You die. Your mind shuts down. Nothing else SHOULD HAPPEN. What seems odd to me is that apparently every living being loses the same amount of wieght when they die. It is very trivial (<1 lb), but EVERY thing alive loses the same amount of weight. Maybe it's our soul. Kinda creeped me out when a doctor told me that...
We essentially stop functioning and we blank out since we don't function anymore. We're also impossible to fix at this point in time since we're incredibly complicated so you're going to be stuck in rotting most likely. Eventually, our shells start to deteriorate and all that's left is the bones and those will eventually turn to dust if left alone long enough to rot. Reincarnation sounds a lot nicer than this by comparison really. It'd be a lot cooler if I could retain my past memories through that however so I could be awesome from the get-go.
what happen to you after death?, what happen to your body after death?, is the same question which i already answer. you wont notice it because your brain, the main processing unit in your body already shutdown.
There really is not one answer for that,we do have spiritual manifestations here on earth which does mean that a soul of sorts will live on, but in my opinion, reincarnation is the most likely.
Depends on your belief. what about atheism, it's not a religion. no it's fine. i was just wondering where purgatory can be, between heaven and hell? sorry, i was a catholic before but i quit since it's causing me too much doubts in my head.
depends on your religion is not really a valid answer, if i believe in no god and there is a god then i dont die as though no god exists, if reincarnation is the answer and i believe in god, i dont die and god wont be created for "my heaven". just tryin to be helpfull.
.. ... i didn't understand even a single thought in your post. wasn't really helpful. i hope you made it easier to comprehend.
Earth's hottest fire is just too cool in hell. And what i meant is, in hell can be permanently or just for a while.
some people said to me that after you die, you will forget everything, even who are you, who are your families, friends, etc. you just know that you are in one place with the others that same minds with you,. like, forget everything,. don't know everything..
well, you either get a screen that says "GAME OVER TRY AGAIN", "INSERT ANOTHER QUARTER", "DO YOU WANT TO CONTINUE?", or if you complete your life Spoiler you get a rolling of the END CREDITS, with special thanks to: redoperator: voice acting taisha erikson: voice acting michael knighten: graphics tyler bunn: storyboard/ graphics -and- gavilatius: main story/ graphics/ voice acting and you can get to play the game again with some added content (like the choice to be the opposite sex, or gay)
My corpse would lie undiscovered and undisturbed on the side of a free way for three weeks, maybe even longer. Because, you know, there's no such thing as wildlife and developed California. And then maybe some poor bastard would find my body, and before contacting the police, read my suicide note concerning how life no longer has any meaning for me, continuing to live only brings me suffering, and in the end all that is you, me, and everything in the world shall one day turn to slag. And then the poor enlightened bastard would contact the police, and the police service here being crud, would probably take more than a year to identify my body. By then my family would probably have given up on searching me (that is, if they even started, haha), but to look good in front of everyone else, would host a funeral for me. And then I'd be buried God knows where, my body would continue to decompose, the cemeteries would fall into decay and disrepair after humanity has died out (you seriously think they'll live a thousand more years? Ha!), I will turn to slag, and evertually the entire planet will turn to slag. The end. In all seriousness the concept of nothingness frightens me to no end. And this fear of nothingness, ironically and paradoxically, sometimes beckons me forth to death, or, nothingness. And then I fall into despair until I realise that It's flea market day in Animal Crossing and I really need that Cabana Dresser of Baabara's.