Put some 13+ games please. RE ,Touch the Dead ,Dementium etc I dont like the three of them ,and I tried.
1 DAY FOR START A NEW ONE!!! And plz the ppl that read this dont go of topic and say other games just say the one u see =D
Ok, lets get start it =D New One!!! Astrology Treasure World Little League World Series 2009 Neighbours From Hell Ice Age 3
haha thank you i don't like any of them though...but i'd say Treasure World because of its originality, like how you can find treasure by picking up new wifi spots something along the lines of that
I now that youre guys not gonna like this poll so i gonna put to this one just 1 day so plz anyone read vote =D, i gonna put a hard poll when this poll finish tomorrow.
Thanks nice games. NBH !! By the way admins ,maybe we can sticky this thread ,or a similar thread. Its a good idea in mah opininon.
Yeah, TWEWY is one of the best games for DS, Megaman can't compete with it.(Even though i like megaman...) But Square Enix games never fail to disappoint except that Final Fantasy 12... But, TWEWY is one of its kind with great story, gameplay and soundtrack. If only they released the soundtrack album in my country...
even though i haven't gotten far into TWEWY, I'd say it's better. The Megaman series was a lot better in the Battle Networks on GBA. I also chose TWEWY because the fighting system is my favorite from any game