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What games are you desperate for or waiting to come out?

Discussion in 'Gaming Lounge' started by seanyuk, Dec 23, 2009.

  1. sinharvest24

    sinharvest24 Guest

    Final fantasy 13 and now Digimon story which is yet to tba in japan :(
  2. nitemarezero147

    nitemarezero147 Well-Known Member

    Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep, Kingdom Hearts 3, Crysis 2, Super Street Fighter IV, Lost Planet 2, Pokemon HGSS, Final Fantasy XIII, StarCraft II, 5th gen pokemon game
  3. Admiral_Lindsay

    Admiral_Lindsay Well-Known Member

    Ragnarok DS (English), Professor Layton 3, Golden Sun DS.
  4. Kyrielle

    Kyrielle New Member

    Garnet Cradle (English) my otome game! T__T
  5. lugia543

    lugia543 Guest

  6. sanuka

    sanuka Member

    final fantasy 13
    splinter cell conviction
    perfect dark (XBLA)
    halo reach

    i know there is more but that is all i can think of for the monent
  7. Fylgja

    Fylgja High level Neet

    Dante's Inferno for the PSP
  8. Mateus M.

    Mateus M. Active Member

    Im waiting for ragnarok ds(english),P3P(Persona 3 Portable English version),
    Lunar:Silver Star Harmony(PSP),Dragon Quest VI and IX.
  9. paulthegreen

    paulthegreen Well-Known Member

    Bioshock 2 will be the best!
  10. klaimore

    klaimore Well-Known Member

    Golden Sun.
  11. khaos_dragon89

    khaos_dragon89 Active Member

    The new Harvest Moon game(Hero of Leaf Valley) which comes out at the end of the month, for the other Harvest Moon games to be released. Tales of Graces, Tales of Vesperia on the PS3 and a couple others.

    And of course.
    Last Guardian on the PS3.

    I want it <3
  12. Ventus_95

    Ventus_95 Well-Known Member

    pokemon black and white
  13. MessoMesso

    MessoMesso Well-Known Member

    Duke Nukem.
