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Weirdest names you've given to RPG characters?

Discussion in 'Gaming Lounge' started by personuser, Feb 27, 2011.

  1. kanwarrulz_123

    kanwarrulz_123 Well-Known Member

    I named Barret from FF7 "K" accidently... idk if that's even a name..
  2. PuffyChain

    PuffyChain Well-Known Member

    I named the rival in Platinum version as "BalloOn"
  3. OnyxKnight_RupenX

    OnyxKnight_RupenX Well-Known Member

    Butterfree named Nyeahon

    and I named Elwin on Lufia Ruins of Lore Zelda...
  4. ogh3

    ogh3 Well-Known Member

    I once named Link "Zibby" in Oracle of Ages and Seasons. Zibby means my dick in Arabic
  5. ridvan43

    ridvan43 Active Member

    well when i was younger i named my friend which is a girl in pokemon fuckme
  6. BabyTiger

    BabyTiger New Member

    name my unown .. Idntno
  7. T-Dub

    T-Dub Well-Known Member

    I usually name snubbull and granbull I catch in the game Ol'ugly or Uglyass

    And I once named a Stantler Micheal, not really sure why tho.
  8. I always name my rival in the pokemon games Gary. cuz that was Oprah's butt hole's name on south park.
    I named all my pokemon after cleaning products (Mr. Clean, Pinesol, etc.) & i named my characters on Legend of Dragoon as follows: Haschel=Plum Doodle, Dart=Red Knickers, Kongol=Big Turd
    Duh you can't actually change the txt of their names but these are the names I gave them nonetheless
  9. Genya Arikado

    Genya Arikado Well-Known Member

    A long time ago, my brother changed Cloud's name in FF7 to Siegfried, and in FF10 he named Tidus ASS-FACE, XD.
  10. Ravte

    Ravte Well-Known Member

    What's up with all these names related to human genitals? Or otherwise slandering names , guess it's the equilevant of potty humour.

    I admit naming some of my pokemon rivals Gigolo and the heroine (during NDS era) a Slut.
    Nowadays I just don't bother renaming the charracters, unless I have to create the charracter from scratch (games like Dragon Quest 9 etc) and most often they end up being some names from either Final Fantasy or Tales of -series.
    To stay in OP weirdest name that just got stuck with me along to many other games besides the one I got it from: Meredy
  11. matthew.villa

    matthew.villa Well-Known Member

    Feck, Turd or Hairy
  12. Genya Arikado

    Genya Arikado Well-Known Member

    My brother changed Fayt's name in Star Ocean 3 to Squeak.
  13. SlicedandDiced

    SlicedandDiced Well-Known Member

    in the First Start Ocean my dad told me to re name "Roddick" to "Raw Dick"
  14. Genya Arikado

    Genya Arikado Well-Known Member

    In the original version his name is Ratix, but in First Departure they changed it to Roddick, lol mistranslation.
  15. SlicedandDiced

    SlicedandDiced Well-Known Member

    really i didn't know that lol and sorry for the typos (considering my name is spelled the same way as one of the characters i really should know this)
  16. Patchoo

    Patchoo Member

    When I was playing Pokemon Diamond, I named my friend Twat.. Made me laugh to read my character yelling out "Hey Twat!" and the sign near his door said 'Twats house'
  17. DB_Odin

    DB_Odin Well-Known Member

    like forever ago, when WoW first came out and i played
    I had a hunter named "Bowjob"
  18. General titantitties
  19. ogh3

    ogh3 Well-Known Member

    I named all my characters on FFVII Sephiroth. It was so hilarious XD
  20. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    I have a tauren shaman called moodovoodoo