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What games are you currently playing?

Discussion in 'Gaming Lounge' started by thecreameggking, May 17, 2008.

  1. T-Dub

    T-Dub Well-Known Member

    Oh, snap! Seriously? I didn't FF. Tactics was on iPhone.

    Damn...How does it play?

    Alright, anyways...Still playing around with RPG.

    Done with Pokemon, Digimon and Mario & Luigi.

    Still playing

    FF9 (Long Game, with 4 disc! Currently on the 3rd disc)

    Nostalgia (Kinda lost, right now. Using Gamefaq to basically chart around the area)

    Grandia2 (Hm, strange anime like game with the main character being a ruthless bountyhunter called a GeoHunter or something like that...whatever. I just started playin' it)
  2. ogh3

    ogh3 Well-Known Member

    It came out just today :)

    It's really good, just a few things need to be better:
    -Graphics are a bit blurry
    -There is an "Okay" button when the game can simply tap anywhere
    -Some minor bugs and rare crashes

    Besides that, The game is amazing. Takes me back a bit :)
  3. T-Dub

    T-Dub Well-Known Member

    Hell...Yeah...I'm definitely goona it try once...Well, once I get some money, anyways.

    How did you get yours...I mean, how did you EVEN know it was out today?
  4. ogh3

    ogh3 Well-Known Member

    I sort of got lucky, I was just looking for a good RPG to get on my phone, and then I just saw it on the app store and bought it :)
  5. T-Dub

    T-Dub Well-Known Member

    Alright, I'll look into it once I get some extra dough.

    I haven't even check my app store. I told it to seem me alerts, once something new comes out. Stupid thing isn't acting right.
  6. someirishkid

    someirishkid Well-Known Member

    PC - Age of Empires 2

    finally got this hamachi thing set up. stupid server-closing microsoft
  7. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    Minecraft DS

    I'm testing, and it is awesome. The final product will be spectacular.
  8. Yutrzenika

    Yutrzenika Well-Known Member

    If it doesn't break the DS that is. xD
  9. someirishkid

    someirishkid Well-Known Member

    Are they really releasing it on all consoles?

    I can imagine it on the xbox. You'd have to fork over 800 mspoints for your own server :p
  10. Genya Arikado

    Genya Arikado Well-Known Member

    PSP: Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII, Salamander 2
  11. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    PS3: Dragon Age: Origin
    PSP: Taiko no Tatsujin Portable DX (my copy finally arrive today XD, now if only they port it to PS3)
    DS: Pokemon White
  12. Jonez001

    Jonez001 Well-Known Member

    random stuff.
    Half life on my laptop mostly
  13. kanwarrulz_123

    kanwarrulz_123 Well-Known Member

    [PC] - Just got over with Crysis 2 (in a hurry.. ) and now started with The Witcher 2 ( Thanks to Loony ).. :), till now just loving it..
  14. someirishkid

    someirishkid Well-Known Member

    Banjo Kazooie Nuts and Bolts, Worms World Party
  15. FulgoreSama

    FulgoreSama Well-Known Member

    Magicka and Borderlands on Steam (PC)
  16. dblood

    dblood Well-Known Member

    DS: i was playing shin megami tensei: strange journey but got bored to repetitive and boring and stopped
  17. Genya Arikado

    Genya Arikado Well-Known Member

    [PSX eboot on PSP] - Star Ocean: The Second Story (on Disc 2, Air Slash spamming with Dias ftw)
    Mega Man Legends (still pissed off at Capcom for cancelling Legends 3 -_-)
    [PSP] - Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep
    Finished Crisis Core and Star Ocean First Departure
  18. Yutrzenika

    Yutrzenika Well-Known Member

    DS: Solatorobo
    3DS: Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time 3D
    Xbox 360: Halo Reach
    PS3: Killzone 3
    Wii: Whole lot of nothing.
    PC: Call of Cthulhu
  19. Kage56

    Kage56 Well-Known Member

    3DS: Shin Megami Tensei Overclocked; why did they have to dub it.... why...
  20. H_Delta101

    H_Delta101 Well-Known Member

    Psp : Disgaea:Afternoon of darkness.