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what do you think of wearing purity rings ?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by rudegal, Apr 26, 2010.

  1. ndsrom-peach

    ndsrom-peach Well-Known Member

    thanks now Im out of this topic have fun talking 'bout sex xD

    and I looked at that link but I closed it when I only saw a normal ring sorry
  2. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Your meant to read it to find out the purpose...what were you expecting...something tha goes down "there"?
  3. rudegal

    rudegal Well-Known Member

    a purity ring for your bits down there god knows where girls would put theres
  4. MysticMaja

    MysticMaja Well-Known Member

    ...don't you think that's unfair?
    If it works for you, then great. I just think it's unfair.

    And lol @ Miley Cyrus wearing a purity ring.
    I personally wouldn't wear one because while I don't think that people should just go around being promiscuous, I also don't think that pre-marital sex is bad given that it's done by two consenting adults who are responsible and can handle the consequences.
  5. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    What the hell guys? This thread is full of confusing and worthless post. I feel dumber having just read this.

    Purity rings are a message to people around you that you're saving yourself for marriage - it's a personal choice. the only thing you can possibly think about this is exactly that, it's a personal choice which has to be respected. You might disagree with it, think that sex is allowed before marriage and that's fair enough, but calling it stupid is rude, narrow-minded and completely childish.

    My personal opinion is that I'm not going to be married for very many years and if I had to wait until I got married I would probably have forced myself into a marriage which would only have ended in divorce. What's missing from many countries is education about sex and how to protect yourself from diseases and pregnancy.
  6. gaynorvader

    gaynorvader Well-Known Member

    Purity rings are for vain twits. Why would you feel the need to advertise your beliefs and sex life so audaciously? Fair enough not having sex before marriage, but there's no reason you should be advertising the fact or trying to recruit others, it's a personal choice. That's what I thin anyways.
  7. tehuber1337

    tehuber1337 Well-Known Member

    Men can have premarital sex but women can't? That means you're supporting either extramarital sex or homosexuality (or, perhaps, both), which seems to contradict the rest of your beliefs.
    I'd think plenty of girls would love to advertise that they don't put out. Not before they've met me, anyway...
  8. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    when my daughter gets to that age i wont be giving her no purity ring it will be condoms if anything.
    teaching them about it before that point and hoping they have sense is the right way to go
  9. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    I don't see the problem really, people advertise their favourite band or campaign for a political candidate all the time, or to take it down a level, promote their friends to other friends. There's nothing wrong with telling people about something you believe in so long as you do not force it onto them. You might argue that people who promote abstinence might often be pushy but that has nothing to do with people who choose to wear a purity ring.
  10. BeaverDono

    BeaverDono Member


    My personal opinion, if they can't keep it in their pants then it should be chopped off... or sew up..
  11. gaynorvader

    gaynorvader Well-Known Member

    Except that the idea that not having sex before marriage is good has been around for millennium, whereas the concept of purity rings only became a thing since popular media started promoting it. Therefore I'm led to believe that it's little more than a fad.

    Wow, that's an extreme and disturbing opinion! Why do you find sex so abhorrent that'd you'd advocate genital mutilation as a punishment? You do realise that sex is absolutely necessary for the survival of the species right?
  12. BeaverDono

    BeaverDono Member

    Gotta be old enough to do the horizontal tango.. and survival? Last time I checked, we aren't an endangered species yet.. lol
  13. gaynorvader

    gaynorvader Well-Known Member

    Doesn't matter, if we all stopped having sex, the race would probably die out within a century.
  14. BeaverDono

    BeaverDono Member

    You, my good sir, take things at face value WAY TO SERIOUSLY. Listen, some people need their tubes tied. From the meth maggots to the mentally insane, these are the people who shouldn't be "breeding." We're not livestock, we do have some common sense. And I ask of you to place some common sense on the subject if children should be having sex before their of age. Now, I know each culture has their own views on the subject but in the United States its frowned upon when children are having sex before the age of 18.

    So when I say chopped off or sew up.. really, I am frowning upon the fact that there are people, that are underage, having sex.. and without protection to.

    Now to refer back to your statement, I didn't say anywhere about not having sex at all.. all I said was they have to be old enough to do the horizontal tango.. and now to throw some internet on you.. L2Read.
  15. gaynorvader

    gaynorvader Well-Known Member

    I'm thinking "TLTR" means TL;DR or Too Long; Didn't Read.
    Your use on "their" in this sentence is ambiguous. I took it to mean people in general. In which case I would read this sentence as "In my opinion, if people can't refrain from sexual activities, then they should be castrated."

    Nowhere in your original post does it say anything to indicate that you are talking about underage sex. Personally I don't think it should be a question of age, but rather one of maturity. unfortunately maturity is difficult to measure. I notice it does mention it in your second post, and I must apologise for not noticing it.

    As for using the term "L2Read", I found that a little offensive tbh, especially as most of your posts had been fairly ambiguous and/or jocular.
  16. BeaverDono

    BeaverDono Member

    Meh.. offensive or not.. it does sound like I am really mad, doesn't it? I blame being passionate about the subject, I use to work for the State of Washington as a volunteer and you'd see these people who are on some kind of drug with new born, children, etc.. you name it. People who have children, who neglect their children looking for the next high.. its really sad.. but that is a different subject overall.

    Maturity is hard to measure.. that is why people use age to measure maturity. Its something that people believe "well they're old enough, they should know better" kind of deal. Sad thing is, even if they are old enough.. some of them aren't mature enough to do the act.. so trying not to derailing the subject anymore than we did, a ring is a good reminder but it won't work for all young people...
  17. Tezuka101

    Tezuka101 Active Member

    I think we need to take a step back and remember that rings do not have magic powers. Of course, I am not saying they are TOTALLY worthless, but with celebrities, they are normally used to show that they are kid friendly, even though that their claim about them being "pure" could be a big lie made up by the companies they are slaves to.

    Let's look at the Jonas Brothers first off; one of the most popular teeny-bopper bands in the world. Now let's look at Myley Cyrus a.k.a Hannah Montana; the second (if not on-par) with the popularity of the Jonas Brothers. Both are owned by Disney. I also just looked into Gomez and Sparks; they both have affiliation with Disney, ones works for them and the other does a lot of shows in Disney World.

    You see, with purity rings I cannot ever take them seriously. If you want to save yourself until marriage, that's fine. But with companies using it as a way to keep themselves clean from anything they find perverted just seems wrong and takes out what purity rings stand for.

    Oh and just slightly off-topic: It's perfectly healthy and recommended to have sex on a regular basis with a partner.
  18. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    What you just described is why I think prevention is not the cure, but information is. Are the people giving out speeches about abstinence and/or purity rings also talking about safe sex? People are going to have sex regardless if anyone tells them not to, so prevention isn't going to help either way. Also something like marriage, is built on both an emotional connection and physical connection, without knowing the physical compatibility of a couple, you're walking into a marriage with no depth perception.

    Of course it won't for everyone, sure it maybe a symbol for abstinence but it's still just a ring and an idea/moral. A moral can be broken and a ring is just a ring.

    You said "if their old enough" in your last post, then you say that they shouldn't say that, what's going on here?

    I can get behind the abstinence bandwagon if that person knows about safe sex and birth control and all that. But I'm still thinking that kids being taught about sex are only being taught either safe sex, or abstinence. Also places that ban sex ed, /facepalm.



  19. Tezuka101

    Tezuka101 Active Member

    Most abstinence programs say that condoms are "bad" and should not be used, since they shouldn't be having sex.

  20. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    its just a ring, how many married people break their bond every day?