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What are your thoughts on: The ozone layer?

Discussion in 'Debates' started by kamage, Feb 14, 2008.

  1. ultra

    ultra Guest

    we may not even live in planets in the future. we may only live in space ships [like in transformer or star wars, where we build our own tecno planet space ship], where we have replenishable food, water and such and obtain power by sucking on gases like from venus or something [maybe even eat planets like unicron or galactus].
  2. Born2killx

    Born2killx Well-Known Member

    Back on topic, please.
  3. 1Blacks1

    1Blacks1 Well-Known Member

    Off Topic -

    This is all linked into the topic.
    I get the Msg on Wiki "Bad Title" when i click on it. so i cannot see the picture. il see if i can find a picture on the hole in the ozone layer

    On Topic -

    Well Living in Mars would be a Hard thing to believe because how are we going to survive in the cold atmosphere and how are we going to breathe? How will newly born baby's survive? were are we going to keep animals such as Chickins, Cows Etc. living in a other planet sounds so simple but really is complex. i still believe that when the ozone layer cracks/Evaporates/disappears that it will trigger so many events that it will end the universe as we know it
  4. ultra

    ultra Guest

    go to wikipedia and type in the search bar, ozone depletion. go down about 1/4 of the page and you'll see a colorful picture of the south pole. you'll find it on the content title [ The ozone hole and its causes ]. i hope you find it.

    see if this works,

  5. Almo

    Almo Well-Known Member

    Thats very anthropocentric. It wont end the universe, its likely to end human life and most other life on this planet, however somethings will adapt and change and survive quite easily. For example the bacteria living in the under sea volcano's and such. Also humans are capeable of many great things. I mean how is it possible we can go into space? how do we breathe underwater? You see in time we find a way around most problems.
  6. mastersrp

    mastersrp Well-Known Member

    [Off topic]
    Titan, which is one of Jupiter's moons (as far as i remember :p) has the right atmosphere, pressure, etc. though, it does not contain any O2 (Oxygen).
    Hopefully, we won't bring any 100% clean Oxygen up to Titan, since the lungs of a human being isn't capable of controlling such clean air. the lungs would simply break, or crack.
    But Titan is a good idea, the only problem is how far away it is. it takes LOTS of hours to get there (more than 100 hours, for you guys wondering).
    [On topic]
    The ozone layer, is several layers of gas, that, with some help of the other *spheres (ionosphere, atmosphere etc.) protects us from the deadly radioactive waves.
    But since the ozone layer does not remove these "R-waves", there had to be something else to remove them.
    This is where lightning comes in. you might wonder what lightning has to do with the ozone layer and R-waves.
    let me explain:
    Lightning is very high voltage, but the fact is, that lighting does not only go to the ground, it also goes several miles or kilometers up into the sky and, in fact, out into space and removes stuff.
    for instance, the R-Waves. but lighting isn't limited to that. i am, however, not gonna explain more about this right now.

    Thanks for reading this, and i hope you learned something from a 14-year old gamer ;)
  7. Almo

    Almo Well-Known Member

    off topic:

    ever had 100% O2? gives you a mean buzz!

    on topic:

    thats not entirely true, the ozone refers to only one layer of those gasses, the O3 layer, hence the name 'O'Zone. The rest of the layers is what we refer to as the atmosphere.

    Also lightining does have something to do with it, though nothing like what you said. Lightining is the energy which splits O2 apart causing free radical O atoms (sunlight also does this), these are then able to join with O2 to form O3, which is Ozone. The ozone is really just a layer of constant reaction between O, O2 and O3.

    Hope youve learnt something from a 20 year old with a diploma in science :p