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What are your thoughts on the situation in Haiti?

Discussion in 'General News' started by RenaldoTT, Jan 14, 2010.

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  1. RenaldoTT

    RenaldoTT Well-Known Member

    I'm posting this because I live in The Republic of Trinidad and Tobago, Haiti is a member of our Caribbeans family and I just wanted to know what the rest of the world thought, especially since no one on this forum seems to notice it has happened or maybe it's probably not worth discussion since it's the worlds most impoverished nations on the Western hemisphere. Anyway what ever your thoughts post 'em so we can discuss them. Thanks
  2. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    what happen in Haiti? if you dont give a link, nobody know what happen.... i certain dont.
  3. theunderling

    theunderling Well-Known Member

    I feel you have some anti-Western agendas here.Its not our fault that countries like ours have the intelligence and drive to make something better for ourselves.At least Gordon Brown is going to send you £6 million.

    This is a forum with members having different opinions-its not a bible-class or a knitting circle.

    This event is unfortunate and I dont have a clue where Haiti is
  4. Silvertie

    Silvertie Well-Known Member

    Long story short: Lolhueg quake happened (7.0 on richter scale, yo) and a city with about 2 million people got smacked hard. Word is that 100,000 estimated deathcount before proper aid gets there.

    My opinion; It's a sad event in history, and I feel sorry for it, don't get me wrong; but it can join the queue with all the other horrible disasters, to be honest. All the care in giveafudge bay would not help those poor saps trapped underneath the rubble, and there is nowhere enough aid to actually make a difference.

    Oh, and Raysie; you don't wanna pick that scab, believe me.
  5. Reider

    Reider Modereider

    Hi, in case you're wondering I cleared some crap out. I'd appreciate it if the two people that have "mysteriously" disappeared from this thread would do me a favor and completely ignore the existence of one another since there's clearly some sort of dislike there.

    Anyways, carry on. :)
  6. JayBlue

    JayBlue Well-Known Member

    This is a really sad moment for Haiti,and i know it really well cause I'm Dominican,and we share the same island
    This people is suffering, really
    the best we can do for now is to pray for them, and the ones that can, try to help them(That's what I'm gonna do....)
  7. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    shit happens life goes on.

    really maybe you can pray that we never have any earthquakes again rather then praying for a few souls after the event has happened!
  8. Rayder

    Rayder Well-Known Member

    I'll be brutally honest. It may sound cold, but I don't really care. It's not my problem. I'm on the other side of the world.

    I have problems too, certainly not as extreme as theirs currently are, but no one give a crap about any of my problems, so why should I care about theirs? I mean, what can I really do but say, "Oh, those poor souls. Sucks to be them." I'm a poor white single male, not even the government cares what happens to me. But I'm supposed to care about people on the other side of the world just because of some natural disaster? Sorry, but I just don't care.
  9. RenaldoTT

    RenaldoTT Well-Known Member

    well in response to rayder, in life usually no one will care about your problems but the key factor is to be caring to others that way one day someone will be to you. that's a moral value we all learned on seasame street
  10. gx280

    gx280 Guest

    Its reallly sad. And imagine wat the people are feeling like.
  11. mikeac

    mikeac Well-Known Member

    It sucks. They have little money, to pay for the damages, they are looking towards the USofA and China and other places with enough money.

    ARE YOU FRIGGIN KIDDING ME. Dude, it's impossible to predict earthquakes, maybe you should develop something yourself to stop them. There is nearly no way to even stop earthquakes, or continents from moving for that matter, from happening in the first place, that means blocking and cooling hundreds of miles deep of molten metal, and doing that WILL CAUSE THE EARTH TO DIE. What choice do we have to pray for those who have lost?

    And let's not get into this, but some people probably think there is no God(s) (I still have faith) because all the shit is happening in the world. OR people are praying like mad to their God(s) because they are so desperate because all the shit happening in this hellhole. Millions of people are losing homes and jobs in the USA, some have to get minimum wage and live in their cars to survive. Some people are homeless and eat off the dollar menu everyday, searching for recyclables in the trash.

    If this is flaming, delete.
  12. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    i know this my dear, my point was that there is no point in praying for anyone it seves no purpose and if it does then it is better to pray for it not to happen in the first place then to pray in the aftermath. either makes no difference.

    i hate when people start going on about praying at things like this, it's utter dick wash. yay lets attribute every good random piece of chance to a god made miracle but when people are dying he is no where to be seen so pray for him to help them or munch their souls. maybe he should spend less time super imposing him self on to toast and save people before they die.

    you can pray all you like but there is no point in praying or feel sad, shit happens life goes on. if you want to contribute at all then go give money, fly out ther and help, make a donation with your next ebay purchase but praying does jack shit bar make you feel happy.

    i guess it's just how cultures see thing, Americans are still winging about 911 and they will be praying for every one. some other people like to have a cry about nothing too. Britain gets it's transport system bombed and people are complaining they're late for work and went to work the next morning on.... yep the transport system.
    Tokyo has suffered many massive earthquakes they rebuilt again and again.

    shit happens life goes on, it's sad but i'm not going to cry over it that serves no purpose.

    i don't get this whole thing of being miserable for something you can do nothing about my girl friend was like "it's really bad, go look at the pictures of all the dead children in the street". the answer i gave was "fuck off, why do i want to look at that".

    if you feel bad donate to a charity that can spend your money on admin fees and wages for the managers so you can receive your picture of a disaster victim wearing your charities t-shirt drinking the clean water they gave him solely for the picture so you can feel good inside or yes prey it's less helpful but i'm sure it will make you feel good.
  13. adofus

    adofus Member

    Haiti was a scorched earth butt-crack country before this and it will remain a butt-crack after this. It's sad that the people there cannot, or will not band together and solve their problems long term. How long have the countries of the world been giving aid to this country? I mean really? YES....It's sad when a huge natural disaster hits. It IS tragic. It's more tragic when the country was an unnatural disaster before bad things happend. All the aid money and goods in the world will not correct the problems in Haiti....only Haitians can.
  14. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    I like you already. You've basically summed up my reaction to it.
  15. RenaldoTT

    RenaldoTT Well-Known Member

    that's just sad that you and your pal can't have a heart for another person and just so you know saying, i don't mean to seem cold and then say I really don't care, is a statement that logically makes no sense. Yes in this world not much people care about you and your life, but that's how life is and the best thing for you to do is that if someone robs you and know one helped, next time you see someone being robbed, you should help them because that is what you'll want for yourself.
    that example with you girlfriend is classic why she won't be your girlfriend for long. praying is good, it has a purpose. you may not see the purpose, due to your beliefs etc. but many others do, and scientist have proven it works, if not due to their being a supernatural power just the fact that our minds are so great, just believe something will happen has the possibility of changing the world. it's like believing in yourself, or having a pain in your leg and ignoring it, telling your mind it isn't really there. i do that pain is all the mind thing all the time, and trust me it works. so even if you don't believe in the supernatural aspect, at least believe that one man can make a difference. if you want something good enough you can get it. i would guess that's how you got your girlfriend or maybe she doesn't know what a real man is like where she lives and took what ever she got.
  16. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    No they haven't, they've proven that its a placebo effect, i.e people think it works

    There is no need for comments like that.
  17. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Correct, I even tried this...

    Now I use "spam talk" in real life (ie how I post in the spam thread) as my forum of good luck...

    People think I'm crazy, but I get thru the day alot better than not without the placebo effect.

    As for the situation, As most, if not all, the people here, I feel sorry for these people, and being in a poor country (from what I know..) it makes things all that much worse.

    I can't pray for them, but I hope all the best for the rescue staff on site are doing their best to save as many as they can, for a loss of life is always a terrible thing.
  18. JayBlue

    JayBlue Well-Known Member

    For those that are mad about that I pointed the part of "PRAY",sorry for you,couse that's the way i was thought to express myself in this kind of situation (nothing personal...)
    You're right in that part, but also, this is a chance to help them to star over again.
    This people need guidance for that,other countries can give that guidance.

    Exactly my thoughts
  19. Paddette

    Paddette Well-Known Member

    It's a sad thing, but I don't really care. There are other things I care about, like giving away 6 million sterling, whilst we are still in recession, to another country? Heh. Good job brown. Cripple our economy then burn more money.
  20. JayBlue

    JayBlue Well-Known Member

    nobody is forcing anyone to care about it...
    that's what I'm trying to say
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