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Warioware D.I.Y (U) Problems

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by Jonez001, Mar 20, 2010.

  1. Jonez001

    Jonez001 Well-Known Member

    xD they don't know how spoilers work or what ;)
  2. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    I guess not. :p

    This was giving me trouble until AKAIO updated to RC2, but that was a while back. :p
  3. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    No$gba 2.6a, Boot game cheat for each rom


    All about no$gba 2.6a


    Or you can get the full packages here :


    All firmware.bin , bios are in the same folder as the pakage!
  4. TheLeader11

    TheLeader11 Member

    Oh shut the f*** up. I'm not a dumba** and I konw how to read spoilers. It's just that I've never done this before and I had no idea what I needed.
  5. Jonez001

    Jonez001 Well-Known Member

    -_- then don't be negative about the first post!
    If you have questions just ask!
  6. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    Yeah. :p

    And we were just joking. I've had worse said about me, so don't get all huffy about little teases.
    And cussing people out just makes you look like a lame-ass half the time.

    So, did you get it working or not?
  7. eman56447

    eman56447 Active Member

    Dudes I have the same problem I used the fix and still no$gba did not keep or make a save I also tried no$zoomer please help or make a step by step tutorial for "noobs" like me. please I'm asking nicely
  8. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    Please read the posts.
    It is written above how to fix it. If it didn't work, try it again.
  9. killermy3

    killermy3 New Member

    I downloaded and try this with my r4, it doesnt work, still cant save when play again. :'( :-[ :(
  10. Jonez001

    Jonez001 Well-Known Member

    Wood R4!!!!
  11. linkfan551

    linkfan551 Well-Known Member

    ...If he has a legit R4 that is, and not something like R4 III Upgrade, R4i Gold, etc
  12. tutajkk

    tutajkk Member

    Please help me. I tried everything, really. I want to play it on no$gba, but nothing works. I downloaded the firmware and the BIOS files, but it still doesn't save. I can play it if I use the fixed ROM, or if I use the original with the action replay code, but I can't make games or anything. For playing, the DeSmuME works perfect, because it can use savestates, but if I make a game, it will just vanish. I read almost every post here, and the first post says that the no$gba works. I have no$gba2.6a and no$zoomer2.3.0.2 and used the (U) ROM. I tried the EX options and yoshi's save file too... Is there anyone, who can save games and records in this game?
  13. eman56447

    eman56447 Active Member

    this is what I'm trying to tell every body I did the the same thing and it fixed nothing
    Post Merge: [time]1276205452[/time]
    I took your guy's advice and tried it again and.......It didn't make a save even though it said it was saving i even checked the battery file and it wasn't there. Also Jonez001 did you try the "saving patch" your self or did you just go by word because I think you got a false positive on the "saving patch" because i used my no$gba 2.6a emulator using black screen patch and AR piracy codes and no$zoomer and even tryed the emulator package with original firmware and updated firware and new bios and the whole shpell none of them worked also the desume "fix" doesn't fix games disappearing after you save state. Now are we clear?
  14. hinamori8

    hinamori8 Member

    same here -.-
  15. hinamori8

    hinamori8 Member

    help? :-[
  16. eman56447

    eman56447 Active Member

  17. yoshi2889

    yoshi2889 Well-Known Member

    Best solution: get a DS and a good flashcard.
  18. tutajkk

    tutajkk Member

    So it looks like nobody could save with the no$gba... If this is true, then the first post should be updated, because it runs well, but it can't save. And in this case, the DeSmuME is better because it can at least use savestates, so the progress won't be lost. Of course we can't make microgames or anything.
  19. yoshi2889

    yoshi2889 Well-Known Member

    But it doesn't save in-game.
    DeSmuME sometimes runs game No$ can't, but No$ is better.
  20. eman56447

    eman56447 Active Member

    Update the first post pleeze!!!!!!!