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What do you think the next eevee evolution will be

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by nitemarezero147, Jan 30, 2010.


Next Eevee Evolution's type?

  1. Dragon

    0 vote(s)
  2. Flying

    0 vote(s)
  3. Ghost

    0 vote(s)
  4. Bug

    0 vote(s)
  5. Steel

    0 vote(s)
  6. Poison

    0 vote(s)
  7. Ground

    0 vote(s)
  8. Fighting

    0 vote(s)
  9. Normal?

    0 vote(s)
  1. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    So... Perish Song too? Christ.
  2. azlanshah

    azlanshah Well-Known Member

    Dragon,Ghost,Steel Would Rock ALOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!But about the stats and moves which it can learn..think about it :D
  3. dragneon007

    dragneon007 Well-Known Member

    it's not real dude lol even I know it would fall in the catogory of uber.
  4. wbslider

    wbslider Guest

    dragon form would be really good. Well Thats wat i think.
  5. melfice666

    melfice666 Well-Known Member

    Rock/ground would take 2 types at once
  6. nitemarezero147

    nitemarezero147 Well-Known Member

    God with this description this reaper eevee would seem more like a legendary that just about any person could get just by letting eevee get KO'd everytime.
  7. dragneon007

    dragneon007 Well-Known Member

    problem is.. thoes that see it only see it once lol
  8. nitemarezero147

    nitemarezero147 Well-Known Member

    so your saying it KILLS pokemon and trainers? interesting,wouldn't mind getting one for myself. hey look a pikachu....DIE!
  9. melfice666

    melfice666 Well-Known Member

    flying type evolution picture
    Post Merge: [time]1265099162[/time]

    AND BUG ONE for Groh

    and tell me if you like them and comment. please!
  10. Omega_2

    Omega_2 Strings Cat

    lol, Noctvee
    Post Merge: [time]1265115968[/time]
    More like
    [​IMG]: Dragon Fang + EXP INSIDE Dragon's Den (Johto)
    [​IMG]: Reaper Cloth(Exclusive?)+ EXP INSIDE Pokemon Tower (Kanto)
    [​IMG]: Holding Poison Exclusive item + EXP Area Permeated with Poison Energy(Lol, Koga's gym XD)? (Kanto?)
    [​IMG]: Holding Metal Coat/other Steel Exclusive + EXP IN Iron Island Cave (Sinnoh)
    [​IMG]: Ground Exclusive Item + EXP IN (Underground?) (Sinnoh?)
    [​IMG]: Bug Exlusive Item + EXP IN (Bug type heavy forest?) (Any Region) (Bug=common)
    [​IMG]: Flying Type Exclusive Item + EXP (Rayquaza's Tower? lol) (Hoenn?)

    The region exclusivity would force travel to said regions(S.S. Anne, anyone?), although Hoenn seems neglected a tad :\

    Now, as for me, I want a Dual-Type mutation, [​IMG]/[​IMG] although its Ability can either help or hinder it's moves depending on such things as sun spots, season, equinox, or mood/alignment (wants use ice move, but throws out a fire move instead, vice versa, "Trying to freeze here, not BBQ!" wtfhax!? >:] ):p
  11. dancubs

    dancubs Well-Known Member

    I want a fighting and flying type eevee-lution. Eevee always serves as that filler type for me, if I'm missing a fire type in my party, I grab a firestone, missing an electric type, thunderstone, and so forth. I'm sick and tired of using Staraptors and Pidgeots and What not to fly around. I want an eeveelution! Oh and the fighting one would just be so badass.
  12. melfice666

    melfice666 Well-Known Member

    like the picture of my flying type eevolution few pages back?
    I dont really use flying type pokemos, those died at ruby and safire
  13. DragonQuester

    DragonQuester Well-Known Member

    I'd have to say Dragon or Ghost. I just can see an Eevee with wings or a purpleish seethrough Eevee
  14. dancubs

    dancubs Well-Known Member

    Yeah bro. Looked badass. Flying types are a necessity for me. Weakness of grass and fighting, plus a flyer from town to town. :p
  15. dragneon007

    dragneon007 Well-Known Member

    thing is.. you would have to make it hate you... and after that.. it hates you.. and if your lucky... you might leave a clue of it's existences behind. lol
  16. Omega_2

    Omega_2 Strings Cat

    but the methods of getting them to evolve would be more like my messy post, though?
    Of course, I'd make you work for that Ghost exclusive item; I'd have you needing to steal it in order to have it t evolve Eevee >:}
  17. Blade5406

    Blade5406 Well-Known Member

    It's up to the fanboys and devs, I assume ;P
  18. Omega_2

    Omega_2 Strings Cat

    lol, I guess.
    That's if they're not going to recycle everything instead of making newer content/update gfx
  19. r3klaw

    r3klaw Member

    I'm really hoping for ghost and/or dragon separate or together would be awesome either way!!!!
  20. harvest moon

    harvest moon New Member

