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war, is it necessary??

Discussion in 'Debates' started by ultra, Feb 6, 2008.

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  1. martinnewton

    martinnewton Active Member

    The only recent wars weve had is basically to quell Terrorism and the like, World War 2, Hitler and his fascist dudes want to take over teh world...And iraq and its "Weapons off Mass destruction" which is obviously total bullshit, but anyways i guess you americans thought iraq would use their huge surplus of oil to make superweapons with so you had to start a war to Defend it or whatever the fuck it is, so wars are necessary in an extent to protect the innocent and whatever the hell, But unknowingly im sure World war 3 is around the corner :(
  2. micer

    micer Member

    I feel it depends on what you view it from.

    From an economic standpoint, it would be very beneficial since it would create jobs and get money flowing in the country. Look at what happened after World War I. Most of the world got into the Great Depression, and what got us out of that was not peace, but another war, World War II.

    However, from a humanitarian standpoint, it would just be senseless killing over something stupid. So in the end, it all depends on from where you look at it from.
  3. Pantera

    Pantera Active Member

    It's not necessary, but won't come to an end anytime soon.
  4. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    I'm basing my point of view from reading history books, literature & videogames.

    First of, WAR IS STUPID!!

    I mean involving a lot of innocent lives in something a lot of them may not even agree on. And what's worse, some people who involve themselves on it sometimes are only "obligated" because it's their duty (like hell, even to sacrife your life that may have nothing to do with your "private personal life", screw that!!), or in most cases, because that's their only bread & butter.

    But you have to admit, it really takes a very charismatic or intimidating leader to lead a herd of sheep onto the slaughter.
  5. Pantera

    Pantera Active Member

    God? Walls of Jericho? (Christian bible approves Genocide.) I mean read any part of the "Holy" most times people are told to kill each other...Religion man, as long as it is around so will people use "god" to meet their selfish needs...
  6. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    Yeah, its like if you say, "God told me to kill Bill Gates", would it be allowed?

    Though I do want to kill Bill Gates mind you, but knowing he's no longer the richest man on earth is enough to make me happy.
  7. Pantera

    Pantera Active Member

    Jealousy... thank you for reminding me of the other cause for war.
  8. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    Umm no I'm not jealous of Mr. Gates, I'm just one of those guys who just naturally hate him

    Just like a dog who sees a particular neighbor everyday but still has the urge to bite said neighbor, even if neighbor's not doing anything in particular to annoy dog??
  9. J A C O B

    J A C O B Well-Known Member

    millions of people would loss there jobs if there warnt wars
  10. clyffe28

    clyffe28 Well-Known Member

    In my opinion, there would be more jobs because of the huge number of people that would die during the war
  11. Adnan1992

    Adnan1992 Well-Known Member

    But tecchnically is the bible word of god? I mean it was compiled and changed maney times. Also, does the bible actually promote war?
  12. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    the bible is allegedly the word of god. there is no proof it is. Also, if it is even half as old as christians claim it is, there is no doubt it bears little resemblance to the original.
  13. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    Umm the Bible stretches even farther then that as it has close ties with Judaism, the old testament is actually taken from Judaism

    But I agree, the Bible "may be" created by God, but men have changed it a lot in the past millenia
  14. hmm....its not exactly necessary....its a basic instinct to fight/survive
    war can also be very profitable, as some may have seen
    war has always been the center of everything throughout mankind's history
    whether it be alexander the great, to caesar, gengis khan...up to the U.S...
    It won't be going away anytime soon

    long story short

    All war is is a conflict of interests


    dude: hey, thats my land

    girl: no its mine

    dude: that is MY land, now back off or I will be forced to use military action

    girl:so be it

    tada...now you have a war
  15. clyffe28

    clyffe28 Well-Known Member

    I agree because some of the words from the original Bible were probably misenterpreted and thus were in another way different from the original
  16. gaynorvader

    gaynorvader Well-Known Member

    What about the Al'queda's ( not sure if it's spelt right ) holy war against the western cultures? It may be called terrorism but that seems to be the new way of fighting wars against countries whom you can't hope to defeat openly. i t used to be guerrila warfare was used, but that's becoming less viable as countries are getting into disagreements from furthur and furthur away.
    Wars are never used to 'protect the innocent' They are only used to protect the intrests of those in power. WW2 was only fought because England and France realised Hitler wasn't going to stop. Hitler put troops into the rheinland, took over Austria, Czechislovakia and Poland before the Allies even got involved. They did't get involved to protect the innocent in any of those countries. America gets involved in wars on terrorism for similar reasons; to protect themselves. They certainly seem to have lost interest in all the wars going on in Africa, and all the dictatorships there too. I guess the people living there aren't innocent enough for them or something.
    You're probably right about WW3 being just around the corner. I'm looking to China as being the next Nazi Germany. The moves its making as a country are awfully similar to pre WW2 Germany. Hitler invaded the Rheinland, the world said, "Ah well, it belonged to Germany in the first place didn't it?" China invades Tibet, the world says " Ah well, they owned it up until recently anyway." Germany hosted the Olimpic games just before the outbreak of WW2, now China is hosting the Olimpic games. My o my, how the coincidences keep piling up...
  17. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    the British got involved in WW2 BECAUSE Hitler took over Poland. Neville Chamberlain, the British Prime minister of the time, made a famous treaty with Hitler, called the Munich Agreement, which basically stated that he could keep Austria if he promised not to invade an any more countries. Neville returned to Britain with this treaty, and began building up our armed forced because he knew Hitler would not abide by the Munich Agreement for long. The extra six months bought by the agreement heavily tipped the balance in favour of the allies right from the beginning. When Hitler subsequently invaded Poland, the allies were ready.
  18. clyffe28

    clyffe28 Well-Known Member

    The invasion of Poland by Germany was basically the triggering factor of WW2
  19. gaynorvader

    gaynorvader Well-Known Member

    That's kinda my point, why did they wait, signing one treaty after another until Poland, why not stop him when he broke the first treaty? And anyway, Neville Chamberlain believed Hitler would stop after Czechislovakia, that's why he retired when hitler didn't and Churchill took over, Churchill was the one pushing to build up the British war machine.
  20. clyffe28

    clyffe28 Well-Known Member

    I'll just stress this even more........the true cause of WW2 was the invasion of poland and not the bombing of pearl harbor as many people think it is ..... the bombing of pearl harbor was the cause why USA joined the war against the axis powers just like USA joined WW1 because of the sinking of the Lusitania
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