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Werewolves of Romuville - Round 5

Discussion in 'Werewolves of Romuville' started by Jonez001, Nov 16, 2011.

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  1. lewis9191

    lewis9191 Well-Known Member

    I know what scouts is. I just thought it ended when you were like 13. lets stay on topic.
  2. Jonez001

    Jonez001 Well-Known Member

    (Oh... Maybe I will open a topic laterz)
  3. darkrequiem

    darkrequiem Well-Known Member

    For what?
  4. Jonez001

    Jonez001 Well-Known Member

    (About scouts)

    Anyway... 20 minutes before voting closes.
  5. athemoe

    athemoe Well-Known Member

    Close it now. The result is pretty obvious...
  6. MiseryLC

    MiseryLC Guest

    Ye the only thing I'd do is vote for water if I did vote, but it's not necessary.
    You can close
  7. Jonez001

    Jonez001 Well-Known Member

    ::) People chaning there mind the last minute... Anyway I will have angry people if I don't close it so....


    I need to update my spreadsheet now :p
    But that is good... we did something good today....

    Anyway let's get a good Zelda playtime sleep and let's do it again tomorrow...

    Good morning RomUVille. I had some sad and some bad news. Many people have prodicted that they would die, like KoolEnegery... that is the bad news. The good news is that a certain person saved him. The guardian....

    But two days past one the wolfs failed to kill people... who are these two wolfs? And can we defeat them? Please vote on your suspects now.
  8. MiseryLC

    MiseryLC Guest

    Booya, our guardian is getting pretty good :D
  9. 10tarik10

    10tarik10 Well-Known Member

    Nice work guardian! ^^
  10. koolenergy

    koolenergy Well-Known Member

    Thank you my dear guardian now i can investigate more ^^

    hmmm according to my investigations i have yet to identify xicyacex,misery,blood,ikke,hipster and abo0456 and which leaves this roles... 1 barbarian, 1 guardian 1 citizen 1 hunter and 2 wolves soo who is who. guys help me out here ^^ lets win this game if you got ideas share them.
  11. MiseryLC

    MiseryLC Guest

    It seems we share a suspect then,
    My vote goes to hipster today
  12. koolenergy

    koolenergy Well-Known Member

    Im suspecting BloodLust, Icyace the most but....
    as i said earlier a wolf wouldnt make a suspect list of its on mates
    and <3 water listed

    Akane-who i know is safe
    Hipster- no idea
    Misery- im thinking your safe to trust
    Bloodlust- doubting...

    Leaving xicyacex,I K K E, ab0456
  13. MiseryLC

    MiseryLC Guest

    Bloodlust and ab0456 are far from being off my suspect list aswell
  14. darkrequiem

    darkrequiem Well-Known Member

  15. lewis9191

    lewis9191 Well-Known Member

    This helps.... :)
  16. Jonez001

    Jonez001 Well-Known Member

    2 citizens.

    Anyways... the hint of today...

    You know, many suspect lists are posted. I will say this: some don't contain normal citizens.

    Wolf votes (21/11):

    Akane: voted MiseryLC
    xicyacex: voted ab0456
    MiseryLC - Mayor: voted xicyacex
    I K K E: voted ??
    UltimateHipsterLad: voted Akane
    koolenergy: voted ??
    ab0456: voted xicyacex
    <~Tarik B~>: voted ??
    BloodLustNS: voted ??

    1) xicyacex => 3 votes
    2) ab0456 => 1 vote
    2) MiseryLC => 1 vote
    2) Akane => 1 vote

    Voting is open until 7pm today (Belgium time)
  17. koolenergy

    koolenergy Well-Known Member

    yeah... i know theres 2 citizen but i already figured 1 out so i said 1 but yeah i guess that could be misunderstood, well 50%or more of the people left are not normal citizens
  18. alexong96

    alexong96 Well-Known Member

    I think I have a good idea what roles koolenergy and Akane has. Also Akane's "good reasons". But I'm not so sure if I'm right about it.
  19. MiseryLC

    MiseryLC Guest

    Some people appear to be pretending to have a role they don't have
  20. alexong96

    alexong96 Well-Known Member

    Based on observation my friend, not stupid powers.
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