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Werewolves of Romuville - Round 3

Discussion in 'Werewolves of Romuville' started by athemoe, Oct 30, 2011.

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  1. Jonez001

    Jonez001 Well-Known Member

    I or Misery got asked by Megashell to team up but the problem was he gave it away... so which let him believe that we were teamed up but the trap worked and he died.

    ::) Just what I was going to post
  2. alexong96

    alexong96 Well-Known Member

    Don't you remember that I used that as a basis for my theory on the other round? It was crushed effortlessly. I was almost burned on a stick because of it. :\
  3. MiseryLC

    MiseryLC Guest

    You fell for his trap lol ;D
    Post Merge: [time]1320502049[/time]
    iirc I haven't read the wolf rules yet :/
  4. alexong96

    alexong96 Well-Known Member

    Which also almost got me killed. :\
  5. Jonez001

    Jonez001 Well-Known Member

    You know, theories out of another round... aren't they irrelevant? It is more how the people act. Theories out of the previous round are only for that round because in other rounds the roles aren't the same for everybody most people
  6. athemoe

    athemoe Well-Known Member

    Random.org likes to see BloodlustNS as the new mayor.
  7. alexong96

    alexong96 Well-Known Member

    I'm just pointing out that it's allowed for werewolves to vote for each other.\

    My fate is sealed. :(
  8. Jonez001

    Jonez001 Well-Known Member

    Didn't read what I said... I was talking about 'a theory of another round is irrelevant in this round'

    Wait a second... why is your fate sealed? You are mayor now?
  9. alexong96

    alexong96 Well-Known Member

    So why are you bringing up that the theories of the other round is irrelevant? I dun geddit.

    And yes. I am the unfortunate mayor.
  10. MiseryLC

    MiseryLC Guest

    Vote for the right person and I might back you up
  11. alexong96

    alexong96 Well-Known Member

    And who IS that right person, I wonder?

    EDIT: Like I said,
    In addition to that, I had very limited internet for the past days.
  12. athemoe

    athemoe Well-Known Member

    Devon-chan wanted me to use random.org.
  13. alexong96

    alexong96 Well-Known Member

    I reckon because there was no one else to trust.

    Being a mayor is really risky. If you place someone trusted on that position, no doubt s/he WILL be targeted by wolves.
  14. MiseryLC

    MiseryLC Guest

    It's for you to find out
  15. alexong96

    alexong96 Well-Known Member

    Huh. THAT is what I was afraid of.

    Then... I vote for Keikoes.

    First is he "violently" reacted to him being voted on.

    And as a retaliation, he voted on Misery, without any basis.

    Then he retracted his vote when he saw Jonez having a "Theory"...whatever that is...

    ...Gawd, this is hard. Lemme think for a while. I'll just browse this thread to get more info. Can anyone also post how much time I have left to vote?

    I vote for no one for a while.
  16. MiseryLC

    MiseryLC Guest

    2 hours 3 minutes left
  17. alexong96

    alexong96 Well-Known Member

    Seeing that I don't find any more proof, I vote for Keikoes.
  18. Jonez001

    Jonez001 Well-Known Member

    Werewolf votes:

    1. UltimateHipsterLad: voted ??
    2. Kiekoes: voted BloodlustNS
    4. SomeIrishKid: voted Kiekoes
    5. MiseryLC: voted Bloodlust
    6. -Jonez-: voted BloodlustNS
    7. BloodlustNS - Mayor: voted Kiekoes

    1) Bloodlust = 3 votes
    1) Kiekoes = 3 votes


    Blood, bad move to vote on Kiekoes.
  19. alexong96

    alexong96 Well-Known Member

    The fact that I didn't participate in the past days makes it hard to vote on pretty much anyone.
  20. Kiekoes

    Kiekoes Guest

    Everyone be smart: vote Blood and kill the werewolf!
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