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war, is it necessary??

Discussion in 'Debates' started by ultra, Feb 6, 2008.

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  1. Aegix

    Aegix Well-Known Member

    I say it's pointless.

    Maybe way back in the past, it was necessary, since cultures had trouble communicating, and this led to disputes, and they weren't able to solve it dimplomatically.

    now though...we CAN resolve our issues diplomatically. we know all the coutris and nations on the planet, and we are ABLE now to use diplomacy. ergo, war is no longer necessary.

    ...that, and we don't fight clean anymore. in the old days, a war was just one or two all out battles, and that was it. now...it goes on and on, and both sides use cheap tactics that harm innocents (nukes, kamikaze people in market streets, etc).

    ...and lastly, I don't see what gives ONE person the right to send a large army of people to fight and probably die.

    ...and for reference, I am a Pacifist, unless provoked beyond all reason.
  2. 1Blacks1

    1Blacks1 Well-Known Member

    If you ask me wars are needed to prove points to stupid people who start it. war is like water. if we don't drink enough of it we die. without wars slavery would probably still carry on to this day. same with sexism to women etc. if we drink just the right amount of water we gain inner and outer body fitness. war is obviously not a good thing but humans need the risk. its like baby's risking to walk, they know that there going to fall but they still risk it. war has its good and bad side. that's life. just like good and evil. its all necessary
  3. CloudBoy101

    CloudBoy101 Well-Known Member

    War is never necessary, no matter the scenario, unless a country was being attacked and had no way of negotiating with it's attacker.
  4. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    = a defensive war
  5. ultra

    ultra Guest

    it's still war regardless if you are retaliating back at them for hitting you.
  6. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    so you would have let hitler take over the world?
  7. CloudBoy101

    CloudBoy101 Well-Known Member

    If someone attacks a country, there's going to be mixed opinions on what to do. You have to defend your home or someone is going to take it over or destroy it.

    Edit:lol, I didnt read that last post too carefully, I thought you said if someone punches you :S
  8. kamage

    kamage Well-Known Member

    Well, ofcourse it's mixed emotions, you ahve to decide whether to attack the attacking country in order for them to pull back/retreat their forces, but if you choose to defend, you are at a strategical advantage, but at an amountal disadvantage (big number.. forgot words, anyways) If you play with your back to the wall, you will lose, like the King in chess, if you get your forces to their base, take for example the pawn, you automatiaclly get an advantage, a unit nearby the opposing force, tehy ahve to retreat to defend their king, and the bettle suddenly switches, but if you leave a flank unguarded, it may lead to a kingdom's downfall, or check mate, even one open point can do that, like the 2 move, or 4 move in chess, I usec chess to describe it, because it's a war on 64 squares, intellectual wars are the only war, there is no physical war, it is all intellectual.
  9. ultra

    ultra Guest

    yes i would if i was going against war. but i'm not a person who favors peace. so i would hit back. hitler would be able to control nations that are close by, he would never be able to control other regions such as america or canada because once you leave people away from authority, they change their way of thinking [look at the british when they discovered the new england states, 13 colonies].

    other nations would sympathize for your lost and would eventually cease trade with that nation for what it has done. this is rather a passive agressive form of war, but it's peaceful [sort of]. like if america need oil and they are attacking a nation, you simply stop trading oil with them or doing business in which their nation obtains great inflation prices and they can't perform the war. don't we often feel sorry for those who are less fortunate. this is just a thought.
  10. DragonQuester

    DragonQuester Well-Known Member

    Yeah I agree with the people disagreeing. War is dumb, plain and simple. It is used just so one side can win, and the other just dies.
  11. crimsondeath00

    crimsondeath00 Well-Known Member

    I support war. War is a devastating horrible thing, but it is a necessary part of life.
  12. CloudBoy101

    CloudBoy101 Well-Known Member

    War is a part of life, but it is never necessary. There is always a way to avoid war, Talking and negotiating would be the best, but no one seems to want to use it.
  13. crimsondeath00

    crimsondeath00 Well-Known Member

    There are times when negotiating will not work and is an udder waste of time. Sometimes war is necessary, like when you have to defend something you truly believe in.
  14. CloudBoy101

    CloudBoy101 Well-Known Member

    Yeah, that's called a defensive war, that's the only time that its actually necessary.
  15. clyffe28

    clyffe28 Well-Known Member

    like the saying goes, If you were hit with a stone hit back with a bread. I think even if war is upon you, you can still change the situation with acts of kindness
  16. 1Blacks1

    1Blacks1 Well-Known Member

    Hmm. so if i was shot on the leg you would want me to hit them with the kind loveing tasty food?

    acts of kindness works but for those who are willing to accept your kindness and in a war if that situation did happen you would definetly try to shot them back in the head if not them on the leg aswell or at least. in a war there is no chances. if you take chances it could be the end of you and your comrades
  17. clyffe28

    clyffe28 Well-Known Member

    a war can really be solved with kindness for example during the past, In the Philippines, a revolution actuallt took place and infact it was a peaceful revolution but yet it was very succesful
  18. crimsondeath00

    crimsondeath00 Well-Known Member

    Peaceful solutions are usually flukes. When it comes down to it, all sides in a war are too stubborn to accept a peaceful solution.
  19. sla03rs

    sla03rs Well-Known Member

    If Marcos wasn't nice and went China on the people he'd still be up there, yes his actions will be condemned and what not but he'd still be in power. So agreed peaceful revolutions are flukes.
  20. 1Blacks1

    1Blacks1 Well-Known Member

    This is exactly what im saying. without war there is no order for contries and -Isms (all the Isms words Eg Sex-Isms)
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