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what do you think of wearing purity rings ?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by rudegal, Apr 26, 2010.

  1. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    Is it still being taught that way though? The only way I'd know is if someone came into this topic and backed up my thought.

    I really don't understand why it can't be taught all under one roof. I'm sure some people would voluntarily save themselves for marriage , and other people would like to have premarital sex (well not thought out like that but you know, it could happen).

  2. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    i mean married people that have vowed to be faithful etc etc, a ring doesn't stop them cheating
  3. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    Oh okay, I got confused as I though of the phone when you said ring.
  4. BeaverDono

    BeaverDono Member

    "Sad thing is, even if they are old enough.. some of them aren't mature enough to do the act (have sex).."
    It does sound like I am contradicting myself but I am thinking about it as if it was my own child. While she/he believe that they are mature enough, she/he still need to be over 18. Its an added condition while living under my roof.. but when she/he hit 18, I have no control over what they do because the US considers that 18 year old an adult by law.. now, if they're still living under my roof.. well, I feel that I still have control over them because I'll be damned if I walk in on my kid having sex. It something every parent doesn't want to experience.. LOL!

    But that is how I agree with gaynorvader on this, it really does depend on maturity.. but I also believe that age is a good factor for over protective parents.. because sometime in your life, your going to be a parent.. and you're going to be over protective.

  5. Tezuka101

    Tezuka101 Active Member

    Although not backing up my statement 100%, the artical on Wikipedia:
    The abstinence programs does not talk about condoms or the use of one, so other programs have been forced to do it for them.

    Also it would be interesting to note:
    Just to show you some of the ignorance involved with abstinence programs.
  6. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    Ever thought that they don't have to be at a house, or your house to have sex? My husband, and I before we were married had more sex at his house, then my house, guess who's parent/s were more strict about sex and rules? His house. Really, if it's a 'rule' and the teenager breaks that rule, would they be inclined to tell you? Uh, no. They would hide it. This also comes with an adage, when kids are loud, everything's okay, when it's quiet, there's trouble. Even though I'm stretching the meaning of the saying, it holds true.

    My hubby and I never ever told his mom about us having sex (despite us being together for around a year, you'd think she'd figure it out). Nope, came to a surprise when she found out through my parents. How'd she find out from my parents? Cause I've talked to my parents about it, they asked and I told (as a teen, I was extremely uncomfortable about it), why did I tell them? Because I felt that it was comfortable to tell them since I knew they wouldn't really like the idea but they didn't forbid it or hate me because of it. And because of that decision of my telling them, they told me about birth controls, condoms (we knew about that beforehand) and all that fun stuff associated with sex. I wouldn't have been on birth control if it weren't for them.

    Also imo, once a child goes into adolescence, the parent has the illusion of control. Depending on the child.

    How come I can walk in to my parents having sex but not the other way around? :(

    Imo, maturity doesn't define when or what a person is going to have sex. A person who is immature, shouldn't have sex, but they can still have it, a person who is mature can handle sex, but they can still decline or accept it. I don't really see how maturity and sex coincide, as it's more of a case of sluttiness vs what the opposite of slut is.
  7. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    We weren't taught abstinence in high school sex ed, at least not as much as you people seem to have been. The gist I got from it was "look, the best way not to run into any of these problems is by keeping it in your pants, but it's your choice. Now we're going to teach you how to put a condom on this wooden phallus".

    I'm inclined to agree with whoever said it's a fad. Purity rings ARE a fad. It's a bit pretentious really, and because young Christian stars are doing it their fans (impressionable teenage girls for the most part) are likely to do it as well. But although the rings are a fad, the ideal behind them is not. It's an admirable initiative, but I honestly don't see why some sex ed doesn't cover the other bases.

    And for the record I am totally FOR premaritial sex. Especially with me.
  8. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    Yay for sex and debauchery.
  9. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    Oh man, you should see my draft schedule for visiting the States. Those are the only two entries over like four weeks.
  10. gaynorvader

    gaynorvader Well-Known Member

    A person should have to be mature enough to accept all the consequences sex brings, from emotions raised to the remote chance of pregnancy. Personally I'm abstaining from sex until I have a steady income as I don't think even the 0.1% chance or whatever is worth it for something I won't miss until I try it the first time. That's just me though.
  11. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    Key word, should.

    What I meant was that a person that's immature can still have sex.. ehhh

    Forget what I said I just realized it was silly.
  12. BeaverDono

    BeaverDono Member

    I do agree with you Natewlie on the whole maturity now that I think about.. I think the maturity thing goes with the choice of do they or do they not have sex, will they be responsible enough to use some kind of protection if they do.. etc. Not if they are mature enough to have sex.. maybe mature enough to weight the consequence..

    (gaynorvader beat me to it.. LOL!)

    But that does make me wonder, I don't even know why I find it weird walking in on my kid having sex with someone.. but walking in on your own parents doing it isn't as weird... you figure it would be..
  13. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    What I meant so say how that people who are mature should be the ones having sex, but that's just that, it's should. There's still a lot of immature people who do have unprotected sex even if they know better, then there's also the people who are misinformed or don't know any better. Sure, people who are 'mature' can weigh the consequences out, but that doesn't mean that the people who are immature don't, but they still do it anyways.

    Although with the immature people, it's still a case of sluttiness vs whatever.

    Kid having sex with someone else, not expected. Parents having sex, expected.
  14. rudegal

    rudegal Well-Known Member

    many people who is from my familys heritage have been there done that but for those who have had sex before marriage they are looked upon as dirt and disowned by there family i wouldnt lose my family for shame upon myself thats my choice as a person
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  15. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    Boo for cultural differences!

    I personally think that a parent disowning a child for anything means that they're a bad parent. Unless the kid killed or raped someone or something to that effect, I see no reason why to.
  16. rudegal

    rudegal Well-Known Member

    some are disowned .Boys who have same beliefs as my heritage do try it on with you if you reject them they dont try it again they know your a virgin and plan to stay like that untill married but there are some girls who say yeah have me or something to that extent the boys who has had sex with that girl scandalises your name and says your easy and that brings shame to yourself and your family
  17. malar

    malar Member

    You can do what you wear the ring or not its your choice.
    but that being said I think south park said it best its just a way to sell sex and not be looked down at for doing it.
  18. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    I lol'd.

    That's probably the most disgusting double standard I have ever heard.
  19. malar

    malar Member

    er ah for Disney I mean.
  20. fdgsaoralex

    fdgsaoralex Well-Known Member

    ever heard of a condom?