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What games are you currently playing?

Discussion in 'Gaming Lounge' started by thecreameggking, May 17, 2008.

  1. Reecus

    Reecus New Member

    What is this word combo thing from? sounds interesting :p
  2. Yutrzenika

    Yutrzenika Well-Known Member

    Trying to get into a decent match of Blacklight Tango Down.
    I've mostly been playing Red Dead Redemption, which I rented. I beat it though. Goddamn, that game was amazing.
  3. iluvfupaburgers

    iluvfupaburgers Well-Known Member

    still playing Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey. This game is effed up, i love it :)
  4. MadmanNero

    MadmanNero Well-Known Member

    Transformers War For Cybertron (360)
  5. Stanley Richards

    Stanley Richards Well-Known Member

  6. Arron_zero

    Arron_zero Well-Known Member

    Luminous Arc 2 and probably Luminous Arc 1 or Disgaea after that.
  7. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    Damn my cousins for being extremely insistent that I play Farmville, now I'm addicted to it :p

    Same goes for Pirates Ahoy! too :(
  8. MysticMaja

    MysticMaja Well-Known Member

    just started a new game of Diablo II
    and Monster Rancher DS
  9. HorrorOvYig

    HorrorOvYig Well-Known Member

    Gears of War 2

    I need to get all the Achievements on my XBox Live account.
    I also want the Multiplayer Characters.
  10. g@l1h

    g@l1h Well-Known Member

    Monkey Island 2 : LeChuck's Revenge - Special Edition.
    Mana Khemia 2 : Fall Of Alchemy
  11. light_x_dark

    light_x_dark Well-Known Member

    Digimon Digital Card Battle.
  12. Usoppu

    Usoppu Well-Known Member

    Same here, addicted.
    What i like most about it is the story and concepts. It's none of that usual fairytale BS, it forces those inconvenient truths in your face i.e. human's parasitic nature lol
    Take those first 2 boss characters for example, you really couldn't fault what they were saying, whether you answered their questions honestly or not.

    I'll be buying this eventually, as i did with Devil Survivor. They're the only SMT games i've played and i'm damn impressed by them. Not just intriguing, they know how to do turn-based battles the right way, compared to other games where it's usually tedious.

    Right now, i'm at the third explorable area (that looks like a shopping mall).
  13. HorrorOvYig

    HorrorOvYig Well-Known Member

    Need for Speed Hot Pursuit 2 ( PC )
  14. King Cookie

    King Cookie Well-Known Member

    Shin Megami Tensei Devil Survivor. A really good game I'm surprised I hadn't heard about earlier.
  15. yoshi2889

    yoshi2889 Well-Known Member

    Pokemon Heartgold.
  16. g@l1h

    g@l1h Well-Known Member

    Persona 4.
    Gonna max all the S.Links this time.
  17. koyuchan

    koyuchan Well-Known Member

    Just downloaded Harvest moon : Grand Bazaar , currently playing this game
    OMG this version is really cute ,. everyone must try it !!
  18. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

  19. tarotmaniac

    tarotmaniac Well-Known Member

    P3P. Its so fun and addicting @-)
  20. HorrorOvYig

    HorrorOvYig Well-Known Member

    Warhammer Battle March