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What games are you currently playing?

Discussion in 'Gaming Lounge' started by thecreameggking, May 17, 2008.

  1. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    I like my wireless PS3 controllers though. And without rumble. I like the fact that they're lightweight and don't have a huge battery pack thing like the X360 controllers.
  2. Mishy

    Mishy Well-Known Member

    Since this thread asks what games I'm currently playing, they are as follows:

    Etrian Odyssey: Dungeon Crawler type in first person view...very challenging.

    Luminous Arc: sRPG...enough said...lol...

    FFTA-2: Same as above....

    Also they are posted in my sig as well... ;) :) :p
  3. n0thealthy

    n0thealthy Well-Known Member

    Games I'm currently playing:

    Tiger Woods PGA Tour 08 - PSP
    God Of War II - PS2
    Super Mario Sunshine - GC
    Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker - GC
  4. Mishy

    Mishy Well-Known Member

    Actually, I have to change my list. It's only two games.

    -Etrian Odyssey
    -Luminous Arc

    For some reason Etrian Odyssey is soooooooooo interesting to me and so challenging.

    Luminous Arc, the story is pretty good so far and the battle system isn't so bad. Well, once you get used to changing from using the stylus to using the direction pad during battle is okay. Oh and too bad they couldn't get the camera either high enough to see the battle screen or have it rotate is a shame. I hear in Luminous Arc 2 that they left the camera as is I think. I wish they didn't...
  5. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    I messed up my Digimon, oh well...

    Currently re replaying Digimon World Championship :p
  6. Mishy

    Mishy Well-Known Member

    Is Digimon like Pokemon? I liked Digimon for awhile and fell in love with the way the characters were drawn. (More anime like than Pokemon in my eyes...)
  7. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    Not really. Replaying Space Invaders Extreme and Marble.
  8. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    Digimon World Championship is like the "classic" Tamagotchi games. No plot what so ever, you just train your Digimon endlessly then battle in an automated battle event.
  9. kamage

    kamage Well-Known Member

    In tamagotchi, you cannot battle....which makes digimon entirely different.
  10. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    The really gay little tamagotchi devices have battling in them supposedly. I was playing the pretty nice Spore Creatures for DS :)
  11. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    I'm not 100% sure, but I think Digimon are somewhat related to Tamagotchi, since they were both from Bandai. Plus the earliest Digimon game was played on a Digivice, which had tamagotchi-esque character sprites in them. You could Digibattle via Digivice as well

  12. aquaboy123

    aquaboy123 Active Member

    hells kitchen
  13. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    Dragon Quest.
  14. Mishy

    Mishy Well-Known Member

    The Dragon Quest game you are playing is for what system?
  15. monter

    monter Guest

    rachet & clank 3 (PS2)
  16. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    The DS new one, Chapters of the Chosen or whatever.
  17. Pocket Monsters Platina

    and hopefully, by Wednesday, Star Wars The Force Unleashed.
  18. Mishy

    Mishy Well-Known Member

    I'll see if I don't get it today to start playing it.
  19. err

    err Well-Known Member

    Medal of Honor - PSX

    I like it so far (it's pretty old school). Its a bit easy, though. Hopefully, the sequel will have a "hard" option.
  20. Barathrum

    Barathrum Well-Known Member

    im playing star wars right now its really fun