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What games are you currently playing?

Discussion in 'Gaming Lounge' started by thecreameggking, May 17, 2008.

  1. VIII....

    VIII.... Well-Known Member

    Rune factory 2 was so addictive i had to get rid of it

    [NDS EMULATOR NEO GEO] King Of Fighters 2002
    [NDS EMULATOR NEO GEO] Blazing Star
    [NDS] Kidou Senshi Gundam 00
    [NDS] Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow
  2. musiclegend14

    musiclegend14 Well-Known Member

    you mean, the read speed of a burned game is slower than a retail game?

    does that effect graphics at all or just load times
  3. crazytuna

    crazytuna Well-Known Member

    just load times I guess, since it's the same game
  4. musiclegend14

    musiclegend14 Well-Known Member

    well i just played No More Heroes and the frame rate kind of lagged, and it got a bit laggy during the cut scenes....but maybe that's just how it is in the normal game
  5. AceKilla

    AceKilla Well-Known Member

    Just finished luminous arc 1 and now i'm about to try the 2nd. And for PC right now i'm want to nostalgic with starcraft (a warm up for the new starcraft, ohhh i'm dying waiting for it)
  6. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    Well, it makes my Need for Speed Undercover just about unplayable since it doesn't always load the textures and whatnot before I actually get there, having me fall through the ground, going from 220 MPH to 0.

    It only affects the load times.
  7. I'm playing Starfy for NDS and the new wii sports resort on Wii
  8. musiclegend14

    musiclegend14 Well-Known Member

    ah well, that's good news i suppose. I'd only be playing Wii exclusive games and the guitar hero games on my wii...and so far I haven't had a problem with any game I've tried (No More Heroes, MadWorld, Mario Kart, Super Smash Bros. Brawl, Wii Sports Resort and guitar hero smash hits)
  9. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    currently playing

    PS3: Blazblue
    NDS: Pokemon Platinum
  10. asdzxc123789

    asdzxc123789 Well-Known Member

    Ps3: Turning Point: Fall of Liberty (I kno I know :D)
    iPhone: Tap Tap 2 MP
  11. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    I would just play Wii exclusives, but I'm too cheap to buy stuff for my PS3.
    Also, my PS3 has HDMI output, but no TVs with HDMI outputs. lol
    I can't play without it now!

    How's No More Heroes?
  12. musiclegend14

    musiclegend14 Well-Known Member

    Well i originally bought the guitar hero stuff so i could play my girlfriend online...so that actually turned out to be a good buy since now i just downloaded all of the Guitar Hero games out there and I'm not in a hurry to get it for the PS3 or 360 because graphics don't really bother me. So yeah, i play those and wii exclusives

    for no more heroe's, I didn't really like it...it gets repetitive and i don't like the camera angles. My opinion might be biased though because i just beat Afro Samurai on the PS3 and loved it...and No More Heroes reminds me a lot of it, just no where near as good.
  13. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    A LOT of the Wii games have camera issues. Whatever happened to Z-targeting (besides Zelda)? Two that come to mind are Bully SE, and Star Wars TFU, both of which I was playing a little bit ago. Let's not even talk about Super Mario Galaxy...

    The camera angles bother me, but with infinite health on, it doesn't bother me as much as it would have...
  14. musiclegend14

    musiclegend14 Well-Known Member

    I'm still working on getting cheats going on my wii...maybe that will make No More Heroes more fun.
  15. xelados

    xelados Well-Known Member

  16. lucedes

    lucedes New Member

    SMT: DS is a badass game, and you should pick it up.
    6 different endings, good characters and plot, solid tactical combat, demon fusing. One of the best SRPGs for the DS.

    currently playing:
    (PSX) Final Fantasy IX
    (DS) Just finished SMT:DS, browsing this thread for possible next game.
    (SNES) Super Mario World

    Mostly I'm looking for a game that'll grab me again.
    Wishin' they made games like they used to.
  17. Miyu

    Miyu Well-Known Member

    - Wii - Ruen Factory Frontier / Little King's Story
    - NDS - Rondo of Swords
    - XBOX - Eternal Sonata / Tales of Vesperia

    Everything in the SMT series is worth playing, imo. c: . Devil Survivor is bound to keep you busy for a while.~
  18. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    I tried playing Resident Evil 4 on the Wii.
    Why do they have to make the controls so difficult? The Conduit didn't seem to have a problem...

    Basically, another waste of a DVD-R.
  19. crazytuna

    crazytuna Well-Known Member

    Ever tried the one on Ipod Touch?
    It's control hell
  20. kamuikurou

    kamuikurou Well-Known Member

    I'm playing Knights in the Nightmare. Good stuff.
    When it gets boring, I switch to Neves, Picross, or Pic Pic ^^