reason you can call that also an action-adventure. But surely it`s not a "pure" RPG. in fact the round based tactics (Vandal Hearts, FF tactics, Legend Of Kartia...and so on) got more RPG-elements than all these Zelda (Zelda-like) Games.

    Today it`s so all-embracing that it`s really hard to put a game in a template. Leveling Up (and getting exp) is state-of-the-art in most of the games (Castlevania - but that won`t change the fact,that it`s a classic Action-platformer).

    But,hey...that`s cool,i think. A Resident Evil where you level up, a Call Of Duty where your char gets more and more experience? why not. Works very fine (as you can see in Castlevania) and makes more Games attractive for RGP-freaks like me. ;)
  8. xelados

    xelados Well-Known Member

    Under what pretenses do you find Zelda to be an RPG? There is no stat management, no real equipment management aside from the Zora Armor and Iron Boots (if we're talking OoT or TP here), no experience levels, and the focus of the game is on exploration and dungeon crawling. Far from what's considered an RPG.
  9. Sarah Kreuz

    Sarah Kreuz Well-Known Member

    I don`t think Zelda is an RPG. Said that before. But no prob if anyone descripes it as an Action-RPG,as i am doing. Or an Action-Adventure. Maybe the "Action" in front of it descripes it very clearly: The Difference between an Action-RPG -Diablo II- (exploration and dungeon crawling are included here - as you said earlier) and a pure RPG -Final Fantasy X-...you don`t have to be a Hardcore gamer to see this gameplay-difference. And if you don`t see it, you`ll feel it. xD

    Or call "Zelda" an Action-Adventure. I personally call Games like "Resident Evil" Action-Adventures...and here you can see the difference too. "Real" Adventures like "Monkey Island" / "Day of The Tentacle" - and the one with the Action ingame. ;)

    Zelda is no RPG,nope. It has storlyine/exploring/setting - maybe to ply with items very similar to a console rpg. But when it comes to the Game, the action and the Puzzles standing in front of it. Although i didn`t play all Zelda-Games. (what a shame :)))

    I`m waiting for "Zelda Tactics". What about that? :)
  10. I think it's great that we keep coming back to Zelda...guess it just shows how much we all love the games, even though just about everyone who has commented or looked at this thread knows it's not an RPG...

    I think what's making this harder is the fact that we seem to concede that games are not solely RPGs, but classify them as a dual-or combination-type with RPG in it, and this doesn't make sense as it has few to very little of some of the "RPG" features that the general majority of us agree on. I think what is happening is that some of the posters on here may have (not accusing anyone, just guessing from reactions) said that games like Castlevania or Zelda are "Action-RPGs", with the RPG classification working like dual-classing in some games. Even if you only have one characteristic of the class, you still belong to both classes fairly equally :p Just my guess at why the supposed "RPG mixed-with-other" games are getting so much heat
  11. tevak

    tevak Well-Known Member

    The fact is that zelda, though undoubtedly awesome, is in no way an rpg. There is no zelda tactics.........
    Zelda is NOT an action rpg. Name 5 rpg elements in zelda! You can't? No wonder.
  12. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    Character advancement and storyline are the key components of an RPG. With the exception of one game in the series, Zelda doesn't have the typical experience based level-up system that most RPGs use for character advancement. However, the Zelda games do take you through an epic story through the eyes of the main character, and you could argue that Link does in fact "level up" through his acquisition of new items and abilities. Adventure-RPG is typically the title given to a game that has RPG-like elements with a greater focus on adventure based gameplay. I think that definition fits Zelda pretty well.

    Zelda has a very light-RPG type thing going on.
  13. CloudBoii12

    CloudBoii12 Well-Known Member

    Read "Characteristics"
  14. Sarah Kreuz

    Sarah Kreuz Well-Known Member

    ---Action-adventure games that do not include character statistics (including the Legend of Zelda series but excluding Zelda II: The Adventure of Link) are also sometimes referred to as action RPGs, although this is often debated. ---

    well,that`s what`s going on here. xD wikipedia isn`t the bible. ad hoc not for gamers. xD

    So, a REAL (the one and only if you want so) RPG is one,that is based on a Pen&Paper rule type, like "D&D" or "Das Schwarze Auge" (don`t know what it`s called in english - the Black Eye? lol). Something that comes from a Roleplay in RL, where you and your friends sitting by flickering candlelight,roll the Dice and playing a role of a Warrior/Thief/Whatever. Those Rule Type converted into a Game...et voila. So the true Spirit of a roleplaying game had to be searched in the early 80`s in all these Dungeon&Dragon computer games. ;) So today ? Final Fantasy and co are nothing else. The rule Type`s changed (D&D is most popular on the Personal Computer),but it`s the same spirit. Choose a Class,get yourself into a HUGE story, be the Hero - and even if you`re already not: BECOME one -,get some friends to join you on your sacred Quest... ;)
  15. SoulSin

    SoulSin Well-Known Member


    Pure RPGs have muted heros ! (since they are a reflex of yourself)

    Muahahah problem solved

  16. tevak

    tevak Well-Known Member

    ZELDA IS NOT AN ACTION RPG. NEW ABILITIES ISNT LEVELING UP. STORY DOES NOT UNDER A N Y CIRCUMSTANCE CHOOSE A GENRE. Several rpgs have less of a story then call of freakin' duty. Muted heroes? H*** to the no. Sarah kreuz, CONSOLE RPG's. NOT D&D. Not pen and paper. console. please people, at least try and read every post before posting.................
  17. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    To show your opinion, please do us the pleasure of posting in a respectable manner.

    Oh, and reread my post and dissect each part and come up with a counter point please. I'd like to hear your opinion on mine without going batshit.
  18. tevak

    tevak Well-Known Member

    I just came up with a counter point. I'm sorry I KIRKED OFF but well, zelda dosent have light rpg elements. Unless by light you mean generally nonexixstant. Adventure based has to do with the story, and the story has NOTHING to do with the genre.
  19. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    Back up your statements.

    Zelda definately fits the bill for a D&D pen & paper RPG, more so than any other game. Why? Because your character doesn't talk, his voice and direction is all controlled by the player, whereas most other RPGS, your character talks and shapes opinions and such that can oppose your own. To argue that stories have nothing to do with RPGs, well that's kinda ridiculous, because most RPGs are concentrated on a good story.

    Leveling up has several meanings besides an actual text pop-up saying that your character leveling up. Things can be associated with leveling up such as collecting a weapon/item in Zelda, hell they stay with Link permanently.

    That's why I think Zelda's an Adventure/Rpg. Just light on RPG elements.
  20. tevak

    tevak Well-Known Member

    The story argument is upon an individual game, but it is not a standard. Dokapon Journey is an rpg but it barely has a story. The game's story has nothing to do with the genre. Just because your character does not speak does not make it an rpg. And that would give anything in which you gain a new weapon permanently an rpg. So tak 2 is an rpg. Not.