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What did you learn from the Internet?

Discussion in 'Forum Games, Jokes & Random' started by maccaman20, Aug 29, 2011.

  1. Priom

    Priom Well-Known Member

    ........I learned that life has yet to give me more things
  2. ab0456

    ab0456 Well-Known Member

    i learned that we can't have nice things
  3. MiseryLC

    MiseryLC Guest

    I learned something about copyright...
  4. Jonez001

    Jonez001 Well-Known Member

    That life on the internet a better sometimes then IRL.
  5. Mr.PowPow

    Mr.PowPow Well-Known Member

    I learned that the smartest person in the class is Google~
  6. darkrequiem

    darkrequiem Well-Known Member

    "Trust no one." etc
    No wait, that was TV again.
  7. fabvini

    fabvini Well-Known Member

    I learned that ACTA will doom me...
  8. Mr.PowPow

    Mr.PowPow Well-Known Member

    That Nyan Cat will destroy us all
  9. hi1116

    hi1116 Well-Known Member

    I learned that most people are assholes (none of you guys)
  10. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    I learned that most people are assholes (all of you guys).
  11. someirishkid

    someirishkid Well-Known Member

    oh you
  12. Reider

    Reider Modereider

    Nah, we're dicks. Assholes get shafted, we do the shafting.
  13. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    I feel like this means that I just volunteered to shaft a few assholes in my free time.
  14. Devon

    Devon Well-Known Member

    See, there's three kinds of people: dicks, pussies, and assholes. Pussies think everyone can get along, and dicks just want to fuck all the time without thinking it through. But then you got your assholes, Chuck. And all the assholes want us to shit all over everything! So, pussies may get mad at dicks once in a while, because pussies get fucked by dicks. But dicks also fuck assholes, Chuck. And if they didn't fuck the assholes, you know what you'd get? You'd get your dick and your pussy all covered in shit!
  15. necr0

    necr0 Well-Known Member

    I learned that my computer is a piece of shit.
  16. Myxa

    Myxa New Member


    i learned how to become more lazy
  17. Reider

    Reider Modereider

    Your cunning ruse with the circumflex was foiled by the thread wrapping to the top of the next page, but I agree with the substance of your argument.
  18. darkrequiem

    darkrequiem Well-Known Member

    I am already a master in apathy and laziness!

    I learned just how much influence the hive mind can have. Especially when it's mislead or misunderstands.
  19. Mr.PowPow

    Mr.PowPow Well-Known Member

    That there isn't much I won't fap to
  20. Devon

    Devon Well-Known Member

    Dorei Shijou no Ou no Nichijou