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We want homebrew section!

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by ben360, Jul 9, 2010.

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  1. Mafuyu

    Mafuyu Active Member

    Your head exploded?
    Its just ________!
  2. Stanley Richards

    Stanley Richards Well-Known Member

    This thread is so stupid and you want us to be serious?! Blasphemy!
  3. alexong96

    alexong96 Well-Known Member

    I forgot what I was talking about.
    Aww, c'mon, not THAT stupid.
  4. Stanley Richards

    Stanley Richards Well-Known Member

    Sorry. It isn't horribly stupid, but calls for ridicule.
  5. ben360

    ben360 Well-Known Member

    ha your just saying that because you cant think of an idea and there is no way that homebrew is not dead end it is a never ending road (just a saying)
  6. Stanley Richards

    Stanley Richards Well-Known Member

    hey man, BabelFish doesn't do a good job at translation. Google Translate works better.
  7. ben360

    ben360 Well-Known Member

    I am English i just typed it wrong
  8. Stanley Richards

    Stanley Richards Well-Known Member

    Okay.. Hello Mister English. Retype that sentence please.
  9. alexong96

    alexong96 Well-Known Member

    I had no idea what you just said. Please rephrase.
  10. trimbletown

    trimbletown Well-Known Member

  11. ben360

    ben360 Well-Known Member

    Stanley Richards cant think of a reason why homebrew dies out or somthing that will go wrong and if something does go wrong romU will just remove it
  12. Stanley Richards

    Stanley Richards Well-Known Member

    True that. Stanley Richards is a dumb fool.
  13. Mafuyu

    Mafuyu Active Member

    Thats not true.
  14. Stanley Richards

    Stanley Richards Well-Known Member

    That true. Dumb fool stanley richards is. Inglish he can't tok for poop.
  15. alexong96

    alexong96 Well-Known Member

    ...Dead-End Idea means the idea will not be implemented, for the Pete's sake, did you even read what we said?
  16. Stanley Richards

    Stanley Richards Well-Known Member

    This guy reminds me of that Halo-101 dude. Oblivious to other people. Thinks his ideas are the best and MUST be implemanted or life is useless.
  17. ben360

    ben360 Well-Known Member

    sorry i keep typing it wrong please look now my keyboard is not working well
  18. Stanley Richards

    Stanley Richards Well-Known Member

    OH SURE. Your horrible english is due to your keyboard not working. Look, I use a 2003 keyboard and I'm typing fine.
  19. alexong96

    alexong96 Well-Known Member

    Be on topic, even though it's fail. Ben, you lost me.
  20. ben360

    ben360 Well-Known Member

    yes but my love for homebrew and romulations interface makes me really want it and if we can get QJ s help for the files the its not like romU writes every name by hand so all they need are the files and then the computer will do the rest right?
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