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What DS Games Are Yall Waiting For?

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by FLYINHAWAIIAN37, Jul 23, 2008.

  1. Woolie1994

    Woolie1994 Well-Known Member

    kingdom hearts 358/2 days !!! and Line rider

    PS: shouldnt line rider be dumped by now...
  2. DaveSnippe

    DaveSnippe Guest

    Quite some games..

    -LEGO Batman (which comes hopefully tomorrow);
    -Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood;
    -Mushroom men: Rise of the Fungi;
    -Spiderman: Web of Shadows;
    -Dragon Ball: Origins;
    -(Ghostbusters ..???);
    - Of course GTA DS;
    -Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days;
    -Castlevania: Order of Ellecsia (Or however you spell that..)

    Even though, I've never played any Kingdom Hearts games or Dragonball games. Same thing for Castlevania, but I just played this one game 'dawn of Sorrow", which is absolutely a favorite of mine and once you've played it, you're addicted.
    Then for the Mushroom men in a civil war... Why not? it sounds like fun. ;D
    And GTA/LEGO Batman: Who doesn't want to destroy things? Doesn't matter what; human brains or plastic walls, peoples need to destroy thingies.
    That is about it..

    The one below me is a <insert word>! (How childish ;D)
  3. Renji217

    Renji217 Well-Known Member

    Kirbys here so I guess the next thing Im wating for is Disgaea DS
  4. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    Disgaea is out.