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What do you think about emulation?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by lille_mac, Dec 19, 2008.

  1. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    To be precise, programmed by hobbyists, who release it using other toolchains or methods not used by official devs, and usually not distributed on some sort of media state (except for illegal writables etc.). Because of this, homebrew can't really get protected like a commercial game can. Would be hard to win some sort of law case concerning homebrew.
  2. ethbandit

    ethbandit Member

    well someone kind of touched base with this but if you bought the hard copy of the rom/iso you have then technically bought all rights to own and play the game. i know it's a bit harder to find the old ones and shouldn't really matter at that point since they don't sell it anymore hence they can't make profit off it anymore and so long as you don't make profit it's not illegal.

    point being is roms and iso's are meant to have back up files in case your copy breaks or gets lost so you don't have to repay for another copy and also to find those hard to get games.
  3. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    you are supposed to make the rom/iso yourself, downloading one is illegal
  4. lille_mac

    lille_mac Active Member

    this is getting too complicated for me ???
    that rule about deleting within 24 hours is made up...
    i used to win the game as fast as possible ;D

    but if you are allowed to make your own Roms isn't there
    supposed to be a program for that. If so tell me cause it seems fun :p
  5. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    By making your own ROM loony means you actual create your own game from scratch.
  6. lille_mac

    lille_mac Active Member

    all that just to be able to play a game on an emulator....
    i'll buy the game on ebay since no stores sell PS1 games ;)
    but once again thanks for your answer CRV
  7. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    He means dumping the ROM image yourself.
  8. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    No, I mean dumping it from an original you own.
  9. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    I thought you meant something like making a homebrew game.

    In that case, what you meant was making a back-up of a real game cart, my bad.

    And I think I scared lille_mac with my last post, sorry.
  10. lille_mac

    lille_mac Active Member

    you really scared me there Cahos :p so if i own the game and i copy
    the .iso from the cd and play it on an emulator then its fully legal right?

    crappy rule, and i like messing with those sothen i have a question
    (sorry to bother) why buy the console if you could just buy the
    game and play iit on the computer?
  11. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    console is less effort, and if you think about it, when the consoles are released they can't be emulated. Even PS2 emulation is still far from perfect.

    As to your first question, yes it is legal so long as you retain ownership of the original.
  12. lille_mac

    lille_mac Active Member

    thanks Loonylion that really helped. 

    i had the games i downloaded but my mom gave them away when i was a child so
    that i wouldn't stay addicted(because i was). but that's not proof enough...
    don't you think PS1 Roms should become legal because it's nowhere to be found.
    not even on Ebay, that's how bad it is (lame joke to all Jay Leno fans.)
    by the way thanks to all posts because i fully understand the rules i am breaking...

    but i will still relive my memories proof or no proof....  ;D
  13. amatsusah

    amatsusah Active Member

    What do ya think?
  14. gariptes

    gariptes New Member

    Yeah it says for promotional use only, so you may only use it as a demo.
    But nobody uses it like that xD
  15. BloodVayne

    BloodVayne Well-Known Member

    No. We would like it to be legal, but the current copyright circumstances deem otherwise ;)
  16. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    Emulators are legal, roms/ISOs/bios files are not.
  17. FaRReR

    FaRReR New Member

    Emulators are legal, roms are only legal if you dumped them from media that you own, (e.g. DS game carts, Wii discs, etc.)
  18. DragonQuester

    DragonQuester Well-Known Member

    I swore we've had this discussion before :p lol
    Exactly what Loony said.
  19. amatsusah

    amatsusah Active Member

    if there is then sorry as im new at RomUlation ;D
  20. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    Topics merged ;)