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what are you thinking about?

Discussion in 'Forum Games, Jokes & Random' started by Myxa, Mar 21, 2012.

  1. doommaker

    doommaker Guest



    (name which one) lol
  2. Niflheim

    Niflheim Horrible evil rat

    LoZ Ocarina of Time.

    Shazbot, ur2slow, gottagofast.
  3. darkrequiem

    darkrequiem Well-Known Member

    The annoying abomination known as Sonic the HETCHHOGGHE

    Sweet rolls, cheese wedges, vegetarian zombies
  4. doommaker

    doommaker Guest

    Pvz? (plants Vs zombies?)

    Guns,Captain price,war
  5. Myxa

    Myxa New Member

    modern warfare :p

    ecchi, kinky, sexy
  6. doommaker

    doommaker Guest

    Your mom (MWAHAHAHAHA)

    Video game,music,dancing,ps2,floor matts,fun

    (if you get this ^ I'll be amazed!)
  7. Myxa

    Myxa New Member

    dance dance revaluation (i had it)

    facepalm, fail, funny
  8. doommaker

    doommaker Guest


    rage comix?

    spider, marvel,hero
  9. Myxa

    Myxa New Member

    spider-woman (theres also the unoffical spinerrette, and black widow)

    DC, super, hero