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What games are you currently playing?

Discussion in 'Gaming Lounge' started by thecreameggking, May 17, 2008.

  1. nex26

    nex26 Well-Known Member

    [NDS] Phoenix Wright : Ace Attorney
    [NDS] Ultimate Mortal Combat
    [NDS] Pokemon Platinum : Enhanced Edition
    [NDS] Magicians Quest
    [PSP] Patapon 2
    [PS3] Elder Scolls IV : Oblivion
  2. VIII....

    VIII.... Well-Known Member

    Star Ocean: Second Evolution - PSP
    Super Robot Taisen Endless Frontier OG Saga - DS
    Marvel VS Capcom Clash Of The Super Heroes - DreamCast
    Final Fantasy VII - PlayStation 1
  3. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    I shall try that Poké hack
  4. Wintrale

    Wintrale Well-Known Member

    On my DS... Soma Bringer, Turnabout Prosecutor and World Destruction;
    On my PS3... inFamous, Disgaea 3 and Viking: Battle for Asgard;
    On my PSP... Dissidia Final Fantasy, God of War: Chains of Olympus and Crisis Core Final Fantasy VII;
    On my PC... Killing Floor and Plants vs. Zombies.

    I really only dabble on my PSP and PS3 of late (mostly Disgaea 3 for the latter since I want to get my Prinny to Level 9999 sometime this year :D). I'm really digging World Destruction and Soma Bringer right now, though... I would be enjoying Turnabout Prosecutor more, but my kanji is somewhat suckish - and that game frickin' loves its kanji. :'(

    Oh, and what Pokéhack are you talking about? I'm curious.
  5. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    Oh yeah, I'm still playing Halo 3
    And I love the Red Faction demo
  6. dmac154

    dmac154 Well-Known Member

    DS: Final Fantasy IV
  7. CameronJHayes

    CameronJHayes Well-Known Member

    Ratchet & Clank 4(Deadlocked) & Mugen(I wonder if anyone plays that here?)
  8. Mishy

    Mishy Well-Known Member

    Rune Factory 1 - DS
    Pokemon Platinum - DS
  9. crazytuna

    crazytuna Well-Known Member

    Right now, I'm charmed by
    Touhou Project 9 - Phantasmagoria of a Flower View on PC
  10. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    Replaying Time Hollow :)
  11. Wintrale

    Wintrale Well-Known Member

    Is that actually any good? I love Another Code and Hotel Dusk, so is it "up my alley", so to speak?
  12. crazytuna

    crazytuna Well-Known Member

    yes it is, you should really give it a try
  13. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    Still picking up a few more pokes for wifi in Platinum.

    I just got busted in GTA Chinatown Wars for the third time due to a sweet drug deal. $50 coke. Seriously, shoulda seen that coming.

    Still on the final chapter in Disgaea AoD.
  14. vivo

    vivo Well-Known Member

    Nes:Final Fantasy,
    Snes: Sunset Riders
    PC: Sam and Max Abe Lincoln Must Die
    Ds:Sonic and the dark brotherhood
    Pc:Viva Pinata ( I got it for $8 at game stop)
  15. kileak

    kileak Well-Known Member

    NDS :- Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles : Rings of Fate (I am a slow gamer i guess), Fire Emblem : Shadow Dragon.

    Some casual titles all round of NDS for time filling.
  16. Nintendophile

    Nintendophile Member

    I'm currently hooked on "Retro Games Challenge"! It's such a great execution of an awesome concept!
  17. Qizm

    Qizm Active Member

    Wii: Okami
    NDS: Puzzle Quest (picked it up again out of boredom), Pokemon Platinum, and Soma Bringer

    I'll probably drop all of those when Knights in the Nightmare comes out, though :D
  18. umarmalik25

    umarmalik25 Member

    xbox: ninja gaiden black (been playing on and off for the last 3 yrs)
    snes: chrono trigger
    ps1: valkyrie profile
    360: Lost odyssey
    Post Merge: [time]1244018575[/time]
    oh, and Earthbound for snes
  19. asdzxc123789

    asdzxc123789 Well-Known Member

    Ps2:God of War2
    GameCube: Mario Football
    Ps3: Resistance 2 (NEW GAAAME) X-Men :Origins
    psp: God of War :CoO ,X-Men :Origins
    NDS: Henry Hatsworth ,X-Men :Origins

    I won a competition about X-Men game. They gave me 360 ,Ps3 ,DS and a PSP game of X-Men. I sold 360 one ,couse I dont have:D
  20. musiclegend14

    musiclegend14 Well-Known Member

    Custom Robo Arena, Picross (when all else fails)... and a couple others

    i have a habit of starting games and not finishing them so i go back and forth