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What do you hear right now?

Discussion in 'Forum Games, Jokes & Random' started by yoshi2889, Feb 28, 2010.

  1. ndsrapid

    ndsrapid Well-Known Member

    Woodie's growl :)
  2. LilPrincess

    LilPrincess Member

    Gabriella cilmi
  3. yoshi2889

    yoshi2889 Well-Known Member

    Myself talking to myself... xD
  4. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    My computer and a fish filter.
  5. Jonez001

    Jonez001 Well-Known Member

  6. will1008

    will1008 Well-Known Member

    my brother watching basketball
  7. paulthegreen

    paulthegreen Well-Known Member

    wind and cars driving past
  8. yoshi2889

    yoshi2889 Well-Known Member

    My D:\ drive being busy.
    It has a different sound then my C:\ drive...
  9. amuletneko

    amuletneko Well-Known Member

    i hear the electric fan rotating, the aircon's whatevering, my typing and shou-tan's song (No Control)
  10. yoshi2889

    yoshi2889 Well-Known Member

    The sound of IE: Download complete.
  11. stirgo1212

    stirgo1212 Well-Known Member

    i hear a firework
  12. melfice666

    melfice666 Well-Known Member

    my dog eating
  13. stirgo1212

    stirgo1212 Well-Known Member

    the sound of the shitter
  14. markswan

    markswan Well-Known Member

    Listening to Richard Hammond prattle on about our perceptions of the world and high-speed cameras...
    Did you know that water is 800 times thicker than air?
    Slowed down 40x, you can see how effortlessly due to their torpedo shaped body.
    Pistol shrimps snap their claws so fast that it generates a shock bubble at a heat of 4000 degrees that actually vaporises water (apparently it is possible to vaporise water). This force is called cavitation.
    The fastest living thing on the planet is a tiny fungi (or rather their spores). They are called Pilobus and can be found in horse crap.
    Just thought I'd share that with you.
  15. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    Sounds like friction, bro.
  16. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Someone to tell me that my life was a dream so I can do it all over again :p
  17. kazroc

    kazroc Well-Known Member

    music on the computer
  18. bellsarc

    bellsarc Well-Known Member

    The humming of my computer and the TV
  19. Jed_1337

    Jed_1337 Member

    my keyboard typing
  20. stirgo1212

    stirgo1212 Well-Known Member

    Wasent this 'Richard Hammond's small worlds'? I saw the ad on BBC. Time difference is stupid though. 1 hour later... I would have liked to watch it. IT seemed quite interesting