ah cj you got there before me i totally agree, if god was one of us he'd be a horrible person as he believes slavery is a good thing and causes mass genocide when he doesn't like people. he'd be a tyrannical leader just like he is now slaughtering and/or hurting those that didn't love him. he'd be a bad parent and a wife beater, getting his family to love him through fear, pain and misery. generally he'd be a very nasty person so if your looking for "the truth" that's it. to find out more on this subject and why god is truly horrible please go read your bibles
if god was one of us he would have shutted down this thread and cleared our memories so he cant be busted
That would be Jehova, he is not very nice, I do not think he would be regarded as a God by anyone who values good times and peace if it where not for ignorance and propaganda. At the very least a God should be something you can look up to or aspire to be more like, I really don't think it is a great idea to be like Jehova(Yahweh(YHVH)) and I imagine most people would have a real hard time getting on with someone who modeled their lives on this baby killer. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baal this guy seems a bit better(oh and click on the El link) as a applicant to the role of god, but still a bit lacking in my mind. I would hope if something like a God appeared in the midst of us they would be a little more like this. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ganesha He seems ok, he helps people, removes suffering, promotes peace, likes sweets and he avoids killing children, mass murder and acting like a vicious brat when people ignore him. I do suspect that his elephant head may be a bit of a problem for some but I think he would be a pretty cool guy to hang with. I would think that having a God wandering around on earth would be fine, it would make a change from the usual celebrity dross we are bombarded with, but to be honest I would not extend the invitation to Jehova or his ilk, we have enough insecure and aggresive people in places of power as it is.
I heard of a little story about god: "In my life there are a row of foot steps, one is god and the other is me. But in every bad part of my life there is only one set of foot steps, mine. So I ask god and he said "my child. In those bad parts in your life, the harsh parts, the pain and suffering, I carried you..." into hell ! Okay the into hell part was made up but I think that story is a load of bull. God is a sadist. He makes out with Hitler and Satan. NO OFFENCE TO RELIGOUS PEOPLE.
I've always wondered if there could be a god that fits in with science and logic; like all the current religions could be wrong but there could actually be a god that exists and that death isn't just the end, it's nice to believe and this idea could account for the things that seem impossible to comprehend in science, such as the beginning..
If God was one of us, then Satan should be too. And if God would be like Hitler, there wouldn't be a God. Just a couple of Satans.
ZoffyX, if you got the point and read it properly you would understand why this 'god' would be like Hitler
look into deism as well...it kind of mixes science and logic with Christianity...a realistic approach to the christian religion... it's kind of interesting...they believe in a supreme being and an after life but use logic/science as to why they believe in it...like it'd be too much of a coincidence that everything that's around us has a mathematical formula that goes along with it...etc.
deism is rediculous almost more then anything else. it's for people that want to believe in a god but are not stupid enough that they can see religions are bullshit and can't bring them selves to believe like a mindless drone yet they seek that little bit of comfort that something is there that made it all so they don't feel entirely insugnificant. its a middle ground that means you don't really know anything nor do you have anything to base anything on. you can basicalaly just dream away at all the possibilities. deism is just clutching at straws. and the idea that because we can put a mathmatic formula to anything has no relivence ether because you can put a mathmatical equasion to anything and we put that equasion on it (and have you seen them they're not just 1+1=2=god=universe) just because something seems to have order doesn't mean some one set it up it like having a tray and throwing a load of marbles in to it no matter how randomly they land you can put an equasion to it you may even see familior shapes but its you that sees the similarities not some mystyic being making it happen. i would go in to it more but i really can't be bothered anymore.
Deism is stupid It's not Christianity because it uses science and does not comply with many Christian things such as Adam and Eve
I'm not a deist...i'm not even religious...it was just touched up on in my European History class a while back and i just found it kind of interesting. And i didn't say it was Christianity i said it was like logic and Christianity mixed meaning logic and belief mixed. way to flip out there, I'm not the one who made up the religion i was simply stating what it is because from standard learning perspective, i find deism interesting and it's significance is had a couple hundred years ago. Yes, i do agree it's stupid but i find all different religions interesting to learn about and how they originated. It's a dead religion so there's no need to attack it. oh and most of the USA's founders were deists...Ben Franklin, George Washington...and some of the most famous philosophers and historical figures were deist as well, like Adam Smith, John Lock, Robespierre, and Rousseau. I found that interesting.
why do people think i flip out!!! nothing in there sounded particularly attacky to me? was just sharing my thoughts on it, i think you need to read these threads differently if you think people are attacking you when they speak about the same subject you are.
nonono i didn't say attacking me...or i didn't mean to, i meant attacking the religion...like whats the point if its pretty much a dead religion. sorry for the confusion, i worded that weird...i didn't think you were attacking me. o and people probably think you flip out because you have strong opinions against things...now that i read back what you typed thats at least why i thought you flipped out